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Ex Wants To Return My Stuff (Ex Wants To Give Me My Stuff Back)

Are you're saying ex wants to return my stuff? If you are don't panic. Ok, so you've found yourself in a situation where you're saying to yourself ex wants to give me my stuff back. Of course you want your ex back but what the heck do you do? Well, of course things can turn around...

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Ex Wants To Return My Stuff (Ex Wants To Give Me My Stuff Back)
Photo by Yolanda Suen on Unsplash

I bet you are ready to scream...You just went through a relationship breakup and now all you are left with is a lot of pain and thoughts replaying in your head. Memories meant to hold your relationship together now seem to scorch your heart and soul. It will not help to scream. That will only push him or her further away. It's time to finally prove things you promised. Then you will be ready when your ex-partner says "I want my Ex Back".

Right after the breakup relationship experts tell the person left behind to stay away from their Ex for a while. This is good advice for you to follow as well. Experts might also tell you to write a letter to your ex explaining how you accepted the breakup and they were right about things. Just don't write it though, you've got to really do what you say in this letter even if you haven't realised they were right. This will help if your ex wants you back because he or she will be able to tell you meant it this time. Even if you move on later you won't repeat the mistakes with someone else.

When you are in a relationship that lasted more than six months it shows a commitment by both of you. Something along the way had made things change and it might have been something you did that can be fixed. So with the time alone you want to keep that in mind. One thing you can do while alone is to learn how to live on your own again. Not only is this a character builder but you will also have a chance to live with yourself and learn what your ex went through while being with you.

Successful couple compromise on things and help each other out. Since you and your partner took the leap of faith to have the relationship your partner got to know things they didn't about you. If you had faults like leaving your dirty clothes lying around, leaving the bathroom a mess, or not taking your dirty shoes off then you created friction in the relationship. Every time you promised to change or your partner had to say something to you it put another nail in the coffin of your relationship. These and other faults have laid to rest many of relationships.

Now that you and your ex are broken up, you can start learning how to live by yourself. It can build character and show you what your ex always complained about. Now if you disrobe take the clothes and put them in a hamper. If you take a shower then wipe down the shower curtain and clean up the towels. If you use the toilet make sure you flush and men put the seat down for your lady. If your shoes get dirty take them off. Keep the house like your ex wanted and you will start to appreciate how hard it was for your ex to clean up after you.

So scream all you want just not at your ex after a relationship breakup. It is proving time now because you already promised a lot but must not have followed through. You come off as someone who can't take care of yourself and was expecting your ex-partner to clean up after you. Eventually your faults will cause enough friction that your partner will breakup with you. Taking the time to fix your faults by yourself will have you prepared if and when your ex decides "I want my ex back now". If not then you won't make the same mistake with someone else.

How to Impress Your Ex & Make Them Give You Another Chance

No matter what you do, there are some people that are just hard to forget like your exes. They are the people who once occupied a big space in your heart. They might be gone but there might still be a void that remains. This void might be due to anger, bitterness or is most cases, love. Here are some helpful tips on how to close these voids by impressing your ex:

Gain a new hobby

It might be a field that you really love or a field which you know your ex truly loves. Your main purpose should be developing a habit which can highlight or develop some of your hidden talents. Having a hobby makes you attractive. People with a passion for their hobbies are even more attractive.

Improve how you look

You will highly impress your ex with your appearance. Let's face it, women and men are drawn to appearance. The more you become attractive day by day, the more your ex will be impressed.

Improve your performance in your chosen career

Now that you are single, you will have more time allotted to furnish your skills in whatever career you have chosen. If you excel in your field not only will your bosses be impressed but your ex also, especially if he or she works in the same company as yours.

Live your own life to the fullest

Being in dependent is admirable. It goes to show that you do not rely on anyone for your needs and that trait is highly impressive. But be careful also with too much independence, it also gets a subliminal meaning that you do not need people to help you. It could look like you're obnoxious or arrogant.

Entertain people in your life

Having people who want to be with you is not only attractive but also impressive. Now that you are on the market again, gain full leverage as you go out-now a single person. You ex will feel very sorry once he or she knew that you are very much in demand.

Improve your social life

People generally want people who are adored by other people. Go out and make varieties of friends. Once your ex hears your name upon good remarks from other people, he or she will be highly impressed.

Be kind and humble all the time

Amidst your success or your achievements, keep your feet on the ground. Do not accept acknowledgements until you know you are deserving of them. It is highly impressive to find a person who amidst all grandeur keeps a humble heart.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    KEWritten by Kayla Eden

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