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That One Time When I Bought a Date for Homecoming

I'm kinda too lazy to edit my stories before I post them

By Tyler WittenbrookPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
this is just me. I couldn't find a picture with the date. credit: one of my friends

Did I ever tell you about that one time when I bought a date for homecoming?

No? Well I'm not all that surprised because this is a strange story that I don't tell all that often. Let's get into, though, because why not?

Ok so it's the fall of my senior year of high school. I haven't been to prom and this is my first time going to homecoming, so it's like the first legit high school dance that I'm going to.

(It's kinda dope, honestly, that I didn't go to a dance until senior year. At this point, I wasn't as much of a self-conscious and weird little kid. I was weird, but I was pretty comfortable in my own skin and embraced the weirdness more. It made it a little more fun.)

I'm planning on going to the dance with a group of friends. Pretty much everyone else in the group has a date. I'm single and not interested in finding a real date. But I'm a funny guy, so I come up with a funny thing to do.

It's like a couple weeks or something before the dance, and I go to the store with some of my friends that I'm going to the dance with, to find a date. You know, like the food?

I buy a bag of dates at the store and I take one out. I find a little flower outside to give her, and we take a couple of pictures together.

I am ecstatic. I am very happy about my funny plan, and I'm excited to bring the date to the dance and dance with her (this was definitely not merely an attempt to cover about my sadness about the fact that the girl that I liked was in our group and going to the dance with one of my friends (actually, though, I was kinda sad about it, but I'm not bitter about it now, and that's not the point of the story; I just wanted to be honest about that being a part of what happened (are you allowed to put parentheses inside of parentheses? (I hope you weren't too confused by this.)))).

(^dang that whole thing right there is a mess, but I think it's kinda funny, so I'm gonna leave it like that.)

Anyways, I leave the date at home.

Completely forget about it.

I do everything to get all spiffy and ready for the dance, and then we meet at my friend's house to take pictures before going to dinner. And I don't even realize until probably halfway through dinner that I completely forgot about the date.

She was probably so sad. I just left her in her bag at home and went to the dance by myself.

The dance was pretty fun. I didn't go to any more high school dances after that. This was a stupid story, but I don't really regret what I did. In conclusion, cool beans.

Edit: wow I really used parentheses a lot in this story, but it helped me reach that 600 word mark that I need for this story to get published. In fact, even after all of that, I was still short of the mark. That's why I'm writing this. This thing isn't even an edit. I'm writing this immediately after writing the story. The problem is that the time when I bought a date for homecoming is a pretty short story, so it's not all that easy to use a lot of words in writing the story. I'm going to end this post by describing my dog:

He's brown.


About the Creator

Tyler Wittenbrook

I write stuff.

Business inquiries: [email protected]

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