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How To Make People Respect You In Seconds

Six Psychological Strategies to Elevate Your Presence

By Abdulhakeem MomohPublished 6 months ago 4 min read
How To Make People Respect You In Seconds
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

In the realm of human interaction, respect is often seen as something earned over time, a reward for consistently demonstrating high character. However, what if I told you that there are psychological tricks you can employ to command more respect almost instantly? Drawing inspiration from captivating personalities we've explored on this channel, we'll unveil six strategies that transcend the conventional path to respect. These techniques, focusing on the thin slice, body language, conversational finesse, and authenticity, will empower you to leave an indelible mark on those around you.

1. Upgrade Your Thin Slice: Crafting an Irresistible First Impression

The saying "first impressions matter" couldn't be truer. Research indicates that people form their initial judgments within a mere five seconds of meeting someone. Imagine having the ability to influence that judgment positively within that short timeframe. Enter the world of upgrading your thin slice.

Many fall into the trap of dressing to blend in, fearing the judgment of those around them. Instead, take a bold step by dressing one level above the situation, ensuring you get noticed in the right way. This doesn't mean breaking the bank; it means finding a brand that complements your body type rather than relying on a hefty price tag. The key is to stand out without feeling the need to conform.

2. Take Up More Space: The Power of Confident Presence

Confidence is magnetic, and one tangible way to exude it is by physically taking up more space. Watch how Tony Robbins owns the space around him when he speaks – it captivates his audience. This isn't about dominating others but about communicating that you are unafraid to be seen.

You can achieve this without flamboyant gestures. Subtle changes in posture, such as rolling your shoulders back and standing taller, can make a significant difference. Projecting confidence through your body language not only influences how others perceive you but also boosts your self-assurance.

3. Embrace Platonic Touching: Building Trust Through Connection

While the era of social distancing may have temporarily altered physical contact norms, understanding the art of platonic touching remains crucial. Human connection thrives on touch, and incorporating it appropriately can build trust and a sense of safety.

Stick to non-central areas like hands, arms, shoulders, and the upper back. Keep each touch brief, universally friendly, and always be mindful of the other person's comfort. Touch is a powerful communicator that transcends words and fosters a deeper connection.

4. Finish Your Sentences: Asserting Your Voice in Group Conversations

In group settings, maintaining control over your speech is paramount to commanding respect. All too often, people allow themselves to be cut off mid-sentence, inadvertently signaling that others' opinions take precedence. Take a cue from influential figures like Will Smith and Russell Brand, who consistently finish their sentences, ensuring their thoughts are heard and respected.

This doesn't mean dominating the conversation but rather asserting your right to express your ideas fully. In group dynamics, finishing your sentences reinforces your presence and demands the respect you deserve.

5. Compliment Your Competition: Elevating Through Fairness

In a world that often glorifies competition, it's easy to fall into the trap of tearing down others to make oneself shine. However, the truly confident individual understands the power of acknowledging and praising their competition.

Whether in the workplace or personal relationships, complimenting your competition demonstrates a level of confidence and fairness that few possess. Elevate others, and in doing so, you elevate yourself. This strategy builds bridges instead of burning them, fostering a positive and respectful image.

6. Share Your Shortcomings: The Art of Vulnerability

In a society that often praises perfection, embracing vulnerability can be a game-changer. Many believe they must hide their flaws, projecting an image of unwavering strength. However, the truth is more nuanced.

Sharing your shortcomings openly, whether delivered as a joke or a straightforward statement, signals authenticity and self-assurance. It's not about flaunting weaknesses but about acknowledging them with confidence. This vulnerability creates a bridge of connection with others who appreciate your authenticity.


These six psychological strategies, when woven into the fabric of your interactions, have the power to transform the way others perceive you almost instantly. Respect becomes not just something to be earned over time but a response to the authentic, confident, and respectful energy you exude.

In the pursuit of mastering these skills, consider delving into our course, Emotional Mastery. Designed to elevate your emotional well-being and overall confidence over a 30-day period, this course focuses on your relationship with yourself. By understanding and managing your emotions, you can consistently radiate joy and navigate the complexities of human connection with ease.

So, why wait to command the respect you deserve? Implement these strategies, embrace authentic confidence, and watch as your presence becomes a magnet for the respect you seek.

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About the Creator

Abdulhakeem Momoh

I am an Online Entreprenuer, Sales Funnel Expert & Coach. I am passionate about helping individuals and online business enthusiast create a path to financial freedom using simple strategies I share here on my blog.

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