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My Boyfriend Left Me Suddenly (My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Unexpectedly)

Are you a woman who is saying my boyfriend left me suddenly, and don't know what to do to turn this around? Well you're not alone. The fact is that a lot of women get to a point where they're thinking my boyfriend broke up with me unexpectedly... but there are ways to get him back in this circumstance.

By Lyra NoahPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
My Boyfriend Left Me Suddenly (My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Unexpectedly)
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

You shouldn't fool yourself into believing that you know why your boyfriend ditched you. The real reason may be quite different from what you think it is. In fact, there may be none at all. It may have been concocted.

The truth is that most men get bored with physical relationship with their women folk. They want change-a temporary change, for a while only. When their desire is thwarted, they go even to the extent of dumping their women folk.

The modus operandi usually is to find faults with their women folk even when none exists. It is like why you shake your hand while kneading dough.

Most women ironically remain under the illusion that they are gifted with eternal beauty that never loses it charm. They simply cannot admit that their men will ever feel bored with them. So instead of understanding the real cause for a break up, they tend to fall for the excuses that the men folk offer them.

This is not to deny that there may be other causes as well such as clash of opinions, financial and professional strains and other disparities.

So, if you are thinking that your boyfriend dumped you for this or that reason, think again. Rewind the entire period of your company with him. There was a time when he loved you so much in the beginning that you looked lovely even when you did something foolish.

Did you notice that the intensity of his love started dwindling as the time passed though you acted more responsibly and caringly towards him? Weren't you surprised when he started arguing with you on implausible or frivolous excuses?

Weren't you shocked because you couldn't believe the wild allegations that he levelled against you on the fateful day? Was it not against his nature that you had experienced in the initial days of your love?

If you think dispassionately, you may probably accept the reality of human nature-that people often get bored with the sameness and they want change. Maybe, you also felt the same way, but were reluctant to admit the same even to yourself.

Maybe, you have tried to remind yourself of the commitment and thereby suppressed your urge for change of fare despite the fact that you loved your man truly. Maybe, the so-called ideal of true love and commitment somewhere clashes with the basic human nature that wants change. Maybe, the ideal of commitment should have a wider perspective.

If this is the reason why your boyfriend broke up with you, rest assured, he is on a 'vacation' and will come back home sooner than later. Let him take his time to feel bored with the sameness of the new situation. He is sure to remember the good old times that he enjoyed with you and long for your company once again.

Meanwhile, take stock of yourself. Look into the mirror carefully. Go for a makeover. You owe it yourself. Quite possibly you started ignoring your physical appearance because you took the power of your charisma for granted. Admit this part of the blame upon yourself. Join a gym. Make the best of this period of 'break'. The world has really not come to an end.

Also, remain calm and do not allow bitterness to overwhelm you. Any feeling of anger, revenge or frustration will distort your beautiful face and defeat your efforts to regenerate your old charm.

Learn to take this period of down slide into your stride and have a positive attitude. Keep the doors of communication open with your ex boyfriend. An occasional hi should not be a matter of insult for you. But don't go a-begging, whining, crying, pestering him with mails and calls that may demean you in his eyes and kill all the chances for a respectable and lasting reconciliation.

You shouldn't try to 'devise strategies, plans, schemes' that look more like conspiracies aimed at breaking the spirit of someone you actually love. It is hitting below the belt and is surely not an act of love. Rest assured, he will start making overtures for a comeback once again. Only be patient.

Shocking Steps to Get Him Back

When your boyfriend dumps you and you still love him, there's nothing you can think about other than how to get him back. It consumes all your thoughts and it really becomes difficult to do anything other than to think about him. You know that it's not healthy to do this, but being heartbroken makes it hard to control your feelings and your actions sometimes. It is indeed possible to rekindle the lost love between you two but you've got to have determination and a proven plan to make it happen. First things first though and that's that you need to learn how to cover up what you're feeling because he's not going to take you back if you're an emotional mess.

There are a lot of emotions floating around when your boyfriend dumps you. You're going to go through stages and those will include feeling angry with him, sad, despondent and lost. The only thing that feels good is to reach out to him, but men don't want to be around overly emotional women, especially those they just dumped. If you can learn to corral what you're feeling, you'll be that much closer to getting him back. This can be done in several ways. One way is to journal what you're feeling or confide in a good friend. The key is to get out all those negative emotions before you do come in contact with him. When that happens, you want to appear stable and happy.

The next step you absolutely must take when your boyfriend dumps you is to accept that he's no longer yours, for now. He has told you in no uncertain terms that the relationship is history. If you don't accept that, you'll feel as though you're banging your head against a brick wall. You can't get through to him by fighting him on this. You'll establish yourself as a strong and mature woman if you smile while telling him that you're good with how things turned out and that you're actually feeling a sense of relief. These words will hit him where it counts, that's in his ego. There isn't a man alive who is okay with being rejected. It stirs up a lot of emotions and it drives men a bit wild to know that there's a woman they can't have. It's even more difficult for them if that woman is an ex.

Now, it's time to move on with your life, or at least appear to. Let's face it, your ex is certain that you're going to spend the next several weeks locked in your apartment crying your eyes out. Imagine his surprise when he hears that you've been out having fun with friends. He'll be even more bowled over to learn that you look great and are genuinely happy. You've got to put on a brave face and start living again if you want to get him back. He'll see that you can thrive without him and it will sting his pride a bit. It will also make him yearn to be back with you. When your boyfriend breaks up with you it's all about his ego, so don't lose sight of that.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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    LNWritten by Lyra Noah

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