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My Very Own Special Night

Being Single Doesn't Have To Suck

By Mesaye Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Merlot me please...

"Okay, okay, alright", I sighed into the phone. "When?!" an irritated, booming voice on the other end blurted out. "Soon, I'll do it soon", I reasoned. This conversation is getting so tired, I thought as I slouched further into my comforter. Another Friday evening banter between myself and my best friend of 20 years, Ann. She's like the total opposite of me. Conversations like the one we are having now makes me wonder why and how we even became friends. She is spontaneous, out-going, loud and can be very charming. Me on the other hand, I keep it simple, quiet, and easy. I'm a homebody. "You're too beautiful to be wasting away under covers", Ann chided, snapping me back into our discussion. "Ann, I love you; you know that?" I paused, silence on the other end. I continued, "but I'm okay with staying home from time to time, plus I'm not feeling well!" Now Ann laughs that hearty, southern ear-shattering laugh, "You always say that!" she bellows. Okay I do. That is my go-to and she knows it, but she also knows that signals me ending this portion of our conversation. "Well, at least go on a date", Ann continued soberly. "How are you going to meet that special someone?". I rolled my eyes as we said our goodnights, love you, and better call me tomorrow's and hung up the call.

Stretching and yawning wildly under my warm comforter, I entertained going out on a date like Ann suggested. I had gotten used to waking up, going to work, hitting a yoga class, then heading home. Dating was just foreign to me now. Where would I start? Should I try an app or website? Ugh, becoming frustrated all over again, I sprang from my bed and stomped over to my computer. There’s an app or website for everything. Surely, I’d find the answer to my questions. After clicking link after link my disgust for dating reached a new height and I just shut the computer off. Head in my hands, gently rubbing my temples, an idea starts to form. The faint dimple on my left cheek begins to show as my lips curl into a smile. Holding my head back up I can see a frown creasing my face through the blank computer screen. "You have lost your mind, gal!" I can hear Ann southern drawl now. Okay maybe to her my idea might sound crazy, but at least I am considering dating, just not in the way she thinks. I head back to my bed, snuggled deep into my bed, I glanced at the clock glowing 10:37p.m. and close my eyes.

The next morning, I am up bright and early. My kitchen is filled with the aroma of French roast coffee and cinnamon raisin bagels. Swinging my feet back and forth as I sit on one of my bar stools, I picked up from an Ikea sale, I'm shuffling through some papers and spotted a sale on my favorite wine. Looking over my shoulder at the mini wine rack next to the pantry, I noticed I'm down to one bottle. Guess who's going wine shopping? I giggled a little too loud in my small, homely one bedroom apartment. I finished my breakfast, put on my favorite green and white sweats, finish the ensemble off with a ponytail and headed out the door. The wine market is 3 blocks from my place, and I needed to walk anyway. The ad had all wines 50% off today only. As I entered the market, I could hear Max, the owner, yelling at one of his employees, "How many times do I have to tell you, don't leave the wine cases in the aisles?" The stores bell trilled as I allowed the door to close. Max looks up and starts moving to the front, now wearing a big smile. "Megan, how are you this fine Saturday?"

"Doing good", I nodded my head and smiled back. "Let me guess, stocking up on some wine?" Max questioned as his hands rubbed on an imaginary crystal ball. I smiled at his antics. He continued, "You and the girls having another pow pow?" Now I laughed, "It's pow wow" I corrected. "No actually I'm planning a date tonight". Max paused with an all-telling smile "Who's the lucky guy, huh?!" I shrugged. "Um I don't know yet, I'll let you know whenever he arrives". Max grabbed the box of Mojave Rain Merlot 2019 that he knew was my favorite. As I paid for my purchase, he called one of his employees to the front. Max knew I would want the wine delivered in a few hours. He leaned over handing my debit card back with a quizzical look "SOOO you don't know the fella that's taking you out?" I smiled ever so sweetly as I placed my card back into my wallet and replied, "Max, I'm going to have a date with myself tonight". I waved bye leaving Max scratching his head. Pleased with myself as I continued with my plans for tonight, I thought to myself, I don't have to rush into dating anyone. I could just have dinner with myself, get reacquainted with what I want and what I don't want in a perspective partner then I can project that into the universe and let it do its work.

"You have really lost your mind, gal!" I can hear Ann's voice in my head. I shook it off as I came across a small boutique that had a lovely green dress hanging in the window. Hmm, that is the perfect dress for my date tonight. My smile deepened as I thought about the Merlot with its raspberry & chocolate flavor going down nice & smooth. Should I cook chicken or fish?


About the Creator


From the moment I read my first Edgar Allen Poe story when I was 12 yrs old, I knew what made my heart flutter & what drove my imagination. Writing has been something I’ve loved doing, fell far away from & am now drawn back to it!

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    Mesaye Written by Mesaye

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