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I Have A Dream Too 🌏

Be a giver - Universe will give back to you multifold

By MonaMamPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Image Courtesy : Tumisu @ pixabay

Random Act of Kindness - the term “Random” itself makes it an unplanned, unintentional and unselfish “Action” to show the most admirable human nature, and that is “Kindness”. In fact, we all are kind towards others in some way or the other; be it towards those known to us or complete strangers and even animals. We just need to turn it into a habit, a character and just show that we care disregarding all social taboos.

We may relate kindness to sympathy, empathy, help, generosity, or with a feeling of concern sans bias. It can be just any impromptu action that brings a smile to others, is pleasant, and admirable. Try allowing a senior or an aged to cut the queue and take the first place or help a person change a flat tyre on road and see the gratitude and blessings you earn. In these two examples, the person offering help is actually sacrificing time also and yet many people do this. Why? Because ignoring a person in need would leave them guilty, a feeling that would haunt them. Helping others gives them joy. They believe giving is human. Kindness is real when it becomes an inherent character in a person and reflects in one’s thinking, expressions, words, and deeds – this is just a plain random act of kindness. An act is kind when it elates the giver with a feeling of satisfaction and pride. And how wonderful will that be if this random act of kindness becomes an inherent character with all that will go a long way in building a harmonious global ecosystem that we all strive for.

One small act of kindness is not just about chivalry, sympathy or consideration, but by being kind you are adding to the dignity and respect of the person.

The World is plagued with umpteen causes that discriminate against human beings; leading to illogical, irrational and unjustified bias and the resultant victimisation. For centuries we have had leaders who have fought to eliminate beliefs and practices that defy the very essence of human rights like age, gender, color and religious bias, rich v/s poor, employer v/s employee and so on. They have been successful in social reforms and creating awareness not only at the local, regional or national level but internationally. Right from freedom from slavery to voting rights, prejudiced laws, equality in compensation/salary, et al...we have had leaders who fought tirelessly and fearlessly in demolishing systems that carry any scope for discrimination.

Social evils overrule the laws sometimes. Like in Rosa Park’s case. She was asked to vacate the seat (in a bus) for white. She refused as she was occupying the seat in the section marked for colored but was asked to vacate as the “white” section got filled. And discrimination played its part, she was arrested and later even fired from her job. All this while she obeyed the laws !! Though this was a blessing in disguise for the African-American community as she went on to become an acclaimed activist in the “civil rights movement”. She was also honored as the “First Lady of Civil Rights” and “The Mother of the Freedom Movement”.

But sadly color & caste discrimination continues to be the most challenging social evil the world over. While laws and rules have not had much impact, the only hope that remains is to promote a change in mindset. Change the ways people think, change the ways people behave and change the ways people talk. Human behaviour must not attack anyone's dignity, respect and livelihood.

Small little acts of kindness will collectively overrule the unkind mindsets. People who play the bias & segregation games will be forced to abandon their negativity and work towards creating a welfare society.

This is how movements shape up forcing rulers to change the rules. A campaign or a movement when embedded in a gesture of kindness spreads goodness, reforms might get achieved easier & quicker!

Image Courtesy : designwebjae @ pixabay

And that’s what King Martin Luther Jr dream was – equality & togetherness in all aspects of life. He fought for equal rights for African-Americans. He dreamt of ending the racial injustice and a build a strong brotherhood.

And i have a dream too. My dream is that “no one should commit a breach of trust”.

Any relationship is built on trust and any breach in trust leads to dispute, revenge and possible crime. It can also result in anguish, shame, depression, aggression or even vengeance in the victim; ripple effects of which reach out to his family and immediate social circle affecting relationships. And it gets worse when there is no way out. This leaves the victims in a state of despair. This is, to say the least; for the damage can be more intense affecting victims’ financial, emotional, mental and physical health.

In simple words, this “breach of trust” can only come from a person, organisation, service or a brand you trust. It is set in by default especially when it comes to brands or built over time as in relationships; be it personal or professional. But betraying comes as a right to offenders and they care less about the after-effects.

I have experienced many instances that left me helpless and guilty for i had to give in to avoid conflicts. But then comes a time when fighting for the cause becomes a top priority. I witnessed every type of discrimination, injustice, harassment and corruption. Given my resources and capacity, i fought every time i faced such challenges but with little success. More than the perpetrators, it was the spectators that disappoint me. This is not because the witnesses supported the offender but because the witnesses did not stand up in support of the victim. People commit offenses because they are sure or i should say aware of others’ weaknesses. They are sure they can get away with it and they do !

I realised that while it is not easy to get the offenders punished but it is still possible to empower people to stand for the truth and speak up fearlessly. This will create a sense of fear in the offender's mind and will refrain from taking their position for granted.

I am working towards achieving my dreams and creating a safe and healthy environment where people trust and help each other. They are kind, empathetic and progressive. A place where all are treated equal and law is fair with all.

Hope people realise the power of "giving" which is not material things only but your time, help, smile, support, knowledge and wisdom. 🤞

Hope the random act of kindness becomes a habit and people offer it without much ado.

Hope we all use our strength to empower others and not exploit to prove superiority.

Hope all contribute their bit to build a happy and a healthy society, state, nation and the universe.

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About the Creator


me : a corporate professional and ghostwriter with interests in business, films, life, cooking, gardening, naturopathy, palmistry, astrology, real estate, human rights & the environment.

[email protected]

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