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Some truths, poor, only then will understand

People are poor and will be everywhere subject to others.

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The old generation always said: a penny is hard to die a hero.

This sentence is not without reason, especially for those who have eaten the pain of money, and experience the poverty of the people who have a deeper understanding.

Although the taste of no money is not good, the days are very hard, but no money when the most can see the people and things around.

As someone said: down and out to know the warmth of human feelings, no money to know the state of the world.

Some truths, the poor, will only understand.


The world is bustling, all for-profit too, the world is bustling, all for profit.

Most of the time, people interact with each other and are running for their benefit.

In front of the interests, people's sincerity is not worth much.

Some people, take him as the most trusted friend, but he never treats you with sincerity.

When you have money and power, he may be willing to disguise himself, and deliberately maintain a relationship with you.

But when you are out of power, he is often the fastest one with you to get rid of the relationship.

A friend once said his experience: when he did not lack money, around a random person when he was a friend, and he mixed with him all day to call brothers.

However, when he failed to start a business, at a particularly difficult time, want to find a person to help, once those who claim to be friends or brothers, either panicked and hung up the phone, or find various reasons to refuse.

It was only at that moment that he understood that the so-called friends were only to rub food and drink when needed for good use.

It can be said that people interact with each other, and can never escape the word interest.

When you are poor, you will understand more and more what kind of people to interact with, and what kind of people to stay away from.


The rich in the mountains have distant relatives, poor in the downtown area no one asked.

When I was very young, I heard the phrase: "A distant relative is better than a close neighbor."

At that time did not understand the meaning of the phrase, but later learned that once people are poor, even blood relatives will be cut off from you, and no longer communicate.

A very close colleague said that once his family was rich, distant relatives and friends often come to visit the door.

Then the family suffered a change, the family's situation is worse than a year, the so-called relatives and friends are no longer in contact, and even family gatherings are also excluded from their family.

Such a phenomenon in life is not uncommon, perhaps some people are experiencing it at this moment.

But no matter what, you have to remember that "people can be poor, but the will can not lose", even if the days are difficult, you have to survive, and can not let others look down.

People say: "blood is thicker than water", but even blood relatives, and good friends, once you are poor, will leave you.


Many people fall on the well, and a few people send charcoal in the snow.

As the saying goes: "People are poor and right and wrong."

The more a person is in a difficult time, the more trouble.

Sometimes, you just want to live your life quietly, not to find trouble, trouble will also take the initiative to find you.

Especially those who are usually not accustomed to you, do not want you to be unlucky people, but also take the opportunity to give you a trip when you are poor and downtrodden.

There are some people, obviously once and you have a very good relationship, you have also given him repeatedly to help, but he is not only not grateful, but also in your bad time to fall on the well.

So, poor people really will be everywhere subject to others.

But when you suffer from blank stares, suffer from aggression, look at the same time, you also from the poverty of the precious snow, to see who is the most sincere and reliable friend.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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