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How to Not Hate Valentine's Day

Don't be like the grumpy cat.

By Isabella BetkowskiPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
I. Hate. Love.

As the fireworks of the new year are sparked and champagne bottles are popped, you can almost hear the rustling of grocery store shelves being switched to Valentine’s Day decor. Forget the fact that the holiday is almost a month and a half away, because it wouldn’t be "consumeristic" America if not for the over-promotion of holidays. With this loving season upon us, now is no better time than to take a closer look at the definition of Valentine’s Day:

Valentine’s Day |wərst| |dā| |ˈevər|


1 February 14th, observed in honor of St. Valentine and as a time for sending valentines

definition by Merriam-Webster

2 the worst day ever: And she said, “I hate Valentine’s Day”

definition by me

3 the best day ever (to waste money): It’s Valentine’s Day… let’s make everything throw up pink

definition by America

As a twenty-one-year-old that has spent numerous (all of) the past Valentine’s days of my life alone, I can walk you through the utter misery of wallowing on this particular day. On no day will it feel worse to eat ice cream, candy, or anything, really, while crying and watching particularly heart-wrenching chick flicks…than it does on Valentine’s day. Been there, done that.

Not only does it make you feel awful and worse than you did before you realized that no hunk would be gracing your doorstep with a box of chocolates OR flowers OR that over-sized plush teddy (*cue deep breath and continue*), it is simply degrading and pathetic. So, from one former Valentine’s day wallow-er to another, here are some ideas of how to kill the stigma and make the most out of your Valentine’s Day this year:

1. Buy presents for yourself.

That’s right, go and buy yourself those flowers, hun. See a box of chocolates you are craving? Add it to the pile. There is no shame in splurging on yourself today or any day. The best part? Don't forget about all the Valentine’s Day sales on chocolate, candy, cookies, flowers…the list goes on and on.

2. Spend the day with friends.

What is the worst way to get caught up in your own thoughts? Being alone. If you feel yourself falling towards a negative spiral of doom, do not hesitate to reach out to your friends. Cook dinner together, bake cookies, have a slumber party, do anything, as long as it is together.

3. Plan a 'Me Day.'

If the above suggestion does not sound appealing and you would rather avoid all human contact, why not try to create and plan a day, ALL. FOR. YOU? Take a bath, get your nails done, go shopping, go on a hike, go to the gym, do whatever makes your heartstrings purr. It is a day for yourself, after all.

4. It’s only February 14th.

If you find NONE of the above suggestions worthy of your time, the best thing to do is to realize that it’s only February 14th, another day in your life. Although the entire world (at least on this immediate continent) is swooning with the thought of overbearing love, it also is just another day to scratch off of your calendar of life, so essentially, don’t sweat it dear.

In a very brief conclusion, I’d like to wrap up and say that I’m not sure if I’ve written this guide more for myself or for others, but if anyone out there finds use or inspiration within these humble words, I feel honored. Do not forget that you are loved and the best thing to do in the world is spread love all around, not only on Valentine’s Day, but on each and everyday.

On that note, I wish all lovers, young and old, friend or foe, peasant or noble (just kidding), the happiest of Valentine’s Day and may there be an abundance of love in your lives.

how to

About the Creator

Isabella Betkowski

24. No idea who I am. Just writing my way through it.

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    Isabella BetkowskiWritten by Isabella Betkowski

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