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Passing Judgement

How easy is occurs in life

By Ben ShelleyPublished 12 days ago 5 min read
Passing Judgement
Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

In the interest of fairness, we all need to allow judgement to passed against ourselves at certain moments. We need to acknowledge that we are human and can succumb to those urges of passion, which for me revolves around spending money that I do not have.

Judgement is something that we all seek to avoid as it can be confrontational. It can be something by which we seek to run away from and yet without it, we would simply run riot on the world around us.

It is something that I do seek to avoid as I have seen what entitlement can create. It can create something which is hard to remove from our lives and it seeps into every core fibre of our being.

I love my Mum but I can see what entitlement has provided to her and that is an unrelenting consideration that the world owes her a favour.

My Mum

The world does now owe my Mum or me for that matter a favour.

It is a privilege to be where I am in life and whilst I do struggle to keep my spending habits under wraps, I have little to fear. I am not persecuted and do not have to fight (literally) to get through my day.

I consider my work to be challenging and borderline stressful but I have never been at the stage where I believe that I need to fight my colleagues.

My Mum works in my home town. A town which can be walked from top to bottom in around half an hour.

There are a few pubs and a couple of shops, but it is most definitely what you would consider to be remote and therefore, jobs are difficult to come by and she is lucky to have had four in the last year.

Her current position continues to afford her freedom, which is something to be grateful for and yet, when I speak with her it is always an imposition.

Her mentality embodies entitlement in which she will complain about working a couple of days a week and being required to have a rest in between each shift. For me, this sounds amazing.

I would love to work part-time hours like this. To be able to work for a couple of hours and then head home to the warmth of my own home and to be able to work half the hours that I currently do, yet her perspective is that of undesirable challenge.

My Mum would rather retire and have someone else work and earn money for her but then again, maybe this is all down to my perception and I do say that perception is 9/10s of the law.


I will always maintain that life is a perception battle.

In my last job, I was perceived to be a workhorse until management changed and the perception shifted to the consideration that I was a personal annoyance and should be ignored, so I took the initiative and quit.

I moved on as that is what these moments in life teach us. When life challenges us we push back and ensure that we can take control of the situation to ensure that we emerge on top.

When entitlement sets in, we simply settle for the situation that surrounds us and forget to push for more. In the situation that I have outlined with my previous employment, my Mum, for example, would have stayed.

She would have stayed and simply projected an attitude which would project to the rest of the world that something is wrong without actively saying it. Rather than leaving and seeking something better the entitled individual seeks to tear everyone around until they get what they want.

The sad consideration here is that once the story shifts and you are perceived to be a troublemaker or someone who is not working for the greater good then there is nothing you can do about the situation.

The only solution here is to leave as to stay and display your entitlement is tantamount to a child throwing his or her toys out of the pram. It is pointless and something which I actively seek to avoid in life.


I seek the opinions of others as they make me stronger. They make me grow as a person and whilst at times I push back and am annoyed when I hear something which I wish to avoid, I know that in the long run, it is good for me. I do not wish to be the entitled one sitting there making the lives of others worse.

When the story shifts we need to be ready to make our move and ensure that our voices are heard in the most receptive crowd. Our work colleagues are not our friends and we need to acknowledge this into every fibre of our being because as much as want to believe the best in people, we all judge, with this only being acceptable when we choose to seek it out.

A Final Thought

I love every part of my life. I get frustrated with it on occasion but on the whole I am grateful and incredibly content with how my life has panned out, especially when I consider what I have today, compared to that which I had ten years ago. I am challenged constructively and seek out opinions that will boost me up.

When I find that the story has shifted and opinions turned I act and ensure that I am re-writing the narrative. My Mum instead chooses entitlement and that is something for which I do not wish as it creates a person for which we are not looking to be and that I cannot accept.

I need to acknowledge what I have versus what I want without getting entitled to what I should have and once I completely accept this, I will no longer look to spend my way to happiness


About the Creator

Ben Shelley

Someone who has no idea about where their place is in this world, yet for the love of content, must continue writing.

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