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Shoehorned Update

Well, I'm Here, Aren't I?

By Z-ManPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A "snippet" of footage.

Good morning, everyone!

At least, that's what it is here. 12:49 in the MORNING, to be exact.

Look forward to the witching hour, as I await my coffee brew and opened up Premiere Pro to put in some smooth hours into my movie, editing, editing, editing.

It's really been a wonderful process. For all the time investment that editing itself requires (each day I have off I typically put in 7-8 hours worth, perhaps more). What you may not realize is just how intensive it becomes for even a short collection of footage.

Let me rephrase that. As I should have before, really, when the simple concept was in my mind.

For the 7 or so hours I edited yesterday, I ultimately got to the 28:08:04 (minute/second/millisecond) mark. Even then, I had already gotten five or so minutes "completed" some days before.

Of course, the file length decreases along the way. Mind you, the footage for this current project stands at 42:41:06. Hopefully I'll get the remaining minutes done sooner rather than later today.

Including this current workspace, the project in its entirety stands now at a trimmed 4 1/2 to 5 hours. What was first conceived as a movie will likely need to be broken up into episodes of some nature (hint hint).

Taking the footage was the easy part.

Now the editing.

Then the music. That'll be the real challenge for me.

Plus, I've got other aspects to tie in on the side, including a story collection.

PLUS, I'm still struggling to tie it all together, at least in time for the movie.

But that's a story for another time.


Here are a few random tidbits from my life that may interest you, otherwise:

1) It has been suggested to me by a coworker that I check out Steven Seagal movies. I watched Hard To Kill the other day, and did enjoy it. I am going to watch Executive Decision next. I'm watching the free ones to start.

2) I am flirting with the idea of watching Twin Peaks again in its entirety. Words can hardly describe why, but if you're familiar with the show, I'm confident you'll have one of my reasons of your own to add. I began to watch Frasier again for the third time. I already watched it in its entirety twice. Call me a sucker for shows that call to my emotions and heart and mind and soul and what have you and so be it. \m/,. :o]

3) I keep telling myself to take short naps and end up going to sleep for hours. For God's sake, all I want is to be awake for the day and maybe have a Ballantine or two on my weekend nights, lmao. If you're familiar with Frasier, I decided to give the beer a go, seeing as Martin loves it so much. The version I tried didn't impress me much, but I don't quite know if it was the exact same. The cans were certainly different, but that could be twenty+ years and a lost recipe away, so I don't know. I like to connect with visual but imaginarily-substanced characters, okay? (Hell, any characters that appeal to me.)

4) There really isn't anything important that I am trying to say in this last point here, I am only trying to get the word count up to 600 so I can spend my time working on my personal project and editing so I can share it and not have to put off the gratification of that any longer so let's go let's go let's GO!!!!!


About the Creator



Hello all! I am an aspiring vocalist, filmmaker + writer. I hope you gain something personal + inspiring from my work here. You are also welcome to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Ad-Libbing With The Zman.

Thank You!



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