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Love is the result of a powerful strategy

I'm going to venture a guess here and say that you could be on your way to falling in love with him if you're trying to figure out how to make a man fall in love with you. Are I correct? You can only hope that he feels the same way since you're catching hell for him, but how can you be sure?

By Lahiru BiyanwilagePublished about a year ago 8 min read

I'm going to venture a guess here and say that you could be on your way to falling in love with him if you're trying to figure out how to make a man fall in love with you.

Are I correct?

You can only hope that he feels the same way since you're catching hell for him, but how can you be sure?

You can't feel how to delude a man into falling in love with you in this article. I really shouldn't work like that. What you will discover are methods that I have personally witnessed work for making a man fall in love with you.

I do, therefore, have some idea of what I'm talking about.

Don't take it from me, though! If you want to discover how to make a man fall in love with you, try trying as many of the following techniques as you like.

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8 Ways to Win a Man's Heart That He Won't Be Able to Resist

First of all,a Remark on the Patience Art

Let me just say a word about patience before we begin. I recognize that you're in a precarious position as you wait for him to come up with you if you've fallen for this person. Loves you does he? Does he still love you? You'll do everything it takes to win his affection.

But if you rush things, you could ruin it. So pump the breaks a little. Everyone experiences love at a different pace, and it takes time.

And occasionally it doesn't occur at all. Put no responsibility on yourself. It wasn't meant to be if he doesn't fall in love with you. You'll notice a million reasons why it is true if you take a step back, I bet.

But give him some space. His personality and all of his prior romantic relationships will have an influence on how long it takes. You'll be patient if you really love him.

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1.) Make a sense of need in him while avoiding seeming need.

I get that you are a self-sufficient woman who doesn't require a guy, but the fact is that men prefer to feel needed. Put it down to the fact that we have evolved to be the protector and provider in relationships. Even while you can kill your own spiders and replace your own tires, you are not required to.

The next time you have a task that you know your boyfriend would be great at, ask for help. If you've been single for a while and have become accustomed to doing everything that needs done, this may require some practice and letting go.

Just that. Simply ask for assistance.

You'll realise how great it is to lean on someone else, to depend on him to assist you, and you'll also offer him a purpose (after all, he's trying to win your heart too, so doing something for you is significant). That undoubtedly relieves some of your burden.

2.) Let Him Miss You.

I am aware that if you like this person, you will always want to be with him. Perhaps he also wants that. But how about we ease into that kind of constant relationship? Or even better, never do it.

3.) Appreciate Him... Only When He Deserves It.

Okay, to be clear, I am not suggesting you kiss this guy’s ass all the time.

“Oh Bobby! That shirt looks amaaazing on you.”

“Oh Bobby! You’re so strong!”

“Oh Bobby! I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

Not what we want to achieve. I do ask that you shower me with praises, though. Tell him if you're thinking that he looks good in that shirt! I'm not sure why, but even when we have positive thoughts about someone, most of us don't compliment them enough.

Just consider how fantastic it is to receive compliments. Why wouldn't you want to give the man you care about that kind of feeling? Hence, if a compliment comes to mind regarding his appearance, a wisecrack he makes, or anything he does, let him know you appreciate it.

4.) Let your Real Nature Shine.

Several so-called dating experts have allegedly advised women to tone down their intelligence or temper their outgoing personality. This is just garbage. If you do that, the guy will have a completely false idea of who you are. He could be surprised to learn that, whoa, you're truly educated or opinionated after you get to know each other and begin being real.

You will be accepted for who you are through a perfect guy.

That's accurate. There's no need to hide your extreme intelligence or the fact that you're a control freak. Let your freak flag or control flag fly. In this manner, he starts off well aware of what he is getting into. If he's interested? Great. He'll have a greater chance of falling in love with you.

5.) Respect His Masculinity.

Men enjoy being needed, and they also enjoy having their masculinity admired. Yet, once more, I'm not saying you should pinch his muscles and tremble whenever you see him.

It takes more than just testosterone and strength to be a man. It involves showing chivalry, acting honourably, and treating others properly. as stated in the quotation from Norman Mailer above.

Being open to vulnerability and empathy is the mark of a true man. Being a decent companion is it. Thus, as much it matters to you, express your admiration for these traits to him. It will at the very least spark a stimulating discussion on what it means to be a male in modern society.

6.) Be relentless.

I stressed the value of patience in my last article on how to learn how to make a man fall in love with you, but I can't emphasise it enough.

Use this advise if you feel like you'll blow up if you don't tell him you love him. Inform a buddy of your feelings. She will encourage you while also assisting you in determining if the love you profess will be returned or not. She will let you know if she thinks he hasn't shown any symptoms of falling in love with you just yet so you may avoid the humiliation of a one-sided love affair (the worst!).

It's not necessary for the male to constantly express his affections for the woman first, but you should give him some time to do so. Just consider how much better it would be if, when the proclamation does occur, you both said it, regardless of who said it first.

Rushing this might leave you unsatisfied. Remember that.

If you still feel compelled to tell someone, write about it in your notebook. You may process your emotions with the aid of this. And taking a seat on them for a time never hurts. It may be hard to distinguish between love and desire in the early stages of a relationship, but by allowing your love some time to simmer, you can be certain that it is love before exposing yourself to risk.

7.) Assure him that you are exploring him.

I am aware that you could try to maintain a poker face in the early stages of dating a new guy. Given that you are unsure if this will lead to a relationship, you could be reluctant to let him know that you are considering him.

But, now that things are moving along, the rules have changed, and it's really advantageous for you to let him know he's on your mind. If you enjoy it, he will too, just like with praises. Every time he says he's thinking about you, you flush from head to toe, so why not say the same back? You may send him the following texts to brighten his day.

Saw a corgi today [his favourite dog] and it made me think of you!

Sigh. I can’t get any work done today. Just keep replaying our last date…

Just wanted to say hi, since you’re on my mind!

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All of these are within reason. Those are only little pings to let him know that you are considering him. I'm sure they'll put a grin on his face!

8.) Encourage him in his endeavours and interests.

Look, if you're not already into disc golf, rock climbing, or fishing, you don't have to suddenly pretend to be interested in them. Nevertheless, if your boyfriend has hobbies or interests, one method to learn how to make a man fall in love with you is to be supportive of them.

If he goes fishing, find out what he brought in. When he says he's headed to the rock climbing gym, enquire about his workout. You are only demonstrating your respect for him by asking him about his hobbies rather than acting as though you share all of his passions.

People prefer to interact with those who ask questions, especially follow-up inquiries, according to scientific research. Asking follow-up questions demonstrates your curiosity and attention to detail. Don't just ask him how the fishing trip was, though. Ask him how fresh tuna tastes if he claims to have caught one. Find out with whom he went fishing. Find out the type of bait he employs. If you show interest in learning more about his pastime, he would be pleased to educate you, especially if you don't know much about it.

Likewise, be supportive of what he’s doing. If you know he’s got a job interview this week, send a text beforehand letting him know you’re rooting for him, then check in with him after to see how it went. One of the foundations of a loving relationship is support; when you show your partner that you’re there for him as his biggest cheerleader, he feels great. And when you support him, you’re starting to glom onto how to make a man fall in love with you.

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