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It is time to take a stand!

One American's opinion

By Bradley PerryPublished about a year ago 5 min read
It is time to take a stand!
Photo by Priscilla Gyamfi on Unsplash

I have often wondered if Americans, and the rest of the world for that matter, have ever wondered about the sheer magnitude of everything happening today. We are in a constant state of readiness for war or another struggle. Global politicians, not to mention our own, are busy squabbling about anything other than what matters to citizens. Drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, human smuggling, and organized crime are at an all-time high! We have only ourselves to blame though! We fight and argue over trivial things such as the latest reality TV trash, or last night's BS call during the game. We should be discussing the realities of what is going on in our own communities and in our own country in the name of globalization. We love to shun people and call them out for being kooks and conspiracy theorists, but what other proof do you need to wake up and see what is happening around you?

All around us, we can see examples of our own government hanging us out to dry. Our government is allowing an invasion to take place at both our southern and northern borders. Why is this? I think it is because it sets a voting base up so they can never lose. But why are they allowing the trafficking? Those that are natural born and have some sense of normalcy, can't be "normal" if they are high, can they? Could it also be the government is setting a game that can not be won by natural-born Americans because we will be outnumbered? Think about it. Not only would they never lose power again, but they would also have a subservient class to do their bidding.

The government is very good at one thing. Taking money! Not making money, taking money! No government makes money, they can only take money. The government produces nothing therefore it can make no legitimate money. They have to take it from places that make it. Taxes! Taxes are a necessity for a government to thrive, let's face it. However, when is enough, enough? They care more about fixing the issues in other countries than they do fixing the issues here at home. Then there is the issue of the sexualization of our youth. Never before in history has it been more dangerous to be a child! Think about it. They are constantly being told they can be whatever they want, and for the first time in history, it can actually happen. Want to be a girl, go for it. Want to be a boy, go for it. Want to be an elephant, just identify as one and you have to be recognized accordingly. You don't have to want anymore! But, it better line up with what the government wants you to be! If not, you and your thoughts, dreams, and desires don't matter!

The government is telling us in real time that only they matter. For example, John Kerry has done an interview where he states it is OK for the wealthy and powerful to fly and burn more carbon because they can offset it! Are you kidding me right now? It truly is, rules for thee, not for me! They get an extra stipend in their salaries for armed protection, while they take funding from the police and the military. They routinely take police out of schools. You and your children don't matter, only the powers that be and their friends matter! Think about that. In the meantime, school shootings are on the rise, but it has nothing to do with the decrease in protection, it is only due to evil gun owners. The other day, I left my gun on the porch with my camera rolling. Three dogs walked by and 17 people and 25 cars went by. You know what, my gun did not shoot a single one of them! Really! No joke! My gun did nothing! Funny considering the politicians are saying it is solely guns who are responsible for mass shootings! Isn't that funny?

Another example I can provide is energy prices as well as the prices of everyday goods and services are skyrocketing. Our President has, as of this writing on 5/21/2023, said he will vehemently fight the GOP if they try to produce energy here in the USA! Why? Perhaps because it takes power and money from his and his family's pockets. He has no problem funding energy projects in other countries. He just doesn't want his country to be involved. That is a kick in the privates to the economy, isn't it? The last time I went to the grocery store my grocery bill has more than doubled! That's for a week of groceries. I spend more on groceries in a month than I used to for 3 months! The administration is taking credit for lower gas costs, which I guess you can give them credit for, but it is still over a dollar higher than when they took office! Mass shootings are on the rise also by the way. I wonder why that is? Perhaps because they are soft on crime, and all the Republicans can do is posture to make their constituents think they are doing something about it, but they are not!

We had another school shooting recently, this time in Tennessee, and nothing will be done but politics as usual. There is a happy medium in the middle answer, but we'll never get there because our politicians want to make it a campaign agenda. Already Twitter has both sides making assumptions and threats if things don't change. How predictable but also immature! How disrespectful of those that died needlessly! How dare these pundits and politicians trivialize a crisis such as this!

The issues that face us as a nation are massive and multiple, and we can only scratch the surface in one opinion article. I have been lengthy here, but stay with me, because it is about to come together. The Republicans are not exactly angels either. Full disclosure here, I strongly dislike both parties! Now the Republicans have no issues with sending the government over a cliff and causing a default on our loans, do they? No, they don't, but why don't I have a problem with that necessarily? When President Trump was in office, not one single Democrat had an issue with sending us over the very same edge, to make him look bad, did they? NOPE! But now it will be the end of the world and we have to be fiscally responsible. Isn't that convenient? So we are supposed to believe that it is OK for one side to be fiscally irresponsible, but not the other side! Wake up America! We are being duped and we are willing participants. Remember the Roman Emporer built the coliseum to have the people pay attention to the circus in the coliseum, and not the circus in the political arena! The same thing is happening now! Don't pay attention to the circus they have created for your entertainment, pay attention to the circus playing in our capital, every single day of our lives!

While we are watching American Idol, Football, Basketball, The Batchelor, and the latest episode of whatever trash TV you are watching, remember they are taking advantage of that in Washington DC. Both sides have shown fully choreographed and produced "public hearings", we have fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker! Pay no attention to the open borders, the defunding of YOUR protection, and the laws being broken on a daily basis by them! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Watch the left hand, so the right hand can rob you blind and lie to you, while you stare in ignorant anticipation of the next trick waiting to be played on you.


About the Creator

Bradley Perry

A former police officer from N.C. and also a medical professional. I write and have my own preparedness, security, and safety contracting and consulting firm. We also use drones. I also do blogs and have a podcast called The Blue View News.

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    Bradley PerryWritten by Bradley Perry

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