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How I Regrew My Hair with a Pill and a Cap

Jason Jones

By Wellness WonderPublished 9 months ago 7 min read

I have always had thin and fine hair, but it never bothered me much until I started losing it. It was gradual at first, but then it became more noticeable. I would find strands of hair on my pillow, in the shower, and on my clothes. I would see my scalp through my hair, especially in the front and on the sides. I felt embarrassed and insecure about my appearance. I tried to hide it with different hairstyles, hats, and scarves, but nothing worked.

I decided to look for a solution to my hair loss problem. I did some research online and learned that there were many possible causes and treatments for hair loss. Some of the common causes were genetics, hormones, stress, aging, medications, and medical conditions. Some of the common treatments were minoxidil, finasteride, biotin, supplements, shampoos, conditioners, and hair transplants.

I was intrigued by minoxidil, a medication that was originally developed to treat high blood pressure. I read that it worked by increasing the blood flow to the scalp and stimulating the hair follicles. It also prevented the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that caused hair loss. It sounded like a miracle drug for hair growth.

However, I also learned that minoxidil had some drawbacks. It was available as a topical solution or foam that had to be applied to the scalp twice a day. It was messy, sticky, and irritating. It could cause itching, redness, dryness, flaking, and contact dermatitis. It could also be expensive and ineffective for some people.

I was not sure if I wanted to try topical minoxidil. I was looking for something more convenient and easy to use. That’s when I came across an article about low-dose oral minoxidil. It was an off-label use of the medication that involved taking a small amount of minoxidil by mouth once or twice a day. The dosage ranged from 0.25 mg to 5 mg per day, depending on the individual’s response and tolerance.

The article claimed that low-dose oral minoxidil had several advantages over topical minoxidil. It was more convenient and consistent. It could reach all areas of the scalp and deliver a steady dose of minoxidil to the hair follicles. It had fewer side effects and risks. It did not cause skin irritation or allergic reactions, and it had a lower chance of causing systemic side effects such as low blood pressure or fluid retention.

The article also cited several studies that showed that low-dose oral minoxidil could improve hair growth and density in both men and women with various types of hair loss . It said that low-dose oral minoxidil could be combined with other treatments such as spironolactone (a diuretic and anti-androgen drug) or finasteride (a drug that blocks DHT) for better results.

I was impressed by what I read about low-dose oral minoxidil. It seemed like a promising alternative to topical minoxidil. I decided to give it a try. I went to see my doctor and asked him about low-dose oral minoxidil. He agreed that it could be beneficial for me, but he warned me that it was not FDA-approved for hair loss. He said that I would need a prescription from him and that I would have to use it under his supervision. He also said that I would have to monitor my progress and report any side effects or concerns to him.

He prescribed me 1 mg of oral minoxidil per day and told me to take it every morning with breakfast. He also gave me some tips on how to take care of my hair and scalp, such as using gentle shampoos and conditioners, avoiding harsh chemicals and heat styling tools, massaging my scalp regularly, eating a balanced diet rich in protein, iron, zinc, biotin, and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, eating less sugar and processed foods, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, reducing stress levels, and getting enough sleep.

I followed his advice and started taking low-dose oral minoxidil every day. At first, I did not notice any difference in my hair growth or quality. I was patient and hopeful that it would work eventually. After three months of taking low-dose oral minoxidil, I started seeing some improvement in my hair growth and quality. My hair felt thicker and stronger. My scalp looked fuller and healthier. My hairline looked more defined and less receded.

I was happy with the results of low-dose oral minoxidil, but I wanted more. I wanted to boost my hair growth even further. That’s when I discovered another treatment for hair loss: red light therapy hair growth.

Red light therapy is a non-invasive and painless procedure that uses low-level laser or LED light to stimulate the cells in the scalp and promote hair growth. Red light therapy works by increasing the blood circulation, oxygen supply, and nutrient delivery to the scalp, which enhances the health and function of the hair follicles. Red light therapy can also reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and DHT levels in the scalp, which are known to contribute to hair loss.

Red light therapy has been proven by multiple studies to be effective for hair growth in both men and women with various types of hair loss . It can increase the hair density, thickness, strength, and quality in as little as 12 weeks of treatment. It can also improve the results of other treatments such as minoxidil or finasteride by enhancing their absorption and efficacy.

One of the benefits of red light therapy is that you can do it at home with a red light therapy hat. A red light therapy hat is a device that fits over your head and emits red and near-infrared light to your scalp. It is easy to use, comfortable, and safe. You just need to wear it for a few minutes a day, a few times a week, and you can see the difference in your hair growth and appearance.

I decided to try red light therapy with a red light therapy hat. I ordered one online from a reputable website that had good reviews and ratings. I made sure that the hat had the following features:

  • It had a high number of LEDs (at least 200) that emitted red and near-infrared light in the optimal wavelength range (650 nm to 700 nm) for hair growth.
  • It had a good coverage area that reached all parts of the scalp, including the front, top, sides, and back.
  • It had a flexible and adjustable design that fit snugly and comfortably on my head.
  • It had a rechargeable battery that lasted for several sessions and did not require plugging in during use.
  • It had a timer that automatically shut off after the recommended duration of treatment (usually 15 to 30 minutes).
  • It had a warranty that covered any defects or malfunctions for at least one year.

I received my red light therapy cap in a few days and started using it right away. I wore it every other day for 20 minutes after taking my low-dose oral minoxidil. I did not feel any pain or discomfort while using it. I actually enjoyed the warm and soothing sensation of the light on my scalp.

After six weeks of using red light therapy with low-dose oral minoxidil, I noticed a significant improvement in my hair growth and quality. My hair was thicker, longer, shinier, and softer than ever before. My scalp was completely covered with new hair. My hairline was restored and even advanced. I looked younger and more attractive.

I was amazed by the results of red light therapy with low-dose oral minoxidil. I felt more confident and happy about myself. I received many compliments on my hair from my family, friends, and strangers. I no longer felt embarrassed or insecure about my appearance. I felt proud and grateful for my hair.

I have been using red light therapy with low-dose oral minoxidil for over a year now, and I have maintained my hair growth and quality. I have not experienced any side effects or complications from either treatment. I have also followed my doctor’s advice on how to take care of my hair and scalp. I have adopted a healthy lifestyle that supports my hair health.

I am very satisfied with my hair growth journey with low-dose oral minoxidil and red light therapy. They have changed my life for the better. They have given me back my hair and my happiness.

If you are suffering from hair loss and looking for a natural, effective, and convenient way to treat it, I highly recommend you to try low-dose oral minoxidil and red light therapy. They may work wonders for you as they did for me. However, before you start any new treatment, make sure you consult with your doctor first. He or she can help you determine the best course of action for your specific case.

Have you tried low-dose oral minoxidil or red light therapy for your hair loss? What was your experience? Did you see any improvement in your hair growth and quality? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!


About the Creator

Wellness Wonder

Be simple, and keep being curious about the real essence of life.

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