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I have a friend from Africa that hit's my dm sometimes

My friend seems cool as fuck

By Angelina F. ThomasPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
I have a friend from Africa that hit's my dm sometimes
Photo by Mike Fox on Unsplash

My friend Seth is cool as fuck, we chat sometimes thru messenger online, we share our feelings about poverty and the struggle. We both know the struggle is real.

My friend is lucky if he gets a loaf of bread once a week, he lives in poverty, he said there is no soup kitchens, no pantries, no resources. Africa has been spoken of by this dude like the poverty level is really bad, and they do not have resources like Cincinnati does.

My friend Seth asked me to write a story about him so I am doing it.

I wish this dude and people like him the best. I am being a night owl today. I have been up for nearly twenty four hours, and I am having a blast working from home on my laptop computer.

I love working from home online at making my own hours I can work whenever there is not any mandatory work on this platform. It is such a lovely freedom to work this way. No occurrence system etc.

I would hate to have to work on my feet all day where the employer uses the occurrence system. I cannot handle being on my feet all day, I have tried to do it for the temp, service and my feet were screaming at the end of my shift! I was unable to make it home till the next day because, because of working the hours that I worked 2nd shift I missed my last bus, I had no lyft or uber fare, so I hung out downtown in front of the court house until the early morning, my bus didn't come until like almost six in the am.

I am ignoring my television just working. I should turn my television off for real. Part of me wants to go horse back riding when I get to my ideal body mass index weight, Which is 160 lbs.

I just had two fake ass friends in my snap chat dm trying to scheme and scam so they both got blocked. Two other clowns acted like they do not decipher the english language well therefore they got blocked too. Laughing my fat ass off at these mother fuckers. I think it is funny as hell.

I cannot wait to get paid and train me to stop impulse buying like a mother fucker. I hate my impulse spending issues, it is definitely an emotional issue. When I feel yucky emotionally, and emotionally disturbed I tend to impulse buy. I get sick emotionally and tend to purchase stuff I do not really need. I must quit this unhealthy habit, then I wonder why the hell I never have any money.

If I were to quit the emotional impulse spending, and quit cigarettes, and refuse to allow me to crave cigarettes, I could see my undercover billions fast. I need my new and old money phat backpack cash!! I need it super fast. I plan to supplement my income, and get filthy rich, however my impulse spending and my emotions get in the way. The 15 minute rule will save me from this problem. Yet I continue to sit around like a burnt out old woman.

I am sick of feeling burnt out, and bitter, and angry.

I am so tired of not allowing me to workout or do anything productive. I want to lose this weight, I want washboard abs. I want to see me in the perfect shape, and image, literally.

I wish I had my comma's I strongly desire, and long for. I want to be set for life, and be able to scream on the inside, yes I did it.

My author tag is:

Tips, and pledges are always welcome, I hope I get some binge readers soon as well. I would love to return the favor, but I need to see me having my needed comma's first. Please share my author tag with your peers, even strangers. Network with me, I can only do so much by myself. It takes a village to help a struggling author.

diyhumanityfact or fiction

About the Creator

Angelina F. Thomas

I am a very beautiful mother of mixed daughters with expensive taste. I hope and pray to my Abba father that my wishful thinking and my ability to dream huge truly pays off. So be it. Amen.

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