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My Husband Says He Loves Me But He's Unhappy (My Husband Keeps Saying He's Miserable)

Are you worried with the thought my husband says he loves me but he's unhappy. If you are then you're not alone and certainly not the only that's ever been in that same position. I've been there myself (more than a few times) and want to tell you about some things I did. If you're in a situation where you're saying my husband keeps saying he's miserable, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Diego IvanPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Changes happen everywhere, in us, as well as around us. We easily notice the change in the attitude or behavior of others but it is difficult to admit that we are also changing. Similarly, if you notice that your husband's nature has changed, and then what are you going to do? If you think that your husband used to be loving and caring about you before but now he doesn't seem to be that close, then you must act quickly and think of taking corrective measures to make your husband happy once more. He won't come and tell you what he feels about things, you have to take the initiative, recognize the situation and rectify before any damage.

You should know exactly what you should do to cheer him up again so that he starts loving you like before.

Even if your relationship is on the verge of a break up, if you know the right way to go about it, you can save it. Not only you can stop it from breaking, but also you will be able to take it to a new level and establish deep understanding and love between both of you.

Have a sense of mystery

When you become quite readable for your husband, that is, when he can guess your thoughts every time he looks at you, you lose that sense of mystery that attract a man. Though living together does make two people familiar, but a woman should always be sure to carry an aura of mystery with her. That will keep her man hooked to her and interested in her always. And in that process he will be a happy man once more.

Make him happy and feel special

In a marital relationship, as time goes by, you start to take your husband for granted. You might not even realize that you are doing so. You always are at your loving best when you get married but this caring way of yours fades away with time. Maybe its there but you cease to show it. It is understandable that there are a lot of responsibilities on you and a lot of work at home. But that shouldn't change the way you used to be with your husband. You should make him feel special and loved.

Compliment your husband sometimes and it is sure to make him happy. Make him feel special by giving him a surprise sometimes. Do such things that will make him feel that he is still a priority for you. These steps are sure to make your husband happy once more and you will also feel on top of the world, as you are able to make your special one happy.

Rekindle Romance in a Marriage

You probably had a fantastic time when you first started building your marriage, going on dates, discussing your hopes and dreams until the early hours of the morning. There was the honeymoon period which unfortunately never lasts and then you rejoined the world. Time went by and you got set in your ways, you probably do not talk that much, if you got out it is always to the same places. Just the same old dull, boring routine, day after day after day. Can you see this existence progressing into the future? If you want to enjoy your lives together then you need to learn how to rekindle romance in a marriage.

The first thing to remember is that your marriage is the most important thing in your lives, at this point some of you will no doubt say what about our kids, to which I reply they are going to move away which leaves just the two of you. Different people will enter and leave your lives but the two of you will always be there, so does it not make sense to enjoy those years?

It is never too late to rekindle romance! You are never to old to rekindle romance! There is nothing wrong in rekindling romance!

Never take your marriage for granted, it is something special and unique between the two of you. If you want to make it work then you are going to have to work at it, not just a bit here and a bit there, you have to work at it every single day. So making your loved one happy might take a bit of effort on your part, but just look at the reward...

One of the easiest ways to maintain and strengthen the connection between the two of you is to talk. Talk like you used to, share each others lives, hopes and dreams. It can just be the basics like, how was your day, nothing earth shattering but you are showing an interest in your partners life which will be appreciated. There will be times when one of you needs to be heard so take the time to listen, do not grudge each other the time because the chances are that it could be important.

Do not just look at things from your perspective, try and look at it from your partners viewpoint. No matter how many years you will be together you will still have your own individual identity, emotions and ideas, and at some point they could well run contrary to yours. Learn how to compromise and find solutions that are not just best for you the individual, but are the best outcomes for your marriage.

Take time out for romance. It gets difficult as other commitments start to multiply but once a week (obviously if you can do more...) set aside some you time, no-one else, just the two of you. Unless you decide to have some fun and relive the dates that you had at the start of your marriage then stick to doing new things together, you have to break your routine and climb out of the rut that you have fallen into. Look for activities that you can share, take up a sport, take a class, visit somewhere that you have never been to before. What matters is that you have the excitement of doing new things together, a bit like when you started dating.

Let your partner know that you love them and that you still find them attractive, do it every day. You need to show that you appreciate your partner, they need to know that they are not someone who is taken for granted. Saying thank you and meaning it can carry a lot of weight. What about doing something specifically for your partner, whether it is helping around your home or something spontaneous just show them that you care.

You want and need to build a marriage where you have fun, where you enjoy each other company, where every day is something to look forward to because you will be with your partner. Keep the focus on everything that is positive, there will be some negative periods but if you deal with those together you will only get stronger. Hold you partner, touch them, kiss them, give them that feeling of emotional security and it will bring you closer together. Be friends, be happy, have fun and the romance will come.

Don't spend another day wishing your marriage was different. If you want your spouse to treat you differently, make it happen. You can have the deeply connected, fulfilling relationship you've always wanted. Experience what it feels like to have a spouse who will do anything and everything for you - Learn More Here

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    DIWritten by Diego Ivan

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