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National Handshake Day will be different this year

Observe this annual event by exercising caution.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
National Handshake Day will be different this year
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Thursday June 25 is National Handshake Day. On this date you are suppose to shake hands with everyone you meet. This will not be taking place in the masses in 2020, because of social distancing required to prevent the coronavirus from spreading.

Ancient handshakes

The origin of the art of shaking hands is not definite but there are many theories. There is one suggestion this was a way for Roman soldiers and medieval knights, to check for hidden daggers. When they greeted one another, they would grasp each other’s forearms to check for weapons. In Ancient Greece archaeological ruins were uncovered that seem to support this particular theory. The funerary stele depicts two soldiers shaking hands and dates back to 5th century BC.

By Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Records from ancient Egypt, suggest that shaking hands held a different meaning, which was “the power of giving”. It was the custom of ancient Babylonian kings to grasp the hand on the statue of their idol god Marduk prior to ascending to the throne. This action was repeated annually when celebrating the New Year’s festival of Zagmuk. This gesture indicated that the monarchs power would carry over into the following year. The tradition was even continued by conquering Assyria. Handshaking as we know it today also has various customs that come from nations around the globe. Women In ancient times did not traditionally carry weaponry, therefore it was rare to see them shaking hands.

Modern handshakes

In Brazil. Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia handshake greetings are most often firm, yet they have lingering differences. In many Asian countries such as South Korea, Japan, and China, the grip is light, and there is not supposed to be any direct eye contact. In the Philippines, however. the custom is that you do make direct eye contact while keeping the grip in light. There are also secret handshakes, which are elaborate greetings that signal membership in clubs, group, or societies. The Freemasons are one of the more famous societies that use secret handshakes known only to the members.

By Sincerely Media on Unsplash

There are also various handshakes that have evolved over the years that are considered as part of certain segments of African American culture. Television programs have at times depicted someone who is not black attempting to shake hands in a cultural manner. Most times these TV characters are written in such a way, they do not get it right and everyone laughs. When one person extends their hand for shaking and another refuses, it is considered disrespectful an insult and displaying contempt. Business people often seal a deal by the shaking of hands.

Religious handshakes

In many American churches, there is what as known as “ The right hand of fellowships.” This is done after communion services when parishioners walk through the sanctuary and shake hands with other congregants. After someone has just been baptized the church members all give the right hand of fellowship to the new convert. Many larger congregations today have greeters at the front of the building who hug and shake hands with those who walk through the doors. There is also a time of meet and greet prior to the sermon, where everyone shakes hands. All of these customs will have to be changed in order to comply with social distancing.

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing everything and even if you were not aware of this holiday, handshaking is a traditional greeting that we must rethink at this present time. Because of the pandemic, many people are opting for fist bumps, elbow bumps, waving, nodding or a high five without touching. These options can all be utilized on June 25 if you run into someone who desires to observe the National Day of shaking hands. Some people probably will still shake hands on June 25 and every other time. I have observed large numbers of individuals who hug, Kiss on the cheek and shake hands without considering social distancing and seemingly not concerned with catching or spreading the virus. Keep these things in mind, then celebrate National handshake day accordingly.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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