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My Ex Boyfriend Runs Away When He Sees Me (Why Does My Ex Turn Away When He Sees Me)

Are you unfortunate to be in a world where you're saying my ex boyfriend runs away when he sees me, and don't know what to do about it? That's a terrible thing to witness and watch happen. If you're in a situation where you're saying why does my ex turn away when he sees me, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Being avoided by someone who once loved you unconditionally is very difficult thing to reconcile with. However, no one avoids a person for no rhyme or reason. If your ex is avoiding you and refuses to acknowledge all your advances then you are either doing the wrong things or showing you are a spineless weak creature. Here are seven things that you should not do. Use these tips and attempt getting your ex back with your self respect intact.

Show of desperation

The moment you see your ex you put up an act of falling heads over heels. Such display of false euphoria is bound to turn off your ex. A gentle smile and a nod of your head to acknowledge his presence is all that is needed when you meet your ex after a small hiatus.

Refusing to accept that there was nothing wrong in the relationship

If you are adamant that there was no issue then you are just projecting that you are a head strong person. Such people generally do not have any other qualities. Accept that everyone makes mistakes and you are no exception to the rule.

You joke about the breakup as if nothing big happened

Do not trivialize the breakup when speaking about it to common friends. This will show you in poor light and will only push your ex further away. Take your breakup seriously and your efforts to get your ex back even more seriously.

Failure to communicate

Communication with your ex should not be limited to begging your ex to come back so that it will satisfy your ego. Effective communication is one in which you listen to the other side and agree to make amends. Remember even if your ex comes back it will not be the same old relationship but a brand new one on which you have to continuously work to keep it going.

Scratching old wounds

Playing the blame game and laying all the blame on your ex's doorstep is one reason why he does not want you back. Accept that you are human and capable of making mistakes. Have a frank discussion to see all outstanding issues are resolved.

Over expectations

Before your breakup if you have been expecting the world from your ex without doing the same then it shows that you are demanding too much without reciprocating in a similar fashion. This is a serious personality defect and shows how immature a person you are. A relationship is deal between equals and both have to contribute towards making it work. The sooner you realize this, the better person you will be.

Emotional weakness

Do not let your emotions cloud your judgments. Take a step back and think rationally whenever you go thorough rough patch. This is a much respected quality that all partners look for in their spouse. Always focus on the good instead of dwelling on the past mistakes or past sins of your spouse. An emotionally strong person also has a strong character.

How to Get Back With Your Ex Boyfriend - 6 Easy Steps

Do you want to get back with your ex boyfriend back? Were you heartbroken when the relationship ended? Here are 6 easy steps to show you how to get back with your ex boyfriend.

Step One: Do not chase after him. Lay off the texts, the phone calls, and the stalking. Do not keep showing up where he happens to be. This is stalking and it will only turn him off, and possibly lead to a restraining order. You cannot force him to come back to you. He has to want that on his own. That is the only way to get back with your ex boyfriend.

Step Two: Work on you. In order to get back with your ex boyfriend, you need to become a more positive person. It is common at this point to be experiencing negative emotions, but you have to get rid of the negative and focus on the positive.

Step Three: Put it in writing. Write a letter to your ex boyfriend talking about every aspect of the relationship. IMPORTANT: DO NOT MAIL THE LETTER! Once you have finished writing the letter, take a match to it and watch it go up in flames. That's right. This will, amazingly, give you the closure you need for that part of the relationship. Believe it or not, it really works. After you have burned the letter, it is time to focus on all the positive things in your life. Also, do not let your friends talk trash about your ex. This only reinforces the negativity.

Step Four: When you think about the relationship, think only about the good times and what made it strong. If you do occasionally talk to your ex, talk about the positive experiences and avoid arguments. If you want to get back with your ex boyfriend, you will want him to remember what was good about the relationship.

Step Five: Work on your strengths. For instance, if he always complimented you on your cooking, take a gourmet cooking class. Get even better at the things you are good at. But, you also need to work on your weaknesses. If he complained about how you were kind of a slob, then you should work on this too. Start picking things up around the house. Make an effort to become a better person. This will also do wonders for your self esteem.

Step Six: Be available - to him and others. If someone asks you out on a date, go. You do not have to be in love with someone to go out to dinner with him. But do not do this just to make your ex boyfriend jealous. Those kind of games only produce negative results.

As your ex begins to see you as a desirable catch, he will want to get back into your life. Focus on the positive. Work on your strengths and weaknesses. And you will learn how to get back with your ex boyfriend.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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