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Little Moments of Joy That Make You Feel Happy Every Day

Happiness is composed of small moments.

By Maisey NorthPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Little Moments of Joy That Make You Feel Happy Every Day
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

From journaling to buying flowers for yourself, these little keys to joy can help you fill your life with happiness, even on busy or bad days.

"Pursuing happiness" is often referred to as a kind of large-scale, long-term goal, but in fact, happiness can often be found in small, happy moments that abound in your daily life.

And it is especially important to be able to observe them in those days when everything falls out of your hands and it seems to you that the whole world has taken up arms against you. They help you to "move" to a happier and more optimistic outlook on the world.

I have asked my readers to share with us the little things they can use to add a little joy to their lives. And which one would you like to try today?

1. Invite yourself to a "coffee meeting"

"One of the simplest things that makes me happy is' a coffee meeting, to which I invite myself. I like to know that the only reason I went to my favorite coffee shop today is to feel good, to be alone with myself, and to drink some delicious coffee. Sometimes, while drinking coffee, I read an interesting book or write in my diary. Sometimes I sit and watch what's going on around me and smile. The important thing is that I like it. " - Broker Danielle, Personal Growth Trainer, London, UK.

2. Read a book to your children

«Since I am one of those mothers who have to work, the moments when I stay in bed with my two boys and read them a bedtime story bring me real joy. Every night I turn off the phone, fall out of the crazy rhythm of my workday, and admire the genuine joy on my children's faces, listening for the hundredth time, probably, to the same story. It's like magic. It helps me to forget all the worries and anxieties that have accumulated in my mind during the day. " - Althea Lovell, Corporate Relations Specialist, Auckland, New Zealand

3. Buy flowers

"In the last 25 years of my life, every Friday I buy a bouquet of white roses. Many years ago, when I was studying with an Israeli-Moroccan shaman woman, known in Israel as Chaza, she told me that she believed that white roses could cleanse the negative energy of the house. I've been trying to get white roses on my desktop ever since. And I also give white roses to the owners of any house to which I am invited ". - Ellie Molina, Intuitive Solutions Advisor, New York, USA

4. Hug your partner

"The taxi I ordered to leave is late, which means I have time to close my eyes, sigh happily and hug my husband. I'm talking about a sudden, real, strong hug, in which I weave my face into his chest and stay like that for about ten seconds. For me, it's like a "reset" button, helping me understand that no matter what problems fill our lives, I have it and it has me, and that's a lot. " - Pam Fisher, Deputy Director, Glen Falls, USA

5. Do yoga

"Even though I only love yoga, after I moved three years ago, I still haven't found a yoga class near my house. But one day, my seven-year-old son came home and told me, gladly in his eyes, that they had optional yoga classes at school and that he would like to practice it at home with me! I found on youtube how to do 20 minutes of yoga before bed and I look forward to our practice. " - Pradeepa Narayanaswami, Fertility Consultant, Dallas, USA

6. Enjoy the ocean

«The sight, the sounds, and especially the smell of the ocean always bring me joy. When I sit on the beach just before sunset, I inhale the smell of saltwater and admire it, while the waves sweep the shore one after the other… for me this is true happiness. » - Cory Katz, School Psychologist, Merrick, USA

7. Make a good part of your day

"I have three tiny rituals that help me see the kindness and happiness that surrounds me. Every morning I wake up feeling grateful for the next day, I try to do something good for someone, and then, before I go to bed, I express my gratitude out loud because I had another wonderful day. This is my recipe for happiness. " - Nikki Anderson, Women's Leadership Coach, Laysle, USA

8. Look at the plants

"If you ask me what makes me happy every day, I will answer that I only look at plants - a seed that has just hatched in moist black soil, grass full of weeds that have blossomed with bright flowers and are now a really beautiful bud. , or just set up, which promises to please me with wonderful flowers. These tiny things fill my heart with real happiness. "- Gema M., opinion leader and blogger, London, UK

9. Keep something memorable in your home

"As far as I can remember, my mother kept two porcelain angels on the shelf - one for each of her daughters. When I was little, I found it weird and even a little ugly. But not now. When she had Alzheimer's disease and was transferred to a hospital, I threw away many unnecessary things, but I left the angels. My mother died a long time ago, but my "angel" now lives in my house, where I see him every day and he fills me with happiness and joy. " - Diana Gillespie, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, Botell, USA

10. Appreciate the peace of the morning

«It brings me inexpressible joy and happiness in those moments of peace and serenity, in the morning, when I walk around my house in the morning and I know that my family is safe, that everything is fine and everything goes as usual. I watch the sunshine through the fences, sip my first cup of morning tea, and just enjoy the peace. For a second or two, I'm really happy, and that sets the tone for the rest of the day. " - Jill Leek, Employee Relations Consultant, Solihull, UK

11. Collect photos of happy moments

"I have a folder on my phone with photos of the happiest moments of my life, such as my wedding, my sons 'birthdays, and my friends' vacations. For me, this folder is a real box full of happiness and joy. » - Isabelle Galiano, Nutrition Consultant, Singapore

12. Clean the house of garbage

"A clean and tidy house gives me real joy because this is the only refuge where my family and I can hide from the chaos of the world." - Beverry Lim Lil, Editor, Life, New York, USA

13. Remember something pleasant

"My memories bring me the greatest joy. I always like to look back on what I call the "cornerstones" of my life. When something doesn't work for me, I remember a similar situation in which I still achieved the desire and draw the will and determination from this ship. When I lost my job, got sick, or just couldn't decide what to do, I found something in my past that helped me gain my self-confidence. " - Susan Harris, TV host and writer, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada

14. Help someone solve a problem

"I feel very happy when I can help other people solve their problems or direct them in the right direction. It can be just as simple - for example, when I give only useful advice - or difficult when I help with a business plan for the future. Solving other people's problems and helping people make decisions helps me feel valued and gives me real joy! " - Kalin Skersis, real estate agent, Seattle, USA

15. Feel grateful

"To feel happy, I just have to understand that everything is fine with me. For this, every morning I "walk" mentally through my whole body and I remember how lucky I was. I can see and hear, I can move and breathe and I am alive. And I feel happy - because I have everything I need to have a wonderful day ". - Lennis Perez, engineer and consultant, Austin, USA

In what ways do you add happiness to your life? Leave a comment, share them with us!


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