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“The Alchemist “ by Paulo Coelho

Must read to live the best and highest of your human experience

By AyumiPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
“The Alchemist “ by Paulo Coelho
Photo by Julia Kicova on Unsplash

*The book I read was an English version of O Alquimisa, the Portuguese original edition, published in Brazil.

For me, books have been often the window of knowledge, the catalyst, and the answer to many questions that no one can provide. They often come in as gifts from friends or members of family. Other times they get my attention, and invoke an urge to obtain them at the perfect timing to give me a hint or guidance on how I handle challenges and obstacles at that time.

As usual, this one was introduced at this particular point of my life when my desire to bring my spiritual journey and earthly existence together to live my limited time here on the earth.

I have been learning and rediscovering who really I am. I have been on the journey of achieving my Personal Legend ( my heart wants) for as long as I remember; what Santiago experiences in his journey on the way to find the treasure closely parallel to mine. I am not crossing the desert or facing life or death situation like he is, but I am taking a leap of face that things will work out for me in the best and the highest possible way. All I need is “courage” to move forward, take one step at time with faith.

Just as Santiago experiences fearful thoughts of losing what he has or his life by proceeding to achieve his Personal Legend, I, too have been going through the moments of doubt and indecisiveness. Every time I am leaning toward staying at my comfort zone where I know what I can expect and have control over, therefore, be feeling safe and secure, which my logical mind tells me to keep, my heart keeps tugging at me relentlessly as Paulo probably would say.

This book to fall in my hands now as I am going after my dream with even more determination is a sign and omen that is also talked about in the book. They are many and are abundantly around us. Unfortunately, too many of us missing the signs.

By Patrick Schneider on Unsplash

In the story, first Santiago becomes shepherd despite of his father’s wish and hope for him to see the world. He will follow his dream of seeing many places in a few years. Then, he will dream more than once about the pyramids and the treasure, he starts wondering about the meaning and seeks an interpretation of the dream.

The gypsy woman to whom he vists to get interpretation of his reoccurring dream tells him that he should go to Pyramids and find the treasure. Along the way to find his treasure, he meets people who give up to find their Personal Legends, what their hearts want in their lives. Every time he face difficulties such as making a decision of leaving a girl with whom he is in love, or losing all his money to thrives, he learns to listen to his own heart, where his inner guidance is, as well as trusting that when he wants something all the universe conspires in helping us to achieve it.

The story line is easy enough to understand by anyone, young or old. Wherever you are in your journey at this point, you can relate to the boy’s feelings and thoughts in every circumstance he experiencing, and perhaps, even realize or discover something you can resonate, or rediscover about yourself that you didn’t know you have.

In the course of the boy going after for the treasure, the questions that we all at least wrestle and struggle to solve or seek the answers to one time or another during our lifetime are addressed in this book. Many of us get discouraged and resentful in the course of finding the answer, simply because the life itself seems to go on if we ignore it.

The Personal Legends, the Melchizedek, the king of Salem tells the boy that what we have always wanted to achieve is what is Life is all about in this world. He tells how humans are meant to go for what their hearts desire and that is why they are all here.

Unfortunately, so many of us give up or give in to our fear of losing. Losing what we already have. Just as Santiago was about to, when he met her love of his life, Fatima, even though she tells him that she will wait for him to find the treasure in Egypt and return to her.


The world we live in often upset us, and the distractions and disturbance like battles and wars leave us a bitter taste in the mouth with seemingly unjustified reasons for our existence. Humans just cannot seem to live in peace and harmony. My sentiment of humanity hasn’t changed much from that of when I was 10. During my childhood, there was the Cold War going on between the Soviet Union and the U.S. and their respective allie’s. The tension was high and the fear of another war always hanging over as I was growing up.

Somewhere in the world there are always conflicts and fightings going on. We fight over for pitiful reasons; it doesn’t seem to be significant in any ways, but there is always justification for the action of hurting and killing each other. Yet, there is a clear evidence of unbounded compassion and kindness among humans as well.

Throughout the journey of the boy to the Pyramids, he leaned to be in the present moment and read the signs and clues. Unfortunate events leading into the unexpected turn of events and meetings, all conspires to work for the boy to find the treasure that no one could or laughed about.

This book resonated with my journey of life so much at this time that I know this is my sign and omen that I am on my way to get my Personal Ledgend and in need of trusting that the world is working for me, conspiring for me to achieve my goal. The takeaway for me is NOT to give up no matter how it feels or looks impossible. It is one of many confirmations I receive from the universe every day in my life, this time in the form of enjoyment, an adventure story - the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

By NASA on Unsplash

Last but not least, I was so touched by the words of the author, Paulo himself in the forward section of “the Alchemist 25th Anniversary Edition” that gives me hope for the future of our world, especially, a peaceful resultion between Ukraine and Russia in the near future.

I came upon this book at the time when I was feeling the uncontrollable waves of emotions, only describable as helplessness for the situations which people of both countries are experiencing. As I read the author’s Forward, my eyes overflowed with tears; I was reminded our truth SELF as ONE, which cannot be touched nor destroyed, simultaneously, comforted and encouraged to believe in ourselves to remember that there is always “hope”.


I hope you pick up this book and find your Personsl Legend if you haven’t, or simply enjoy a fantastic adventure story.

The Alchemist is a beautiful and heartwarming story with an exotic flavor…You may or may not agree with Paulo Coelho’s philosophy, but it’s nonetheless a tale that comforts our hearts as much as our souls.” -Bergensavisen (Norway)

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About the Creator


Everything I do, I do for LOVE. Writing is a way I express my love to the world. Thank you for reading my stories.

YouTube: ayumi@3489

Instagram ayumi_hg

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