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How to Make a Public Transport Accident Claim?

What happens if a bus driver hits someone?

By united-solicitorsPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
Public Transport Accident Claim

Public transportation is a huge part of daily life. However, accidents on public transport vehicles can happen.

Bus drivers and transport authorities owe a high duty of care to passengers. If this is breached and you’re injured, compensation may be available.

However, a government-owned common carrier might have immunity protections and time limits that make it harder to claim. Consult with compensation lawyers for more information.

1. Gathering Evidence

When it comes to making a public transport accident claim, gathering evidence is essential. The same principles apply as with any personal injury case, including taking photos of the scene from different angles, writing down your account of what happened and what you can remember, and asking for the contact details of witnesses. In addition, if possible, keep any medical bill receipts and appointments with doctors and nurses, as this will help your solicitor build a picture of how your injuries are impacting your life.

Public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or subways, is an important part of daily life for many people. But these large, powerful machines can also be deadly if they’re not handled correctly. As a result, the entities and authorities behind public transit systems have a duty of care to all of their passengers. If they fail to live up to that duty, and you’re hurt as a result, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Unlike private car drivers, however, there are often no passengers in passenger vehicles, so it can be more difficult to get their names and contact information before they leave the scene of an accident. This is why it’s so important to stay at the scene and ask anyone who was on board or waiting nearby if they saw what happened. If they can give you their details, then a statement from them can help support your claim and undermine any defenses the at-fault driver might try to use.

Another piece of evidence that is incredibly valuable, particularly when proving negligence, is surveillance footage. This is typically available from businesses that own and operate the public transport vehicles in question, as well as some police departments. This can show exactly what the driver was doing at the time of the accident, and whether it’s consistent with their normal driving behavior. Without this type of evidence, your solicitor would have a much harder time meeting the plaintiff’s burden of proof. Fortunately, your solicitor can obtain copies of this footage on your behalf if you don’t have the resources to do it yourself.

2. Reporting the Accident

Whether you’re injured in a bus, train, subway or taxi accident, the first step is to call the authorities. It’s not just important for your health but also to ensure that a police report can be filed and that any witnesses are identified. This is particularly important in public transportation accidents as there are usually very strict time limits in which a notice of claim must be submitted to the transport authority.

The transport authority will then investigate the crash and file a report. This is especially important for incidents involving buses, trains, and the subway, as they often involve multiple people, and injuries can be quite serious. The person who reports the incident will have to provide some basic information, such as their name, their address, the date and time of the crash and any witnesses’ contact details.

In addition to the police report, it’s vital that you see a doctor as soon as possible after a public transportation accident. This will not only allow you to be properly medically treated but will also help to document the extent of your injuries, which are crucial for a successful compensation claim. Even if your symptoms don’t appear until after the accident, you should see a doctor as some injuries can manifest hours or even weeks after the crash.

Some state’s laws require transport authorities to keep a record of all accidents and, in the case of buses, some types are required by law to have CCTV footage. This can be very useful in your claim, and it’s well worth checking to see if the accident you were involved in was caught on camera.

3. Medical Treatment

If you suffer an injury while on a bus, train, ferry or other public transport, the first step should be to get medical help. It’s important to see a doctor because some injuries don’t show symptoms until hours or days after the accident. A doctor can check your condition and write a report which will be needed for your compensation claim.

Public transport providers have a duty of care to their passengers. This means they need to make sure that their vehicles and stations are safe and free from hazards. It also means that they need to warn passengers of any dangers or risks that they might face while using their services. If they don’t meet this duty of care, they can be liable for any injuries that happen as a result.

There are different types of compensation you can receive if you’re injured while using public transit. For example, you could claim for your pain and suffering, loss of amenity and lost wages. You might also be able to claim for any medical bills you’ve had to pay as a result of your injury. This is especially important if your injury was very serious and you can’t work for a long time.

Many accidents happen when people are getting on or off buses, trains and other forms of public transportation. This is because drivers are often under pressure to keep to a schedule and there are lots of people walking around and getting on and off the bus at the same time. This can lead to passengers being injured, such as when they trip and fall or when they injure themselves on stairs or on a handrail.

Depending on where you live, your injury claim may be handled by a government agency or public transport service provider. This will mean that there are different rules about how to make your claim and how much time you have to do so. However, even if you’re dealing with a government agency, this shouldn’t stop you from making your injury claim. Private companies that run tour buses or charter buses, for example, are still held to the same standard of care as public transport agencies. However, they have their own commercial insurance policy and may not be subject to the same limits as a government agency.

4. Talk to a Lawyer

It’s not always possible to sue public transportation authorities or their employees if you are hurt on board. However, you may be able to make a public transport accident claim instead. Public transit providers have a duty of care to their passengers, and if this is breached you can get compensation.

But if you were on a tour bus owned and operated by a company, your accident will likely be treated differently. In many states, private companies that operate tour buses are subject to a higher standard of care than government agencies, but there are often strict time limits and other rules on how you can make a claim, and what the government can do when they reject your request for compensation.

If you’re unsure about who was responsible for your injuries, it’s best to talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer who can examine your case and help you determine what options are available. Your lawyer can also review any evidence you have, including eyewitness testimony and police reports, to find out what happened and who was responsible.

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In most cases, public transportation entities have a large team of insurance professionals and lawyers trying to protect their interests, so you need your own legal representation. This can be particularly important if the government is involved, as they will typically have special laws (usually called tort claims acts) that restrict how long you have to make a claim and how much compensation you might get. In this situation, a skilled New York public transport accident lawyer can provide the legal guidance you need to ensure that you are fairly compensated.

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About the Creator

united-solicitors United Solicitors is the trading name of United Solicitors Limited. Company Registration Number: 07452714. Registered address: 1016-1018 Stockport Road, Manchester, M19 3WN.

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