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Stop the Entitlement!

Some of You All Don't Know How to Date, and It Shows!

By Ms. LuvPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Stolen from Facebook

I live on social media, and since this pandemic, I've been on there even more! When I'm on social media, I'm usually in a lot of discussion groups where I post my opinions on certain topics. The majority of the topics are centered around dating, marriages, sex, etc. Most of the posts that are discussed are from images that have gone viral. I found this particular post on Facebook, but it originated from Twitter. It became viral very quickly.

Found on Facebook

I don't know this dude, and I can't find the original post. Anyway, there have been several comments, in groups and on individuals' pages about this particular post, and the comments from the men are alarming. There was a discussion about this image on a Facebook friend's page, and here are the comments:

From Facebook (names have been covered for security)

From Facebook (names have been covered for security)

From Facebook (names have been covered for security)

Who taught these men how to date? First of all, the sheer and utter audacity for you to think that you are entitled to sex because you spent a certain amount on a date! It doesn't matter if you took a person to a five-star restaurant or McDonalds! It doesn't matter if you spent $0.50 or $1,000, no one is entitled to sex! Sadly, this is not my first time seeing this. There are plenty of men who feel this way. Where did this come from? (I have to add that the majority of the men on this particular thread who typed this are in their 30s)

Second, seems like these men do not know that you can go on dates without having to spend money. Before COVID, you could take someone to a museum, go to a local art show, have a picnic in the park, go to karaoke, etc. There are so many things you can do that doesn't require you to spend a certain amount on a date. This is how you get to know someone based on different interests. This is where your creativity comes in. It's sad that people do not know this.

Third, the fact that these men are only talking about sex, means they really have nothing to offer but that! I call these men "dusty." If you don't know what that means, here is the definition.

It's funny to me that the men who feel they are entitled to sex because they spent $150 or more on a date are the same men who will call women gold diggers. Although I grew up in a time when men actually took women out on dates (didn't care about how much money they spent), this is why I feel going dutch may be a good thing, especially if you are going on a date with someone who thinks like this.

I feel there needs to be a class to teach people how to date because the crap I'm seeing on these social media streets are a headache! There are a lot of women who say it is no hope when it comes to this "new age dating", and I have to agree. If 30+ (sometimes 40+) year old men think like this, we are doomed!

Men, please stop thinking you are entitled to sex just because you spent a certain amount of money on a date! It makes you look very dusty. If all you have to offer someone is sex, and you feel you should have sex with someone because you spent over $100 on a date, you have a lot of growing up to do.

Until Next Time!!


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