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Longer time sex tips

Longer Intercouse tips

By EmmanuvelPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Станислав Чмелев

Improving intercourse time can be a common concern for individuals and couples. Here are some tips that may be helpful:

Practice pelvic floor exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can improve your control over ejaculation. Kegel exercises, which involve contracting and releasing your pelvic floor muscles, can help improve your endurance and stamina during sex.

Slow down: Try to pace yourself during intercourse, focusing on deep breathing and relaxation. This can help reduce anxiety and increase pleasure.

Explore different positions: Changing positions during sex can help you last longer and find what feels best for you and your partner.

Use a thicker condom: Wearing a thicker condom can reduce sensitivity and help you last longer.

Try desensitizing creams or sprays: There are over-the-counter products available that can help numb the penis and reduce sensitivity during sex.

Communicate with your partner: It's important to talk openly and honestly with your partner about your sexual concerns and desires. This can help you work together to find solutions that work for both of you.

Seek professional help: If you're experiencing persistent or severe difficulties with premature ejaculation, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a healthcare provider or a sex therapist who can provide additional strategies and support.

Engage in foreplay: Spending more time on foreplay can help increase arousal and build anticipation, leading to longer and more satisfying intercourse.

Take breaks: If you feel yourself getting close to orgasm, take a break and engage in other sexual activities, such as kissing or touching, until the feeling subsides.

Focus on your partner's pleasure: By focusing on your partner's pleasure and satisfaction, you may be able to last longer and experience more pleasure yourself.

Masturbate before sex: Masturbating a few hours before intercourse can help reduce sensitivity and prolong intercourse.

Use breathing techniques: Focusing on your breathing during sex can help you relax and control your arousal.

Try the squeeze technique: This involves squeezing the base of the penis just before ejaculation to temporarily reduce arousal and prolong intercourse.

Use distraction techniques: Engaging in mental distractions, such as counting or reciting the alphabet backwards, can help reduce arousal and prolong intercourse.

Explore non-penetrative sex: Activities such as mutual masturbation or oral sex can be enjoyable alternatives to intercourse and can help build intimacy and arousal.

Experiment with sex toys: Incorporating sex toys, such as vibrators or cock rings, can help increase pleasure and prolong intercourse.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can help you stay present and focused during sex, reducing anxiety and increasing pleasure.

Experiment with different pressures: Experimenting with different levels of pressure during sex, such as slowing down or pausing, can help prolong intercourse.

Consider medication: Certain medications, such as antidepressants, can help delay ejaculation and prolong intercourse.

Take care of your overall health: Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can all contribute to better sexual health and endurance.

Manage stress: Stress can affect sexual performance, so managing stress through techniques such as exercise, meditation, or therapy can help improve intercourse time.

Try different lubricants: Using different types of lubricants, such as silicone or water-based lubricants, can help reduce friction and increase pleasure during sex.

Avoid alcohol and drugs: Alcohol and drugs can impair sexual function and reduce endurance, so it's best to avoid them before or during sex.

Get regular checkups: Regular checkups with a healthcare provider can help identify any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to sexual difficulties.

Explore fantasy and role-play: Exploring fantasies and role-play can help increase arousal and prolong intercourse.

Be patient: Improving intercourse time can take time and practice, so be patient and continue to experiment with different techniques and strategies.

Have fun: Remember to approach sex with a positive and playful attitude, focusing on pleasure and intimacy rather than performance or pressure.


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I followed my heart and it led me to the fridge

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