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I am neither my body nor my mind

A Story of Spirituality

By Ahamed ThousifPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

Me: In a town, many people are born, live, and die.

Him: So, how can you die and live?

Me: Anyway, how many people are living and dying, right?

Him: Yes!

Many people are dying like that. Do you know that even if the soul is separated from the body, it still exists somewhere?

Him: I don't believe. After death, we become black. Then what is Atma Geetma Padma?

Me: I don't know about Padma Geetma. But the soul definitely exists. It cannot be seen, touched, bitten, or destroyed by anyone. Is there wind or not?

He: Yes, no.

Me: See, you say you are there; you say no. So is the soul. Not in sight. There is definitely something called Atma for one who has knowledge of Atma. Electricity is invisible to the eye, but without it, no electrical machine or tool can function. Yes or no? Katu is like silk on us, and when electricity hits the body, it gives a shock. But does not this soul give us such a feeling?

Me: How were you when you were young, and how are you now?

When I was young, I enjoyed playing with other boys without any worries. I was small in appearance. Now the height and weight have all increased. But true friends are very few. I would even say no.

Me: You are right. Yet something within the depths of your mind, a unique "I" in you, with the consciousness of what that unique "I" was then, has changed now?

Him: Hmm. Give it some time to think. Hmmm, are you right? A sense of the 'I' that I had at the age of six remains the same then and now.

Me: "Soul" is that secret feeling that only you feel within that individual you.

It is because the soul is in our body that we can breathe air, eat food, think in our minds, and live with all kinds of emotions. It can be said like this: "The soul is not this body, and the mind is not with the body. But this body and the mind belong to the soul."He said, What's up? You're confusing me too.

Me: I am neither confused nor confusing you. No object is created or destroyed. We cannot create anything out of nothing. It is from something that we make a thing. One thing transforms into another thing. Water is in the ocean and in our bodies. Even in the rain, water increases, but nothing comes from nothing.

Him: You are right. Nothing is nothing. Even such a big banyan tree needs a small seed to grow so tall. A drop of sperm from a man is what causes a child to form in a woman's womb. If so, who created the human being? If the empty universe exploded, then the world itself, other spheres, and other cosmic mediums could have formed from something.

Me: You are right. From the same point of view, everything we see today has come from time immemorial. But I don't know what condition they were in. Why, when we say that there is nothing there when we talk about emptiness and void, the word 'there' seems to be something. Therefore, there is no such thing as nothing in this world or in this universe. When there is no money in his purse, there is something called a purse. When the land is vacant, there is land there. When my brain is empty and there is nothing there, there is something called the brain. Nothing is visible in the sky. Although it is said that there is nothing there, the space between the Earth and the sky is visible. Then how can we say that there is nothing in the void?

Him: Just like that, our soul must remain somewhere intangible after separation from the body. When the very air we breathe is invisible to our eyes, how can we see the soul, called the separated life? No leg can. But it is impossible to guess where and how the soul that separates from each body will be like this.

Me: I think so too. In a sense, such souls can be anywhere, but they can certainly be invisible. Man has all these things: time and distance. But when there is no such thing as mind, there cannot be such criteria as time, time, and distance, right?

Him: That may be so. If there is one thing called distance, then there is one thing called time. Some say, "For one immersed in deep soul meditation, there is no time, space, or time. The state of the soul is beyond all these.

Me: Taking it that way, how can there be birth and death for the soul? The soul can move from one body to another. It's like we change clothes. But that soul cannot have birth and death. Because if the soul dies, how can it be reborn again in another form? When we think about this matter a little more deeply, it seems that the existence of billions of souls together and pervading everywhere is the supreme entity called Paramatma.

That is to say, this Paramatma is believed to be the rare theme of truth, which is not a separate form but is present in everything that is seen, is present in all things, has no birth and death, has no beginning and end, and is always in an unpredictable vibration of awareness due to dimensions such as time and distance. We think that everything is one, something that our body and mind cannot perceive. But we know through their spiritual experience that some sages realized that too. A very good example of this is Ramana Maharishi, who spent many years ascetic in Tiruvannamalai. Like him, some other sages also told only a few that they felt the words of Ramana Maharishi in deep spiritual thought.

Him: I also hear what you are saying. But since spirituality is an experience beyond religion and devotion, an experience beyond worldly things, it is somewhat confusing what we believe in and how we attach spiritual value.

Me: It is similar to saying that the Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. We hear that he also overcame idolatry, engaged in deep spirituality, and attained the highest state of salvation. What Ramana felt, what Buddha felt, what Osho Rajneesh felt, and what Jitu Krishnamurthy felt, no one but them can feel. Taking into consideration their spiritual experiences and the ideas they exchanged, one's karma definitely depends on one's thoughts and actions in this birth and subsequent births. When one's mind is free from temptation, no thoughts arise in him. Then his soul will be freed from the conditions of birth and death and will merge with the above-mentioned unborn Paramatma and become the same Parabrahman theme. In such an indescribable state, only love will exist in that situation, and that will be the nature of awareness. This love cannot be said to be the quality or nature of the Supreme Being, but the solitary state of love is the Supreme Soul, and the Supreme Soul is love, which is the opinion of those who are said to know perfection.

It seems to me that there is some unexplained truth in what you are saying. No matter what happens in this worldly life, no matter how much thought, no matter how many meditations one does, in the end, one finds disappointment and despair. One cannot spend the last days of life contentedly, addicted to the puppet of money, engrossed in many worldly desires, and experiencing pleasures and pains. In view of these, I am sure that if one lives with the above spiritual thought, the impact of this disappointment and despair will be less. I also think that through this, one can experience true happiness through the pure love shown by Vallalar, find the depth of peace, and live at least to some extent.

Me: Wow, what wonderful news you have told. After conversing with you so far, I realized that you are the conscious soul residing within me. Now, I see myself in you as you see yourself in me.


About the Creator

Ahamed Thousif

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