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LOVE love

Love and romance in the age of modern dating!

By Siva SPublished about a year ago 2 min read

Samantha had been on countless dates over the years, swiping through various dating apps, and meeting countless guys. However, nothing had ever really stuck. It always felt like she was going through the motions, trying to find something that she wasn't even sure existed anymore.

But then, one day, she met Noah.

Noah was different from anyone Samantha had ever met before. He was kind, funny, and genuinely interested in getting to know her. They talked for hours on their first date, laughing and joking about everything from their favorite movies to their career aspirations.

As the night wore on, Samantha realized that she was having a genuinely good time. She didn't feel like she was just going through the motions or pretending to be someone she wasn't. With Noah, everything felt natural and effortless.

Over the next few months, Samantha and Noah continued to see each other. They went on dates to trendy restaurants and bars, took long walks through the city, and even went on a weekend getaway to the mountains.

Samantha felt like she was falling in love, and she could tell that Noah felt the same way. They talked about their future together, and Samantha couldn't help feeling like she had finally found someone who understood her completely.

But then, one day, Noah disappeared.

Samantha had woken up one morning to find that Noah had deleted his dating profile and had stopped answering her texts and calls. At first, she had thought that maybe something had happened to him. But then, as the days turned into weeks, she realized that he had just ghosted her.

Samantha was devastated. She couldn't understand why Noah would do this to her, why he would just disappear without so much as a goodbye. She felt like she had been conned, like she had been led on for months only to be abandoned.

For weeks, Samantha moped around, feeling sorry for herself and wondering what she had done wrong. But then, something strange happened. She started getting messages from other guys on the dating app. At first, she ignored them, not wanting to go through the whole process again. But then, one guy caught her attention.

His name was Jake, and he was funny and charming in a way that reminded her of Noah. They messaged back and forth for a few days, and Samantha found herself feeling excited about the possibility of meeting someone new.

They met up for drinks a few days later, and Samantha found herself having a great time. Jake was easy to talk to, and they seemed to have a genuine connection. As the night wore on, Jake leaned in and kissed her, and Samantha felt a spark of electricity run through her body.

For the next few weeks, Samantha and Jake continued to see each other. They went on dates to art galleries, tried new restaurants, and even took a dance class together.

Samantha found herself falling for Jake, and she couldn't help feeling like maybe Noah had disappeared from her life for a reason. Maybe he had been meant to teach her something, to prepare her for the real thing.

As she looked into Jake's eyes one night, Samantha realized that she had found something she had been searching for all along. Love in the age of modern dating was different than what she had expected, but it was still possible. She had found someone who made her feel alive, and she knew that this time, it was real.

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About the Creator

Siva S

Lazy boy with little skills ,

A part time content writer ,

A normal human being who trying to get some attentions !!!

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