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He Left Me For His Ex While I Was Pregnant (My Boyfriend Has Left Me Pregnant and Gone Back to His Ex)

Are you sitting there worrying, thinking to yourself he left me for his ex while I was pregnant? If so I'm so sorry because that's a terrible awful place to be. If you're saying my boyfriend has left me pregnant and gone back to his ex then you'll want to read every word of this article.

By Lyra NoahPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
He Left Me For His Ex While I Was Pregnant (My Boyfriend Has Left Me Pregnant and Gone Back to His Ex)
Photo by Abbat on Unsplash

Most of us have been dumped at one time or another and we have all probably felt like dying at the time because it hurts so much. Although, when everything is said and done, it's not the end of the world, it's not even close to that. Although you may not believe it right now, it will not kill you.

You can get over it.

This is something that you can and will get over although it will take time and a lot of work on your part. You will also do better if you have a group of friends who are able to help with the process of readjusting to the way you now need to think and behave. The other main ingredient is time. Just remember, though I admit it will seem difficult to begin with because you are bound to be upset, that although your boyfriend is now your ex, it does not mean that life has got to stop. Life does go on and you need to be ready to grab your share of the action.

Pick yourself up and get ready.

Getting over the idea that your boyfriend dumped you is never going to be easy but neither is it going to be impossible. There are no end of homely "there you are" type pieces of advice from people who mean well but the truth is that you are going to have to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get on with things. The alternative is to stay stuck in the past wallowing in a mire of self pity. You are the only one who can do anything about it though it does take effort to get out of the pit but the effort will be worthwhile in the end.

Ask for help.

Mostly friends will rally round and try and help when your boyfriend dumps you. However, don't be afraid to ask for more serious help if you feel you need it. If things are really starting to get out of control and you're really struggling to cope there is nothing wrong in seeking professional help. This does not mean that you're a "bad" person or that you're going crazy. Depression is something that many of us have had to deal with due to a life changing event and losing your boyfriend, especially if it was a serious relationship, counts as that. The people who really matter will not judge you.

Follow good advice.

While you're trying to get over being dumped it may be that you have trusted family or friends who generally provide sound advice. While all this is going on remember not to lay too much on these people but when you listen to the advice they offer, remember to follow it. If you constantly complain that you don't know what to do but you don't follow the advice you're given then people get really fed up. You will eventually reach the point, if you're not careful, where they'll get tired of listing to you and stop offering the good advice.

Look at things from a new perspective.

Another good coping technique is to take the opportunity to look at things from a fresh point of view. Try looking at things from a different perspective and you'll perhaps see that it wasn't the end of the world that you thought it was. Try and see what possible good may come from the situation and that you may have something good to offer someone new. What qualities could you offer that new person in your life? Almost certainly there is someone new out there who will appreciate you for who you are and all you need to do is wait for them to appear.

Find a way to improve your life.

While you're waiting for Mr New to come along why not take this as an opportunity to improve yourself. Take the time and effort to do something you've only ever dreamed about and get on with it. It could be new skills, somewhere you've wanted to visit, that elusive dream, just go for it. If you want to improve yourself or your life in some way now is the time. Try and find some way to use this time and all that negative energy and turn it into something positive.

The end result will be a happier you.

Once you have found that new happiness and self worth it will automatically draw in the person that you're dreaming about. This will be the person who will make you happy, put a smile back on your face and make you feel as though you belong once again. It will let you look back on that dark time of your life when your ex boyfriend dumped you and see it for the positive experience it will hopefully become.

How to Get Him Back From the Other Woman

How to get him back from the other woman? Are you wondering this question?

If someone tells you that it's really crazy to go for a man who is in another relationship, then that person don't know how much love you have for your ex boyfriend. There is no use criticizing the woman who wants her boyfriend back from the other woman.

You would feel good when you know that most rebound relationships don't have a long life. However, if you don't take right actions and do the mistakes you have been doing for years, then there is no hope for you to get your ex boyfriend back from his new girlfriend.

Now you must assume that you have a good chance to get him back from the other woman, because you know that most rebound relationship can be easily broken.

The first thing you need to do is to make yourself assertive and an independent woman. Do not appear yourself as a low self-esteem woman. Be assertive, take decisions and take the control of your own life. You can become his friend, but do not feel jealous about his current girlfriend. Try to win his trust again by being a supportive friend.

Once you become his friend then it will be far easier for you to gain his affection for you again. But here is a huge problem while you trying to be his supportive friend. You may feel jealous about the woman his is dating with. If you badmouth about that woman, then you are just ruining your chance of getting him back.

Be careful while you interact with that woman. However, it would be good to avoid all types of situations in which you have to talk to her.

When interaction with her is a necessary, then never let her talk about your ex boyfriend. And do not appear jealous in front of her.

Make your ex boyfriend realize that you are comfortable with his new relationship. And when he faces troubles, offer him your shoulders to lean on. For this reason, you have to be an assertive, strong and independent woman.

When your ex sees that you are comfortable with his new relationship and you still care him, he will miss the kind of relationship he had with you. And that is what you want. This is just a single step to amend the MISTAKES you made in your relationship. Do not lose your hope to get him back, because it is really possible.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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    LNWritten by Lyra Noah

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