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Seeing My Ex With Someone Else Kills Me (It Hurts Seeing My Ex With Someone Else)

Are you having one of those times where you're freaking out and saying seeing my ex with someone else kills me? Well if you are I want to say I'm sorry. I know that this is a terrible and scary thing to go through. If you're saying it hurts seeing my ex with someone else then you'll want to read every word of this article.

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

You need to be realistic that it's not going to be easy to win your ex back once they've moved on, but it's not impossible either. Maybe just a little more complicated than if your ex were still single. But there is hope and you can still win your ex back.

It's heart wrenching to see your former partner with someone else after a breakup. You feel expendable, lonely and it hurts that they seem to be over you and the wonderful relationship you had. Here's how to go about winning your ex back even though they're dating someone else:

If you broke up in a civilized manner, but your ex quickly got into a another relationship, it hurts like hell. But you need to be strong and try to win your ex back in a dignified way. The idea is to avoid hurting others, and that includes your ex's new partner. Remember, you reap what you sow! It all comes back to you, so avoid creating bad karma by enjoying the idea of causing pain or heartbreak! The new partner is simply caught in the crossfire between you and your ex. Keep repeating the fact to yourself that they are not responsible for your breakup. It's easy and tempting to put the blame on them and forget the fact that the reasons why your ex broke up with you has nothing to do with this third party...

You may believe that the relationship really is over, your ex is dating someone else. And seems to have moved on without you. You may be feeling devastated, even vengeful. Take an emotional and physical step back from the situation, you will be surprised at what you learn! While you may feel like all hope is lost, I am here to give you the good news!

Your ex is displaying his or her own version of loneliness. And has attached himself or herself to the first person to come along. The good news for you is that, these rebound relationships usually have very, very short lifespans! Your ex is simply filling in the gap left by you! Now, what should you do, now that your ex is seeing someone else?

Play it, like you just don't care! That's right! Ignore your ex and his or her actions. Another reason your ex may have chosen to date someone else is to get your attention. And that is even better news for you! Your ex is missing you badly, and wants you back. Yet he or she, is having trouble communicating the fact!

Don't involve yourself in this nasty game of jealousy! It is very, very important for you to remember that the person your ex is dating is a completely innocent third party. This person may have no idea that he or she is only being used to get your attention. Your ex will be stunned to learn that you have no reaction at all to his or her dating another. It is very likely, your ex will drop that 'special someone' like a stone and come running to discover your lack of interest!

There are many venues for occupying your time throughout this time apart from your ex! Visit a museum! Go out with your friends and have a great time! Take this opportunity to reflect on your relationship and decide what went wrong and how things could have been better! You will not regret the time you spend in bettering yourself, rather than troubling yourself over your ex's actions! It may be difficult for you to believe, but your ex will be curious to know how and why you have lost total interest in him or her. You will be taking the far, higher ground by investing your time and energy into a new, better, more interesting you!

7 Tips on Why Your Ex Left and How to Change This

Are you broken hearted wondering how you got dumped and why your ex would leave you so abruptly? Being broken hearted and clueless is not a good situation to find yourself in, which is why the following seven tips on why your ex left and how to change this may help you out.

Once you figure out why your ex left you will stand a much better chance of figuring out how to get them to come back!

Moving too quickly

Was your relationship moving along so quick that you had the fine china and baby seat picked out when you have only been together for a few months will kill a relationship real quick even if you are not dating a commitment-phoebe.

You will have to make strides to keep your relationship goals at reasonable lengths if you do not want to experience the same problem again.

Too much attention

Were you your ex's largest fan? As in you followed them everywhere like a personal cheer team and constantly told them how to do everything?

Chances are your ex had parents to do this for them and for most people getting the same affection from a partner is just plain irritating.


Once you were in the relationship did you look for your ex for advice and guidance on everything you did?

Co-dependency is cute at first but quickly gets old and annoying so next time make it clear that you are capable of hanging out with your own friends and completing your own activities if you do not want to see another breakup.

Lack of communication

Were discussions hard between you as your ex often thought one thing and you thought another? A lack of communication is the leading reason why most relationships fail.

The only way to combat this problem is to make sure that you take time to clearly discuss issues and problems before they become large enough to kill a relationship.

On a different commitment plane

Did you walk into the relationship looking for marriage while your partner walked in looking for a summer fling?

This can be partially due to a lack of communication and partially due to intentional denial, but if you want the most out of a relationship it is best to define what you want before getting emotionally invested.


If one partner is quick to fly into a jealous rage over issues that do not warrant it this can quickly lead to situations where one partner believes they are being smothered and the other is always thinking the worst.

If you are the jealous party you will have to keep your emotions in check and try to be reasonable otherwise you will drive your partner away again.

Trust issues

Related to jealousy, if someone breaks the other partner's trust this will almost always end a relationship. It is hard to get over a breach of trust, but if both parties are willing to work at it then you need to enter the situation with an open mind.

If you are unwilling to ever forget and continue to be resentful it will never work out.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    KEWritten by Kayla Eden

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