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How to Overcome Difficult Times

Mental Resilience Education

By Maisey NorthPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to Overcome Difficult Times
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

To be successful in your business, you need so much mental strength that, as you can see, only Hercules himself is capable of it.

But no matter what kind of books your fate offers in your personal or professional life, you need to cultivate enough mental resilience in yourself not only to survive but also to achieve prosperity.

I want to share a very personal story with you, but not because I want sympathy or attention. No, I want to use my life story as a tool and a starting point to help you develop the mental resilience you so desperately need.

The most important thing is your reaction to the books offered by destiny

It all started with my sudden, natural pregnancy, with two identical twins, which did not go as I expected. When I was 26 weeks pregnant, I was diagnosed with related twin syndrome, a rare and serious disorder in which identical twins share the same placenta, resulting in uneven blood flow between the twins. Two weeks later, I was sent for an urgent "cesarean" and my daughters were born.

Meanwhile, in the 10 years I spent on the "work front," my husband and I started our own business, raised venture capital, and turned it into a thriving and thriving business.

Shortly after the birth of the twins, we received four offers to buy our company. Given what is happening in our personal lives, we decided to accept the acquisition of our company by another company.

What followed was both miraculous and devastating. So, here's what he taught me 180 days in the hospital, two heart surgeries, 210 days for artificial respiration, 300 days for artificial nutrition, and selling my company.

Train your mental muscles to deal with extreme situations

In most cases, to succeed in business, you need a very strong mindset - strong enough to withstand all the trials and tribulations that you will inevitably have to overcome on your way to your goals.

So what can you do to successfully deal with the negative emotions that come with all your problems? If you want to start somewhere, start by strengthening your body, mind, and spirit.

At that time in my life, the key to overcoming negative emotions for me was regular eating (even if I didn't feel like eating), and my 34-minute daily walk to the hospital was a breath of fresh air for me (so literally as well as metaphorically).

Do whatever it takes to make you feel better about yourself. This will help you develop the mental stamina needed to overcome the most difficult rapids and whirlwinds of the river in your life.

Mental resilience begins with internal dialogue

''Why me? Why now? It's not fair! I can't believe this is happening. "… That was my inner dialogue - at first. But then I realized that thinking in this vein had become a deadly trap for me. The more I reflected these thoughts in my head, the deeper the negative whirlwind sucked me in and there was no end or edge.

Then I began to try to change my inner dialogue in the direction I needed to develop my inner strength. I said to myself, "Bad things happen all the time, even to good people. Well, so what? That's life. Maybe you can learn something from this. "I was reminded of this every time I wanted to complain to the whole world about injustice, and this approach helped me to become much stronger and grow as a person.

You have to remember that your thoughts are controlled by you and only by you. Your thoughts are the ones that guide your actions, determining how and what you spend your time on - your most valuable and irreplaceable resource. So, ask yourself what is the most passionate thing that will help you achieve what you want or become a better person?

Don't let personal emotions affect your well-being by doing it in a healthy way

In December 2017, I was informed that both of my 5-month-old twin daughters needed heart surgery. Aliyah's operation was planned first, and as they prepared for the operation, I, with my laptop in my lap, simultaneously prepared for an emergency meeting of our company's board of directors to discuss the four offers. purchase received. Some potential buyers have sent us letters of intent, stating that offers expire within 24 hours. It had to happen now or never.

When Aliyah was rotated into the operating room just before the board meeting, I told myself that I would interrupt my personal feelings, hold a high-level meeting, and return to my daughter as soon as I was done. In addition, I let the board know what life circumstances I had to face.

The fact that I was not hiding anything and I was sincere and open gave me enough courage and willpower not to break. It was one of the most difficult times for my family and our business, but mental endurance helped us to overcome it. She can do the same for you.

Although I do not believe that your personal and professional life can be completely separated from each other, you need to cultivate enough willpower to not let strong emotions affect your professional activities and move on effectively, no matter what the situation. Only in this way can you become a truly great leader.

It may take a long time to learn how to do this, but be patient with yourself and keep trying.


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