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The wisest way for a person to live

Focus on your own life, do not gossip, do not care about idle things, do not provoke idle people

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

I don't know if there is such a person around you: their affairs are not well managed, but always like to intervene in other people's affairs, often pointing fingers at others, commenting on the head.

I have to say, such people, whether it is the words and actions, or handling the world, are particularly hated, so how people do not like up.

And the opposite of a person will only be within the scope of their duties to do their peace of mind.

Others do not interfere, nor intervene, always know what to manage what should not be managed, what to say what should not say.

Of course, they are doing their own, not for fear of getting into trouble, and not to avoid responsibility.

But they know that some things to do are meaningless, and some of the words are said more than the people.

A person's smartest way to live is: not to gossip, not to care about idle things, not to provoke idle people.

Do not gossip

In life, most people will deal with many people almost every day.

However, in the process of dealing with it, many people will always give up their principles and bottom line for the sake of "interest".

Even sometimes, to keep a relationship going, do not hesitate to take others behind the scenes as after-dinner talk, and often gossip about others.

For example, someone to socialize, put down their face to curry favor with the partner; someone to work, the heart has gas will choose to put up with it; someone in order not to be isolated had to go along with others to say hurt others.

Perhaps a person's actions, indeed cater to those who are beneficial to their own, but in the long run, this is an unwise approach.

As psychologist Carnegie said, "Our day's woes and sorrows often depend on our words and interactions."

Deeply believed. The kind of people you choose to interact with and the kind of things you say throughout the day will often bring you different feelings and results.

There is no smarter way for a person to live than to not talk about the good or bad of others behind their backs, and even if someone specifically asks about it, they just smile and don't say anything.

Generally speaking, really smart people often know the truth that trouble comes from the mouth, they know that some words may be said to get a laugh, but also for their future lives will lay hidden dangers.

Therefore, when getting along with people, silent people tend to be more respectful than those who gossip about others.

Mind your own business

In the process of interacting with people, I believe that many people have said to others or have been said by others the phrase: "meddling".

Although many times, your nosiness is out of the goodness of your heart, is to care about a person's performance, but perhaps for others is a burden that wants to get rid of.

People live their whole lives, we don't like to be bound and required by others, so naturally, we don't like people meddling in our own lives and negating the decisions we make.

But many people, even though they understand a lot of good sense, still can't change that nosy problem.

There is an old grandmother in my family who is a nosy person. When she was young, she was in charge of her husband, and after her husband died, she was in charge of her son, her son had a family and was in charge of her daughter-in-law.

Sometimes even in the neighbor's home or other people's domestic affairs she always has to intervene.

In her own words, the family can only be made by her, everything in the family said.

The old grandmother's domineering, nosy character, and the neighbors have long been uncomfortable, but of her old age, we do not see eye to eye with her.

The old grandmother thought that she was doing a great job, but did not know that not only the neighbors, even her son, and daughter-in-law whom she was not close, never took her words to heart.

As you can imagine, a nosy person does not get people's respect and recognition, but only people's boredom and distance.

Do not provoke idle people

As the saying goes: "idle people have more right and wrong".

The smartest way for a person to live is to try not to hang out with people who don't matter and stay away from right and wrong.

In life, some people appear to you as the icing on the cake, but the arrival of some people is superfluous, and getting along with them, will only add to the trouble.

For example, in your life journey, people who care about you and care about you, no matter what kind of decision you make, will support you and never only affirm you.

But there are always some people, everything you do, he will cast a different look, with a questioning tone of voice to deny your approach, every word you say, he will only use their point of view to refute you.

Perhaps at the very beginning, you will also argue with these people for a few sentences and resolutely defend themselves.

But slowly you will find that no matter what you do, there will be people who will say something. It is better to stay away from those who do not share the same goal and leave time for yourself.

Successful people will admit their weakness in front of idle people. It is not that successful people are weak and incompetent, but because their time is more valuable.

Indeed, time is precious and should not be wasted on people who do not matter. People who understand you naturally understand, do not understand you explain also useless.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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