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Will there be a Post-Pandemic Era?

By HCPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

As I layed in bed, exhausted and tired, i pondered what day is it? Have I isolated long enough to be deem worthy to reunite with the humans? Like a contagion it spread multiplying amongst us but yet dividing us and separating us keeping us 6ft apart to say the least. This invisible villan has brought us to a halt, we superhumans, strong and conquerors, we who made it to the moon and back, but yet still at awe at how our existence is at a constant threat by forces of nature. Which is gonna get me first i ask myself. Is it an earthquake, or a flood, or a wildfire that burns its way to the inner cities or is it the next flu virus(covid, omicron, delta), whichever makes you feel comfortable to call it as i am running out of names for it now. Where do we go from here, what do we do now, should we allow natural seletion take its course or is it time to create the ultimate pill, the antedote that reigns supreme to beatdown any anomaly from optimum human health. Is there really an end to this? Surely sick people cant produce a prosperous nation, so i must like to think the system wants us to heal so we can labour for them and pay our taxes. Or are robots ready to take over?, will this force an evolution and birth the inception of the machine Era, a world where the pandemic never ended and we were forced to allow for new inventions catapulting us into a time when robots literally roam our streets, walking our dogs, and getting us our dose of coffee because we became infected and thus rely on them for our daily needs.

Trust me im not crazy, im only as concerned as you wondering and longing for just one day of peace just one day that is somewhat normal, you see there used to be a time when there wasnt a disease out there doing pushups to get me the moment i step out to breathe fresh air, but i am lucky, lucky because i remember that time when i could go out and do anything and laugh and dance and sweat and be deeply a socail being. Im grateful for these memories, but the younger ones are not so fortunate as i am, just imagining how restricted thier lives are currently is heartbreaking, the roar of being a child is being tamed, by this new digital learning alternatives. Play dates almost dont exist anymore, the raw and authentic life as we knew it is fading away and i can only hope its not lost forever. Or is doomsday fast approaching?, is humanity at risk of extinction?, im sure this isnt the first time weve been through a pandemic surely, this too shall pass, but until then all i can do is hope to survive through these times without loosing whats left of my humanity.

I thoroughly miss the human connection a time when kisses and hugs was normal and overload of affection saturated the atmosphere, a time in which banter was face to face and not through zoom calls, a time when emotions were vividly authentic and not through memes, a time when breaking news was about innovations and leaps for mankind and not record breaking covid numbers. As you know this topic is highly controversial as such i can only share my hopes and wishes for the future and for today.

So, to the future which begins today, i hope the Metaverse doesnt take over reality as we know it. Im still obssessed with the real world and people still fascinate me more than a virtual reality so i choose to clinge to this reality for the sake of my own humanity. I hope we win this war, i hope our brightest minds continually proof the resillience of humans, i hope we find a cure i hope governments dont become so vicious that fear is all that is propagated through their media outlets. i hope the love for human kind superceedes selfish ideologies in the long run. I hope that this threaths to our humanity doesnt separate us but builds us to be stronger, kinder, more compassionate and more loving to one another because we cannot control the earthquakes or floods or even covid from spreading, but we can control how we treat one another. Let love lead.


About the Creator


My views are Unorthodox. I strive to always LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH & LEARN.

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