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How to save yourself from wasting time in a ain’t no good relationship

Here are 3 red flags you can spot before carrying on with someone who is not good

By OG MaPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I once went to a party, it was quite boring at first until I started noticing some cute guys at this party. There was one cute guy but once I heard his voice..ahaha...AHASGADT sis I was shook. His voice done knocked the numbers of his age down. He sounded like he was 13. But he’s my age. Now I know not to judge a book by its cover but I did get to know him and I’m still judging. If he was a nice person, the first part of this story would have been different, perhaps a bit nicer. To continue what happened at this party, his dad came up to me and was like “he wants to talk to you, he likes you” and I was like...are you sure it’s not my friend that he likes? Cause she was with me. I was also wondering why his dad was trying to get us together. So I ended up giving my instagram and now he keeps asking to meet up. We barely even talked. I tried giving him a chance but there were too many red flags for me to stay. Once I see one red flag, I run for the hills. Ain’t no missing reports happening here. Okay..okay maybe I’m being dramatic about missing reports but I would surely not like to enter a relationship that I know will not end up right. Our intuition and signs tells us before hand, it’s up to us to listen.

Now you’re probably wondering what are the red flags that you should look out for. Here are 3 red flags to look out for

1. They are offly pushy

They tend to rush you into things. Ask yourself, why the rush? What about this needs to be done in a hurry. There are people who usually do this so that people do not have time to plan things through. They apply pressure so that in result, you give in. Even if that’s not what you wanted to do. For example, if someone is trying to rob you of something, it is most likely that they would want it done in a hurry. Either because they don’t want you to be able to think of what to do and they are playing with your emotions for their own advantage. Watch out for people who are impatient, give them the benefit of the doubt and think they could be just anxious. Hmm, I’m a “better safe than sorry” when it comes to relationships.

2. They are self absorbed

Now, I know..I know. I love myself. I love how I look, I love who I am but there is a MAJOR difference between being self absorbed and self love, which I will have to speak on. Self love is when you accept yourself and the love you have for yourself pours out onto others. There are many ways to define self love but thinking you are better than others is not. Self absorbed people put themselves onto a high pedestal that makes them believe they could treat others with disrespect. Trust me, you would not want to be with someone who thinks like that.

3. They treat others with disrespect but are you

Look at how thy treat others, especially those they do not necessarily need because what happens when they no longer need you? Oh, the tables will begin to shift. You deserve to be with someone who treats you and others with respect. That shows how they are as a person. Everyone should be with someone who has a good heart. In order for that to be possible, YOU have to have a good heart. Your world begins with you and within. You know, “to see the change, you have to be the change” exactly like that! So try something different and see if you attract something different.


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