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Ladies: Have You Bought Your Man A Gift Yet For March 14?

Man A Gift Yet For March 14

By Saifullah AbbasiPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Love becomes complete and fulfilling when you get loved in return. And so is the virtue of giving. Ladies, have you ever thought of setting a special day to appreciate a significant guy in your life? Or perhaps just finding a special way to appreciate them?

Well, think of that for a second.

If you enjoyed a rosy Valentine’s Day full of covetous gifts, then you must have understood how nostalgic it could be. Men, too, need to be treated to the same tune. And that’s why March 14 is here.

Yes, Guy’s Valentine’s Day. At least, ladies now have a special day to take their special guys on a hot and sensual Journey. Or in other words, return the favor. Thanks to the LoveWorks® Company for a superb name.

A Brief Look At The Guy’s Valentine’s Day - March 14?

This iconic day has a long history dating back to 1978 when it was set as the “White Day” in some Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and others.

Unlike the conventional Valentine’s Day in the USA in which women are the greatest beneficiary, men in most Asian countries are the target of gifts and affection on Valentine’s Day.

“White Day” became a reverse holiday due to the extravagant love, gifts, and pampering that men had received from women on Valentine’s Day. In other words, it was the men’s opportunity to pay back the ladies who gave them gifts.

And it was celebrated on March 14. And that’s how the White Day came into existence.

Besides being a special day for reciprocating the love demonstrated to women by men, White Day also carries a sense of Asian culture. It backs the Asian etiquette of gifting someone who gifted you to reciprocate the love and joy that comes with it.

In some countries such as the Philippines, ladies who failed to gift their male friends or spouses on Valentine’s Day, would find it rough as they were treated to the same measure by men on White Day. An unwritten rule on White Day, was that men did not buy gifts for any women that did not give them a gift!

What’s The Difference In The US?

In the USA and other parts of the world, ladies continued to reap the benefits as they believed Valentine’s Day was meant to show them the utmost love they deserved.

As such, they couldn’t wait for the day. It could ring endlessly in mind as they built castles in the air on how the day would be, and the surprise gifts they would receive. And in fact, this was the time to enjoy lavish candies, chocolates, flowers, jewelry and much more.

According to a report published in USA Today, the cost of valentine’s expenditure ballooned from 36 percent in 1948 to 70.32 percent in 2018.

Even though women participate in buying Valentine gifts, the 2019 survey by Yahoo revealed that men spend more than fives times the value of Valentine gifts purchased by women.

Due to this trend, a deceiving notion was born that February 14 is the ladies' day, despite being a global couples’ day. Or rather, a friend day. This made a group of men protest over the inequality. And this couldn’t go without an equalizer, thereby prompting the birth of National Guy’s Valentine’s Day. And now there is a Valentine’s Day for both genders!

Who Is Behind National Guy’s Valentine’s Day

It was in 2002 that Tom Birdsey, a DJ at WFNX radio station, announced the day as a satirical backlash against Valentine’s Day: a day that was perceived to be more of female-centered rather than its intended purpose.

While in his line of duty, DJ Tom Birdsey jokingly proposed a new holiday for men. Since men too yearned to have a special day of appreciation, this DJ’s idea sounded right. The only problem was the non-family-friendly name that was chosen.

The inappropriate language chosen to package the holiday resulted in tons of hilarious memes, instead of gaining support as a legitimate holiday. In fact, several funny videos were made out of it.

The name made people even more phobic to it than anything else. The opposition was even worse from the religious quarters and other formal organizations.

And that was perhaps the greatest mistake made; unveiling a foul name for a holiday whose time had come. Changing the name could only improve the acceptance and celebration of the holiday.

This mistake was overcome when LoveWorks® decided to get behind the March 14th holiday, and renamed it “National Guy’s Valentine’s Day” in 2016. This time around, it sounded much better and more family-friendly.

Why Do We Need A “Valentine’s Day For Men”?

Just like ladies, men also deserve a special day to get appreciated. And that’s why LoveWorks® came in to save the holiday. And by giving it a new name, it’s now gaining traction across the globe.

However, it hasn’t been gazetted as a special holiday yet.

Even Valentine’s Day, one of our most well-known and celebrated holidays, is not a public holiday.

And therefore, it will still be business as usual until the work day is finished. Then it will be the ladies turn to make their special men feel loved and appreciated.

Even though March 14 isn’t an official holiday, it’s on the internet and almost everywhere. And as more people learn about it, merchants, restaurants and other businesses will get involved as their sales increase.

According to Heather Williams, the Spokesperson for LoveWorks®, “Guys are rarely the ones getting the attention they need (but won’t admit to needing) from their partners and their partner’s families.”

“We want to encourage a broader base of people to show their appreciation and affection for the men in their lives,” Heather Williams added.

“Because the women are the ones who are expected to take charge, make plans, make dinner reservations, and buy gifts. They guys only need to show up!” Said Williams, in another part of her statement.

Renaming the day to Guys Valentine’s Day opened the holiday up appreciating all the special men in our lives without necessarily having to be in a romantic relationship.

Thanks for the new name!

The new name has made it possible to team up with a close friend, potential in-laws, and co-workers to make a special guy feel appreciated.

Moreover, the name also makes the holiday safe for work, school, and churches to participate without fear or doubt.

Even though National Guy’s Valentine’s Day hasn’t existed for decades in the US, it provides a perfect opportunity for men to be appreciated.

In the same way, ladies are made to feel special on February 14; the same treatment should be reciprocated to men on March 14 to balance it out. After all, who doesn’t want to feel appreciated and wanted?

Since men may not love eating candies, chocolates, and other things that ladies love, it would be great to find unique ways to make them overwhelmed with love.

Perhaps you can look for unique dishes in an exquisite hotel, buy exciting gifts, and above all, make men feel they are equally special and indispensable.


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    SAWritten by Saifullah Abbasi

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