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My Boyfriend Dumped Me Out Of Anger (He Broke Up With Me In Anger)

Alright, so you're saying my boyfriend dumped me out of anger, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. You're wondering how you're ever going to be able to live without him again. If you're in a situation where you're saying he broke up with me in anger, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Lyra NoahPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
My Boyfriend Dumped Me Out Of Anger (He Broke Up With Me In Anger)
Photo by Naomi August on Unsplash

If you think your ex simply dumped you without a second thought, then guess again. In fact, there's a good chance that they went through quite a bit of emotional turmoil before coming to the conclusion that the relationship wasn't working. Regardless of the reasons for dumping you, there's a good chance that, even now, they are unsure that they made the right choice.

From here on out, it's up to you to convince them that they made the wrong choice and that they should be with you. A tall order, but definitely something you can achieve. Here are three very effective ways to convince them to give the relationship another chance:

After hearing the news of the breakup, don't act in a predictable manner. They will be expecting you to become emotional, start crying and beg them to take you back. The last thing they'll be expecting is for you to tell them that you accept their decision and you wish them the best. In fact, if they're not absolutely sure that they're doing the right thing, this is going to turn their world upside down. The important thing is not to contact them or change your stance.

The second thing you need to do is show them what they're missing. Obviously, there are many things about you that they find attractive - perhaps, in the time you've been together, they've forgotten exactly how much they're attracted to you. Be a friend, charm them, chat them up, but keep things light. Not even a hint of romance. Treat them like you would any other friend. Even if they make romantic gestures, simply change the subject.

It helps your cause if you can find distractions to keep you busy during this period. The last thing you want is to be thinking about your ex 24/7 because you'll eventually cave in. Go on vacation, start a new hobby, make some new friends - just get out there and start living your own life. Resist the urge to stay at home, lamenting about your failed relationship.

As a result of your efforts, there's a very good chance that your ex will start rethinking their position and realize that they may have made a mistake in dumping you. If they suddenly start contacting you for no apparent reason, then you know that they're starting to have a change of heart. However, don't be too eager to jump back in. Not that you want to teach them a lesson, but it doesn't hurt to play it cool for a bit. The longer you can do this, the more eager they will be to reconcile.

Listening Skills Required to Get Back Together With Your Ex

Here's a little story about Marcy, who was heartbroken and wanted very much to get back together with ex boyfriend Rick. Rick had indicated that he needed more freedom and wanted to see other people.

Marcy's instinct was to do everything she could to try to get back together with ex boyfriend Rick. She wanted to call him constantly or text him and email him. She thought maybe flirting with his friends would make him jealous. She also wondered if giving him the cold-shoulder might be better to get his attention.

None of these tactics would work. What she really needed to do was listen to Rick, listen from the heart. Rick was trying to fix a problem in the relationship in the only way he knew how. If she had been listening earlier, she might have been able to head off the break up. But now, in her desire to get back together with ex boyfriend Rick, she needed to actually listen to what he needed in the relationship.

Rick had said he still loved her but wanted more freedom, more space. It may sound like a hackneyed excuse, but this particular reason for wanting space generally has a ring of truth to it. Rick was feeling suffocated in their relationship.

The feeling of suffocation has nothing to do with whether or not a person loves another. But it will often destroy a relationship. So Marcy's instinct to call and/or text and email Rick incessantly is a bad one. It will only make Rick feel more oppressed by Marcy's neediness.

Flirting with Rick's friends and the alleged jealousy Marcy thinks would ensue is completely wrong. It won't make Rick want Marcy back. In fact, flirting with Rick's friends would only make him mad at her, not jealous. Playing head games is never a good tactic for getting back together with ex boyfriends.

Giving in to a desire to offer Rick the cold-shoulder, i.e., punishing him by ignoring him, is the kind of strong reaction many people have to the hurt that is caused by the seeming desertion of affection. In Marcy's mind, Rick rejected her and her pride took a huge hit, as a result. Wanting to punish someone for that kind of pain is quite common.

Of course, punishment is no way to get back together with ex boyfriends. In fact, just the opposite is called for. By listening to Rick and showing genuine concern for their relationship, Marcy stands a better chance of working things out with him, than trying to exact revenge. It should be fairly obvious that revenge will never win back an ex.

After a brief period of time apart, time used to sort through their individual feelings without the chaos wrought from a failing relationship, Rick and Marcy may have an opportunity to get together to talk things over, calmly and maturely. Marcy should take this time to really listen to Rick's reasons for feeling suffocated and needing more space.

If Marcy's concern seems genuine and she expresses a real desire to fix their relationship, doing whatever she must do, then Rick may be amenable to trying again. It is in this way only that Marcy can find success when trying to get back together with ex boyfriend Rick.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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    LNWritten by Lyra Noah

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