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Inner Demons

The Battle Within

By Gina melraePublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Mark couldn’t believe he was here, surrounded by many people he didn’t know. He shuffled through the crowd and took a seat on the side of the room assigned to him. He whipped out his flask and embraced the burn of whiskey as he took a gulp. He closed his eyes and took a deep, calculating breath. The day the invitation arrived in his mailbox was a surprise to him. The ivory paper and gold lining made it known that again, there was a wedding happening, and again, he was a guest. He sat on his couch for an hour deciding if he was going to RSVP and spent another hour deciding whether or not he was bringing a date. Finally, he responded, bought a gift, and drove to the wedding. Here he was, sitting at the wedding of his ex-girlfriend from a few years back. He hadn’t seen her for over 3 years, yet here he was. As thoughts flooded his brain, the muttering in the room stopped as a violin pierced the air with its notes signaling the room to take a seat. The audience turned to see a handsome man strut down the isle, his nervousness apparent on his face. After a few moments, the notes changed and the room eagerly turned to await the arrival of the bride. She appeared in the doorway, her white gown caressing her every curve. Her smile was as white as her dress and her eyes were bright as she took the practiced steps down the isle towards the groom.


Mark couldn’t help but whisper under his breath. Seeing Raelene after three years brought back all of the memories. Last time, he saw the bride she was his girlfriend, a loving, caring woman who went out of her way for her friends and him. Then, she was a friend and nothing more, no matter the history. Now, she looked like a woman, she glowed in the light of the chapel as she made her way past him. Seeing her in that dress reminded him of all the conversations they had about her dream wedding, how she wanted to look, the colors, and how quickly he had to remind her that he wasn’t considering marriage so soon into their relationship. He took another swig from his flask, attracting a stare from the people sitting near him. She made it to the altar and the priest started to speak. Mark went back into his own mind remembering the days they shared as a couple. The last words she said to him before she left for a new state, a new life.

“When you are truly ready for a relationship, I’ll be waiting for you,” she said.

She kissed him on the forehead and left his house. The drama in his life and empty responses he had given her had finally become a problem for her. Mark didn’t know how to show her his emotions and lost her. The drama that ensued afterwards was a whirlwind of information, feelings, and arguing between friends and new girlfriends. After arguments over the phone with Raelene, she finally cut him off. Mark got engaged not too long after. His friends said Raelene was happy for him, but they also told him she cried when she heard the news. He never realized how she had felt about him, even though she told him. He took another swig of his whiskey. He went back to listening and watching the ceremony. His best friend Jacky was a bridesmaid and had a smile on her face as big as the brides. He focused on her, looking at the bride had become too difficult for him. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed her, or loved her. How could he have been so blind? How could he have let something so beautiful slip from his fingers? Mark was drowning in his own thoughts as a welt grew in his throat. He missed her, and drank to forget her. Out of nowhere he heard “I object!” The room fell silent as all heads turned to see who the culprit was. He blinked slowly as he realized all eyes were on him. He was standing, and being glared at by Jacky, the groom, and the bride.

“Raelene! I…” Before Mark could get the words out of his mouth, the bride's father silenced him with a fist to the face.


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    Gina melraeWritten by Gina melrae

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