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love comes because of habit


By ignatius awang braminiaPublished 19 days ago 4 min read

In the cozy town of Willow Creek, there lived a woman named Lily. Lily worked as a librarian, a job she loved for its quiet charm and endless supply of books. Every morning, she walked the same route to the library, passing by Pete's Coffee Shop, where she'd grab her usual: a caramel latte with extra foam.

Pete, the owner, always had her drink ready by the time she walked in. He'd greet her with a warm smile and a quick chat about the weather or the latest town gossip. Lily and Pete had this routine down to a science, their interactions as predictable as the sunrise.

One chilly morning, Lily walked into Pete's to find him scrambling. His assistant had called in sick, and the shop was busier than usual. Seeing Pete in a bind, Lily offered to help out behind the counter. She spent the morning brewing coffee, serving pastries, and chatting with customers. By the end of the shift, she and Pete were laughing like old friends.

"Thanks, Lily. I couldn't have managed without you," Pete said, handing her an extra-large caramel latte with a grateful grin.

From that day on, helping Pete became part of Lily’s routine. Every morning, she’d spend an hour at the coffee shop before heading to the library. Over time, their conversations grew deeper. They talked about their favorite books, dreams, and even their fears. Pete confessed his love for photography, while Lily shared her passion for writing.

One evening, as they closed up the shop together, Pete asked, "Do you ever wonder how we ended up spending so much time together?"

Lily thought for a moment and replied, "I guess it just became a habit. A good one, though."

Pete nodded, a soft smile on his lips. "Funny how habits can turn into something more."

Months passed, and their bond grew stronger. It wasn’t a sudden, passionate romance but a slow, steady realization that their lives were better with each other in them. They went from being casual friends to sharing dinners, movie nights, and weekend adventures.

One rainy afternoon, as they sat in Pete's shop sipping coffee, Pete looked at Lily and said, "You know, I think I’ve fallen for you."

Lily felt a warmth spread through her. "I think I’ve fallen for you too," she replied, realizing that somewhere between the caramel lattes and morning chats, habit had blossomed into love.

And so, in the quaint town of Willow Creek, Lily and Pete discovered that love doesn’t always come with fireworks and grand gestures. Sometimes, it grows quietly, nurtured by daily routines and the simple joy of sharing life’s little moments. Their love story was a testament to how habit can weave two lives together, creating a bond that’s as comforting and enduring as their favorite caramel latte with extra foam.


In the bustling city of Everwood, there lived a man named Tom. Tom was an accountant, leading a life that thrived on routine. Every day, he’d wake up at 6:30 AM, go for a jog, and stop by Emily’s Diner for breakfast. His order was always the same: scrambled eggs, bacon, and a cup of black coffee.

Emily, the diner’s owner, had been serving Tom his breakfast for years. Their interactions were friendly but brief, consisting mostly of "Good morning, Tom" and "Thanks, Emily." It was a comfortable routine, one that neither of them gave much thought to.

One particularly hectic Monday, Emily’s usual cook called in sick, and she was left to handle the kitchen and the counter by herself. Tom, noticing her struggle, offered to help. "I’m no chef, but I can handle a spatula," he joked.

Emily laughed and accepted his help. Together, they managed the breakfast rush, with Tom flipping pancakes and Emily pouring coffee. By the time the last customer left, they were exhausted but exhilarated.

"Thanks for saving my morning," Emily said, handing Tom a cup of coffee on the house.

"Anytime," Tom replied with a grin. "I guess I’m getting breakfast here and some cardio."

After that day, Tom started arriving at the diner a little earlier to help out. It became their new routine. They’d work together during the busy morning hours, and once the rush died down, they’d sit and have breakfast together. They began to talk more, sharing stories about their lives, dreams, and everything in between.

Tom learned that Emily had inherited the diner from her parents and dreamed of expanding it one day. Emily discovered Tom’s love for photography, a hobby he rarely mentioned to anyone. Their conversations flowed easily, and they found themselves looking forward to these moments.

One evening, Emily invited Tom to a local photography exhibit. She knew how much he loved photography and thought it would be a nice change of pace. Tom was surprised but delighted. He accepted, and they spent the evening exploring the gallery, discussing their favorite pieces, and sharing laughs.

As they walked back to their cars, Emily said, "You know, I’ve gotten so used to seeing you every morning. I think I’d miss you if you ever stopped coming."

Tom smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest. "I’d miss you too, Emily. More than I realized."

Their mornings at the diner continued, but now with a new layer of connection. They started spending time together outside the diner, going to the movies, exploring new restaurants, and even taking weekend trips. Their friendship deepened, and slowly but surely, something more began to blossom.

One quiet morning, as they sat in their usual booth sipping coffee, Tom looked at Emily and said, "You’ve become a habit I don’t want to break."

Emily smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Same here, Tom. It’s funny how love sneaks up on you, isn’t it?"

And so, in the midst of their daily routines and familiar habits, Tom and Emily discovered that love had quietly woven itself into their lives. It wasn’t marked by dramatic declarations or grand gestures but by the simple, steady rhythm of their time together. They found that sometimes, the best kind of love is the one that grows from the comforting cadence of everyday life.


About the Creator

ignatius awang braminia


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Comments (2)

  • Esala Gunathilake19 days ago

    Nicely done it.

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ignatius awang braminiaWritten by ignatius awang braminia

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