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It's just YOU with YOU


By Rebecca MariaPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Sometimes it fools you.

Sometimes it takes you by surprise.

Sometimes it envelops you.

Sometimes it makes you have false perceptions.

Sometimes it keeps you awake.

Sometimes it knocks you down.

Sometimes it makes you fall.

Sometimes it makes you a vegetable.

Sometimes it puts you on a different path.

Sometimes you fall asleep.

Sometimes he abandons you.

Sometimes he wants you down.

Because you allowed it.

You lowered your guard.

You have been influenced by your outside.

You were left wondering how beautiful it was.

You're left wondering what if.

You underestimated what you could accomplish.

You overestimated your level of understanding.

You thought you knew better.

You pushed in the direction you wanted.

You tried to complete your circle without patience.

You punched your inner chest and didn't listen to your intuition.

You wanted faster, more, better.

There is nothing wrong here. If you are content with just what you are, what you do or what you have, you will fall into a dangerous comfort zone.

It is natural to be more, to do more, to have more. It is always a good principle to be guided.

It's just that sometimes something goes wrong.

A small crack, a small hole that can sink a large ship.

You feel it, you know it's there, you've seen it, you've touched it, you've heard it, you've smelled it.

It is said that when it cracks it does so to make room for light to enter.

So, in the middle of the storm, in the tumult of thoughts, in the carousel of feelings, in the amalgam of emotions, you are the only one with you.

An entity of light that is admonished by the tiny and dramatic physical alterations to which the temple in which it is located is subjected.

I know you're looking for logic now, you want to understand, you're looking for arguments and answers, but who are you listening to here? Who do you trust? Who are you relying on?

It's just YOU with YOU.

Love is the only answer

Howdy! ✌️

Today marks 30 days since I was in solitary confinement.

It's been 1 month. Faster than I thought, that's how I perceived it. It seems that the perception of the passage of time has increased and everything is going at a much higher speed.

At first there was some chaos, like a short but strong blow that sends you to the floor.

You don't know why you got there, and somehow you don't know why you need to get up.

This uncomfortable effect lasted for several days, as if I had been caught in the whirlpool of a swirling river, and in the end it ended with a huge waterfall.

The cascade of life meant that in a few days, normal life quickly shifted to another kind of normal.

After waking up, I realized that it was a huge challenge for everyone. It is a challenge meant not to let you run away from you, but to return "home" to you. In. In you.

In this crazy journey through life, you tend to forget or overlook what really matters to you.

And at some point you defined, maybe, some principles, a set of values, a certain ethics, you made certain promises.

But, your life has been turned upside down. Some you kept, some you didn't.

But you tell yourself that you are a human being and it is natural for that to be the case, even though you know, in the depths of your soul, that it is an excuse you have clung to before.

You did as you pleased. You did as others told you.

You made decisions, sometimes by the second, sometimes you thought too much.

You have done neither good nor bad. You understand that. You know your truth is yours alone. You know that reality does not exist, only your perception of reality.

Slowly, this period no longer allows you to run away from yourself or what you promised yourself. And it doesn't make sense. Because, even if in moments like the ones we live in now, you don't want to accept, to be aware, to discover who you are and what you want, when?

When will you get back to normal? How normal? Is it worth going back to normal? Do you think it will be the same normal?

Let me have another cup of coffee ☕️

That's all there is to it. Another 30 days. Well, at least maybe 60 days.

You have been given this time to find out what makes your heart jump in the morning. To see the world with different eyes. Live with yourself and accept yourself as you are. Discover your inner strength. Go out into the world after this time and live a meaningful life. Under your banner. With your values. With you first in your life.

No, it's not selfishness. But just accepting your role and manifesting it in action as a consequence.

It's been a month since I've been live here on the page. In the evening. I do what I think I can and I can inspire and educate people for a better and better financial life. For them, for their business.

Every time I do this, I realize that when one teaches, two learn. That's the way it is, and it's true.

Photography is a passion that I have been pursuing more concretely for about 1 year. Every night I decided to put a picture of the sunset, as well as a documentation of this period.

I love sunsets. I wake up grateful and happy that I was here today. It's like a bookmark that reminds me I'm moving forward.

But more than that, I'm learning or re-learning to appreciate everything. From a like to this post to the current in the house. From a love emoji to food in the fridge. From sunset to tap water. From the joy of a phone call with your parents to the online payment of your gas bill. From the bunny in Krakow to holding my girlfriend's cheeks in my hands.

I haven't written that much in a long time. Nor about what I feel.

No matter what I'm going to talk about, whether it's financial education, photography, business, or social media, keep in mind that this is never the case.

There is nothing. They are empty of content. These are just some of your extensions.

It's always about you. Everything starts with you. Your inner world creates your outer world.

If you don't like where we are now with the outside world, know that you are to blame. Yes, yes, you too! And I! We are all to blame!

Therefore, it is up to each of us to change that. Why is it happening inside us. When we accept and understand this, what we will all experience together will be better and better.

Until then, who are you? Why are you here? How do you express yourself in life? Why do you do what you do? How can you make it different?

For me, the answer came a long time ago and remains the same: love is the only answer.

To love myself, my beautiful, my parents, my friends. To love sunsets, mountains, photography, education, writing, speaking, the joy of meeting new people and learning from them. Life. To love life.

I don't want to go back to normal.

Every day, in every way, they can get better and better.

Every day, I can choose differently. I can choose according to how I feel.

Every day, I want to choose her again, because I love her.

Every day, I can choose to be me.

Thanks for reading this far.

Thank you ?


About the Creator

Rebecca Maria

Hi! My name is Rebecca and I'm good at black and white drawing. On this site I will write interesting things and things that some of you do not know. I hope you enjoy You can write me in the comments what would interest you.Thank you .

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