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Hermit Crabs Are One of My Spirit Animals

Why I'm ok with that.

By Kelsey Sallee DesignsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Hermit Crabs Are One of My Spirit Animals
Photo by Thomas Lipke on Unsplash

I was joking with a friend recently that my spirit animal may just be a hermit crab...but afterwards I thought, "I don't want folks to see me as a hermit crab!" I mean, the word "crab" has some pretty negative connotations aside from the one positive of being a delicious seafood. "Hermit" isn't much better.

But then I started thinking about it...and I truly am beginning to vibe with these little critters!

First of all, they live in shells because they are actually quite squishy. I resonate with their soft sensitivity.

Even so, these little guys are surprisingly mobile while being tucked inside those shells of theirs. They go exploring. They have little crabby adventures.

My home has always served as one of my "shells" - a sanctuary where I feel safe and free - an oasis of contentment. But when I want to go exploring, I find that good boundaries and emotional health also serve as excellent "mobile shells"...both allow a person to show up in the world as their genuine, soft-hearted self, excited to try new things and developing new relationships without a fear of being crushed...

Secondly, hermit crabs burrow. They know how to go deep and they know when to do it. And if you care about them, you won't dig them back up when they do. They'll come back up only when they are ready. That's because they burrow to regulate their body temperature, relieve stress and maintain moisture in their bodies. I love that! These little guys know to look beneath the surface when life gets tough.

They get themselves grounded by, well, going underground. There's a lesson there for all of us. When life throws tough stuff our way, maybe it's time to burrow deeply into the heart of God and rest in His goodness, love and insight. We sometimes need to pull each other the places of true healing, rather than running from one surface-level distraction to the next.

Thirdly, they never stop growing. Not ever. They don't just reach adulthood and decide that's good enough...they continually morph into a newer version of themselves. When they outgrow one shell, they upgrade to a new one that fits them better. These creatures that we tend to see as shy and reclusive are actually embracing continual change as a core part of their being!

Is it a process that leaves them vulnerable at times? Yes. Does it take a lot of energy out them? Yup. Does it look kinda awkward? Um, have you ever seen a hermit crab outside of its shell? Awkward is one word for it. But the healthiest version of life for them is one that seeks to continually evolve into new iterations.

These little guys, who duck into their shells with every passing shadow, also bravely vacate those shells when it's time to move forward and grow. They seem confident that each time they molt they will find a new shell.

I'm reminded of times in my life when I was called to let go of past blessings that I'd been havens for my heart...because it was time to embrace a new season and take hold of new blessings.

I'm reminded of the deep desire that lives in my heart to seek out better, truer versions of myself...the constant drive to grow. It's something I want to continue to pursue my entire life.

Finally, hermit crabs have the potential to be pretty damn fierce. I don't know too many people who don't have a healthy respect for a crab's claws. Funny thing is, crabs probably use their claws to break up their food more often than they do to protect themselves. Still, mistreat a crab and expect some feedback in the form of a pinch!

I love that they are willing to say "no" to being treated in ways they do not like. They're not out there indiscriminately pinching everything that moves, but they aren't gonna tolerate just anything either. Mad respect for them on that front!

In short, maybe hermit crabs really are one of my spirit animals...and I'm ok with that.

If nothing else, they have ridiculously cute eyes.

And I'm a Cancer, so there's that too...


About the Creator

Kelsey Sallee Designs

Designer. Writer. Lover of flowers, going barefoot and smelling the pages of a good book.

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