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I Really Miss My Ex Boyfriend Should I Text Him (What To Text Your Ex Boyfriend To Make Him Miss You)

Are you in the tough spot where you're saying oh my gosh, I really miss my ex boyfriend should I text him? This happens a lot. I was in this same exact spot not too long ago in my relationship, so I want to give you some insight of what to text your ex boyfriend to make him miss you...

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
I Really Miss My Ex Boyfriend Should I Text Him (What To Text Your Ex Boyfriend To Make Him Miss You)
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

If you want to learn how to win your ex boyfriend back, then you have to be prepared to hear people tell you that it may never happen. If you want to win him back through text, then you also have to be prepared to hear people tell you that texting him would be the biggest mistake of your life.

Now, although these people may just want what's best for you, you need to know that texting an ex boyfriend after a breakup isn't the end of the world. In fact, if you use text messages properly and effectively, you may come to find that it is actually a very powerful communication method that can help you win your ex boyfriend back with ease in today's modern world.

See, text messages in themselves aren't the enemies here. The enemies are actually the words that women use in their texts when they try to win their ex boyfriends back.

In other words, if you try to win your ex boyfriend back through text, but use the wrong words in your messages, you could ruin your relationship forever. This is actually the main reason why a lot of relationship gurus advise against using texts to win him back to begin with.

Believe it or not, even the most basic text messages, like, "Hey", "Sup", or "How are you" can ruin your relationship if you send them off without thinking too much about them. These texts are actually called nothing texts in the dating world because they will do nothing for your current situation.

Texting can come with numerous benefits if used right, though:

• It is intimate, personal and private.

• It isn't obtrusive or confrontational.

• It lets you think about your words before you say them.

• It can rebuild attraction with an ex in no time.

• It gives you an easier way to say what you feel.

Let's face it: everybody is addicted to gadgets nowadays, including mobile phones. They have gadgets with them practically everywhere. As such, you can get instant access to your ex boyfriend in no time and increase your chances of connecting with him on a personal and emotional level all over again and again.

However, if you really want to learn how to win your ex boyfriend back through a text, you will have to work on your approach and really put some effort into the whole process.

What to Text Your Ex If You Want Your Ex Back

Most of the times when a breakup happens we react from our emotions. We end up saying things we might regret. If you've broken up and want your ex back, it's not too late to get a second chance. Right now you can learn what to say so you don't come off as desperate or angry about your breakup.

There is always a chance to say the right thing even though you may have messed up big time. It's important to move forward instead of having regrets. When you text your ex again, just make sure its the right thing that will give you the right results.

What you should never text your ex:

1. You shouldn't try to ask your ex about the breakup over a text message. If you've done this already, you know it doesn't work and it will feed the gap between the both of you instead of bringing you together. Try and stay away from any kind of relationship discussion or any type of texts where it makes you come off as though you are begging your ex for attention or wanting to have the relationship back.

2. Telling your ex you love him or her will not help you get back together. What needs to happen is a trigger. You have to send the right kind of text message that will trigger your ex to want to respond to you. If you don't know what those are, you can learn what they are. The most important thing to know is attraction can be created and destroyed. If you send the right text over time, you can recreate attraction. But if you send the wrong text, you can continue to destroy the communication between the both of you.

What you should text your ex:

1. Your text message should be your private world between you and your ex. Your own secret communication gateway. Once you re-establish the right communication channels, you might be surprised about how much your ex is hooked on wanting to chat with you and might even call. But you have to know what to do first so that if your ex responds, you don't suddenly start to give up too much power.

2. Your text messages should be short and to the point when you start to reconnect. Don't worry if you don't get a reply right away because if you do it right, you will send a few strategic messages over time which will get the attention of your ex.

Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back By Inviting Him Out Through Text

Regardless of who broke things off and how things ended, you might be thinking about getting your ex boyfriend back somehow. If so, then the first thing you need to do is learn when it would be okay to start texting him again. Keep in mind that your ex may be vulnerable one minute and then emotionally immune the next, so timing will play a huge part here.

For starters, you will need to stay out of his texting radar for a while. Right now, your ex probably feels comfortable knowing that you miss him - and your constant text messages are a sign that you do. So, if you stop texting him and keeping him up-to-date with your life, he will lose that comfort and start worrying.

In the meantime, while you are subtly getting your ex boyfriend back by ignoring him and forgetting that he exists, have some fun for a change. Go out with your friends and stop sulking. Besides, going out and having the time of your life will also ensure that you don't reply to your ex's text messages and won't get tempted by them, either.

If you are able to keep up this facade for long enough, your ex is sure to miss you in the end and start wondering what you are up to. He might even doubt his decision to break up with you, if he is the one who initiated the breakup and if you suddenly seem unaffected by it. This doubt will eventually turn into curiosity and then desperation, upon which he will start texting you and your quest on getting your ex boyfriend back will soon come to a successful end.

Once you notice his texts becoming more frequent and frantic, you can slowly reconnect with him through your cell phone if you want. This doesn't mean that you should send text him too often, though. Make sure you maintain an aura of mystery by keeping your texts short and by stating that you are too busy to text him every now and then. Once he seems borderline desperate, you can then suggest to meet him over coffee sometime.

Make sure you only suggest a quick coffee, though, since coffee is non-committal and you can rush things along. This would be absolutely vital when getting your ex boyfriend back in the beginning, so that he will long for you more. This really works - try it!

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    KEWritten by Kayla Eden

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