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Medical Negligence Solicitors Can Help You Claim Compensation

Medical negligence solicitors manchester

By united-solicitorsPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
Medical Negligence Solicitors Manchester

When medical treatment goes wrong it can have a devastating and life-changing effect. Our specialist medical negligence solicitors can help you claim compensation.

Your surgeon and other medical professionals owe you a duty of care. A breach of this duty can lead to medical negligence.

There are strict time limits in place for making claims. If you think you have a case, speak to an expert medical negligence solicitors manchester today.


Misdiagnosis can be a life-changing medical mistake. It can lead to unnecessary treatments, serious health complications and even death in some cases. Whether it’s due to a failure to consider other possible diagnoses, improper interpretation of test results or simply a mistake in judgement, a misdiagnosis can cause a great deal of pain and suffering for a patient.

Sometimes, a misdiagnosis can occur due to a lack of complete and accurate patient history. This may make it difficult for a doctor to determine the correct diagnosis and can ultimately be the reason why they made the incorrect one in the first place. It’s also important for patients to be completely honest with their doctors when they visit so that they can provide the most accurate information possible.

Some types of misdiagnosis do not constitute medical malpractice and are a result of the natural course of treatment or other factors outside of the physician’s control. For example, if a doctor is looking for signs of rectal bleeding and dismisses it as hemorrhoids because of other symptoms such as constipation, this does not constitute a claim of medical negligence. However, if the doctor does not conduct a differential diagnosis or perform a colonoscopy, rectum biopsy, or fecal matter examination then they are not meeting their duty of care and could be found guilty of medical negligence. A Manchester misdiagnosis lawyer can explain this process further during a private consultation.

While it’s true that many mistakes can be unavoidable, there are countless other examples of medical negligence that may be preventable with the right medical team on hand to help. This includes missed or delayed diagnosis, a wrong prescription, invasive procedures such as an unnecessary hysteroscopy or laparoscopy, surgical errors and more. It is vital that you seek the assistance of a professional medical negligence solicitor to get the compensation you deserve.

As well as covering the cost of your initial medical bills, you can claim compensation for any additional expenses that have incurred as a result of the negligent treatment you received. This can include loss of earnings, travel costs, medical equipment and more. The more serious your injuries, the higher the compensation you will be entitled to receive. To find out how much you could be eligible for, contact our medical negligence solicitors manchester today.

Delayed Diagnosis

When you visit your doctor or hospital with a problem, it is the medical professionals’ job to identify what is wrong and offer treatment accordingly. In the vast majority of cases, GPs, hospital doctors and A&E staff will be able to run tests and make a diagnosis quickly so that you can start to receive medication and treatments as soon as possible to give you the best chance of recovery. However, sadly, mistakes can be made and a delay in diagnosis can have serious consequences.

Delayed diagnoses are a common form of medical negligence and can be caused by many different things. For example, accident and emergency departments can be extremely busy and this can mean that patients might not get the attention they need, or that their symptoms aren’t taken seriously enough. It could also be the case that a physician doesn’t complete the necessary medical work on a patient before they discharge them, or that they fail to recognize any complications that may affect their diagnosis.

If you have suffered a delayed diagnosis, you may be entitled to compensation. The amount of compensation you will be awarded for this type of claim will depend on the severity of your condition, the length of time the delay lasted and how much damage it has caused to your health. The medical negligence solicitors manchester that you work with will be able to help you calculate how much you deserve and then secure this for you.

A delayed diagnosis can have many negative impacts on your life, including missing out on time-sensitive treatment and suffering from pain and other symptoms that might not have occurred had the medical professional diagnosed you sooner. It can also lead to financial difficulties as you might have had to take unpaid leave from work or pay for private treatment.

When it comes to making a claim for a delayed diagnosis, you will need to prove that the medical professional in question failed to fulfil their duty of care. This will include demonstrating that the delay was avoidable and that you would have received a better prognosis had it been diagnosed earlier.

Medication Errors

Medication errors are common and can be caused by a variety of factors. For example, a patient might receive the wrong drug due to a mistake by a nurse or doctor who is not following hospital protocols. In these cases, the patient is likely to suffer from an adverse reaction to the medication.

In addition, medications can be incorrectly stored or administered, which can lead to serious complications for patients. A nurse might accidentally inject an allergy medication into a patient, causing an allergic reaction. A patient could also be given a medication that does not have an appropriate dosage for their condition, or they may be given the incorrect form of a drug (oral vs intravenous). In addition, some prescription errors happen due to pharmacist mistakes.

The healthcare system can be complex, and errors occur when doctors and nurses are distracted or otherwise not paying attention. This is a major reason why medical professionals should be encouraged to report any errors they see. These reports can help prevent medical mistakes from occurring in the future and improve patient safety.

A successful clinical negligence claim must demonstrate that a healthcare professional breached their duty of care to the patient. This can be done by proving that the injury that the patient suffered was a direct result of the medical error that took place.

Our experienced team of medical negligence solicitors manchester are able to assess your case, offer advice and guide you through the process of making a compensation claim. We can also apply for legal aid funding in medical negligence claims, which is not available from all firms.

If you or a loved one has been injured because of negligent treatment by a medical professional, contact United Solicitors for a free consultation. Our team of specialist medical negligence lawyers are available to help you get the maximum compensation possible for your injury. Our services are offered on a No Win No Fee basis, meaning that you do not pay for our services unless we win your claim. This is especially helpful if you are unable to work as a result of your medical injury.

Surgical Errors

Surgery is one of the most high-risk medical specialties, and as a result it is often prone to errors. These may be considered malpractice if they cause additional or unanticipated harm to the patient. Surgical mistakes are usually the result of poor planning or execution, and they can be caused by any number of things, such as the surgeon using a recalled or defective medical device; the hospital being understaffed; or the surgeon not having the training or skills required to perform the procedure safely.

In order to prove clinical negligence, the patient or their clinical negligence solicitors must show that the doctor, nurse or surgeon breached their duty of care and that this was a direct cause of their injuries. In a claim for surgical error, this is normally done by obtaining an independent report from a specialist doctor who can attest that the surgical procedure was carried out in a way that fell below the acceptable standard.

This is not easy to do because of the strict confidentiality and protocol in hospitals and universities. The report must be accompanied by a detailed medical file including tests and scans, so that the clinical negligence solicitors can understand how the injury or illness was caused.

It is also important that the claim is made before the statute of limitations expires. The time limit is usually three years from the date of the negligent treatment. If the claim is not brought within this timeframe, it will not be considered by the courts.

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Getting the best possible medical treatment is important for us all, but that doesn’t mean we expect everything to go perfectly. If you or someone you know has suffered because of a medical mistake, whether it was in hospital or by your GP, we are here to help. We can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact our team today for a free case assessment. We have a wealth of experience in bringing claims for all types of medical negligence, such as misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis, prescription drug errors and surgical error.


About the Creator

united-solicitors United Solicitors is the trading name of United Solicitors Limited. Company Registration Number: 07452714. Registered address: 1016-1018 Stockport Road, Manchester, M19 3WN.

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