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Tricks to be more popular


By Rebecca MariaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Ask questions

People like to see someone take an interest in them. Listen carefully and ask open-ended questions (which allow for more elaborate answers than "yes" and "no").

Repeat parts of what the other person said (but don't get weird).

Refrain what he said, echo the conversation. It will seem to the other that he is heard and understood. And who doesn't love a person who hears you and understands you ?!

Imitate the other person's behavior

From the position of the arms to the way he speaks, try to catch small gestures that can be copied discreetly.Stay calm in a conflict situation

It is very easy to lose a friendship when emotions take hold and the conflict degenerates.

Usually, those who manage to stay calm definitely dominate the situation. Let the other person calm down.

Even if you don't like what you hear, do the exercise from point 2 and see what comes out. He will feel understood and you will defuse the conflict more easily.

Look at people's feet during a conversation. Not very careful, don't stare, just watch as they are oriented.

Unconsciously, people point the tip of their foot in the opposite direction to the one they do not like.

You will see what are the likes and dislikes of the room. If someone is standing with their foot facing you, they probably like you.

Look happy to see someone

He will treat you the same way. Emotions are contagious. If you want to be the soul of a party, don't be arrogant in a corner, but be happy to see everyone you meet there.

Warm your hands before you get lucky with someone. First impression matters! The way you shake someone's hand - firmly and warmly, for example - makes a good impression.

Cold, sweaty hands leave a guess. If you want to conquer someone, invite the person in question to an extreme experience.

Adrenaline, the energy they will feel when climbing a steep mountain, for example, will be associated in your mind with your person.

Say someone's name as often as you can. If you talk to someone, tell them their name several times in a conversation. It's also a kind of subtle flattery that will make you popular.

He nods when he hears what the other person is saying

That says you're really interested in what he has to say - but also do it subtly. If you want a boyfriend or girlfriend, make it look like you already have a partner. People judge one's partner value by how attractive he / she is to others.

Women are attracted to men who have good-looking partners. It's a kind of guarantee of the value of that man. Fake it till you make it.

If you are sad, but you have to be the soul of the party, mimic the joy. People believe that expressions and behavior follow emotions ; but the opposite is also true: emotions follow behavior.


How we increase our interpersonal intelligence

We all want to be popular as cheerleaders. But it doesn't work out. Sometimes we step on the bowls and laugh. Or so it seems to us. But there are some tricks to becoming more popular.

There are no steps in that. Just as some are born talented and others are working on it, some are born popular, and others are trying too hard to become doing all the great things on earth. Those who want to turn to absurd ideas to highlight them (after trying all the steps and seeing that they are valid only for popular born children). They paint in "crazy" colors, they become rebellious, they make interesting people, they make shitty remarks so that they look good, they smoke, they walk in groups of scoundrels ... all of them are obsessed with being popular. Do you want to be popular in life? Couldn't you choose another job? Real girls know what they are ... too many of you want to be popular! Popularity comes from the inner need to give yourself importance. As long as you're not important to the right person,straight face💕💕💕


About the Creator

Rebecca Maria

Hi! My name is Rebecca and I'm good at black and white drawing. On this site I will write interesting things and things that some of you do not know. I hope you enjoy You can write me in the comments what would interest you.Thank you .

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