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How to impress a girl on first phone call: you've got her number

How to Impress a Girl on Your First Phone Call

By Michael B Norris (swagNextTuber)Published about a month ago 3 min read

Now that you have her number, it's time for the tense first phone conversation. Be at ease! You can make an impact and set the tone for future talks with the appropriate attitude and a little self-assurance. Here's a detailed tutorial on making an impression on a female on that all-important first call.

Choosing the Right Time to Call

Think about the timing before you call her number. Steer clear of phoning late at night or during peak hours. Choose an hour when she's most likely to be at ease and open to conversation, like in the afternoon or during her lunch break.

Prepare Yourself Mentally

Before you make the call, give yourself a time to collect your thoughts. Remember that you want to make an impression on her, but you also want to be authentic. Take a deep breath, contact her number with an optimistic attitude, and remember that confidence is crucial.

Start with a Friendly Greeting

When she picks up the phone, provide a kind welcome and, if required, identify yourself. To make her feel comfortable right away, keep the discussion lighthearted and conversational. It's [your name]; hello, [her name]. "How are you?" is quite effective.

Engage in Meaningful Conversation

After exchanging greetings, focus the conversation on subjects that both of you find interesting. Encourage her to disclose more about herself by posing open-ended inquiries about her passions, hobbies, and favorite pastimes.

Listen Attentively

Make sure you pay close attention to her speech and convey that you genuinely want to hear what she has to say. Do not dominate the discussion with your own stories or try to interrupt it. Rather, concentrate on getting to know her and developing a relationship.

Share a Genuine Compliment

Make her feel unique by giving her a genuine praise when the time feels perfect. It could have to do with her intelligence, sense of humor, or any other quality you find admirable. Just be careful not to come across as phony and to be authentic.

Keep the Conversation Light and Fun

Keep things lighthearted and enjoyable as the chat goes on to keep the atmosphere upbeat. Tell her intriguing tales, humorous anecdotes, or lighthearted repartee to keep her interested and captivated. Laughing together is a powerful bonding and impression-making tool.

Avoid Controversial Topics

Avoid bringing up touchy or divisive matters that might throw the discourse off course. Remain away from anything that might incite conflict or discomfort, including politics and religion. Maintaining a lighthearted and pleasurable atmosphere for both of you is the aim.

End on a High Note

As the call is coming to a conclusion, conclude on a constructive note. Tell her how much you liked speaking with her and thank her for the discussion. Mentioning your want to keep in touch will open the door for more conversations.

Follow-Up with a Thoughtful Gesture

Consider making a kind follow-up gesture to demonstrate to her that you are truly interested after the conversation. This might be as basic as inviting her to a face-to-face meeting or as simple as sending her a text saying how much you loved your conversation.

Michael B. Norris: Author's Credentials

Experienced relationship counselor and communication specialist Michael B. Norris is well-known for his perceptive guidance on negotiating the challenges of interpersonal relationships. Michael has years of experience counseling both individuals and couples, and he has developed a thorough grasp of communication dynamics and human behavior.

As a go-to expert on knowledge and guidance, Michael has committed his career to assisting people in developing solid and fulfilling relationships. His knowledge goes beyond conventional counseling approaches; he also uses cutting-edge tactics and ideas to solve today's dating and communication problems.


About the Creator

Michael B Norris (swagNextTuber)

As a seasoned Writer, I write about tech news, space, tennis, dating advice

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the Lifehack community 😊

Michael B Norris (swagNextTuber)Written by Michael B Norris (swagNextTuber)

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