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Roots run deeper than appearances

Who you truly are!

By Aya muradPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

In this crazy ride we call life, where it feels like everyone's got an opinion on who we should be, let's pause for a moment. John Wooden once shared a gem of wisdom that I think we all need to soak in: "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." Let's dive into this real talk and explore what it means to be authentically, beautifully, and imperfectly you.

In a world that’s obsessed with filters, both on Instagram and in how we present ourselves to the world, Wooden's words hit you right in the feels. Your character is like the blueprint of your soul – your values, your authenticity, the real you. It's not the version you curate for social media or the one people talk about; it's the you that exists when the noise dies down, and you're left alone with your thoughts.

Now, reputation, that's like the echo of your character bouncing off the walls of other people's opinions. It's the image others create based on what they see and hear. And yeah, it can be like a rollercoaster, going up and down with every trend and gossip. But your character? It’s the solid ground beneath your feet, the compass guiding your true north, regardless of which way the wind of public opinion is blowing.

Let’s take a minute to reflect. When you face those tough choices in life – the ones that make you question your values – where do you turn? Do you go with what's popular, what’s gonna get you a few extra likes, or do you listen to that gut feeling, that quiet voice inside that’s telling you what feels right? Wooden’s nugget of wisdom is like a permission slip to trust your own moral GPS.

In a world that sometimes seems obsessed with image, it can be tempting to play the game, to chase after that sparkling reputation. But let’s get real. Wooden is nudging us to dig deeper, to see that the real gold is not in the external validation but in the authenticity of our actions.

Think about the moments when you stood at the crossroads of being yourself or conforming to expectations. Did you stay true to your character, or did you find yourself performing for an audience? It happens to the best of us. But Wooden is that friend tapping you on the shoulder, reminding you that the coolest version of you is the most authentic one.

Authenticity, living your truth, kindness - these are necessary virtues.

Merle Dandridge

Our character, it’s like a fine wine that gets better with time – shaped by our experiences, our wins, our losses, and those moments when we have a real heart-to-heart with ourselves. It's a journey, not a destination, a conscious decision to own our story instead of playing a role in someone else’s script.

So, my friend, as you navigate the maze of life, know this: your worth is not determined by the number of likes or the whispers of the crowd. Your real value lies within. Embrace your quirks, your journey, and let the light of your authentic character shine through, imperfections and all.

In this wild and beautiful story you're writing called life, let the main character be the true, resilient, and beautifully imperfect soul that you are. Because in the grand scheme of things, it’s the depth of your character that withstands the storms and leaves a legacy far more enduring than the fleeting whispers of reputation.

With all the love and authenticity,


About the Creator

Aya murad

Aspiring writer looking to connect and inspire through the power of words. Let's grab coffee and see where the conversation takes us!

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    Aya muradWritten by Aya murad

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