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Ghanaians Offended By African-American Page Calling Them "Black" They Proclaimed Only Black People Are Ghanaians

This is funny considering Some Ghanaians are some of the most colorist humans on earth

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 4 days ago 4 min read
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Monday, 24 June 2024

By: TB Obwoge 

I swear to God, Ghana is the worst most confusing country I've ever lived in before. Everyday on the streets, everyday on social media and in the news Ghanaians speak about their skin color and the skin color of others.

They always called themselves Black people, you can search on social media platforms any where and there are Ghanaians talking about how they're Black people. 

I have written about the hatred, bullying and constant focus on skin shade and color in Ghana. By the way Ghana is known for the worst skin bleaching habbits as well, where pregnant women drink skin bleaching products to bleach their unborn babies.

I was always told I wasn't, Black either because of my skin being too light, or because of my accent.

I've had Ghanaians and Nigerians living in Ghana tell me that not one Black American was a "real" Black person because of where we are born in the United States. Sadly many Africans seem to think countries have skin color, I really wish someone taught them that not all people from certain countries had a certain skin color.

I've even meant a Nigerian-American that said his mother who was born and raised in Nigeria was always told she wasn't really Nigerian because of her skin being lighter than mine. This is the things that lighter skin Black people African or whereever have to deal with.

Some people in Ghana never believed that I was Black and they felt fine calling me white, even mistreating me because of my skin shade.

On a recent post which was posting old news, the American Embassy in Ghana posted this news when it actually happened but this page which post only news about the achievements of Black people, posted this win for Ghanaian students.

I agree the post is worded in a very odd way, from the photo everyone can see that these are Black students. Everyone can also see that the page posts only the achievements of Black people.

However I have seen this before Black Americans posting things which includes Africans, these posts have often made Africans and Black Americans very angry.

Screenshot from Facebook Post

Black students from Ghana, was worded in an interesting way, it could've have simply read Ghanaians students. This is what made me read the comments, it was very oddly worded.

However I never expected so many Ghanaians to post that they were offended to be called "Black people!"

There was a post on another page from "African-Americans" where they posted about a mother and her child born with albinism. The post was about making others aware about people with albinism being just like everyone else.

One man said that they post was nonsense because there was no reason he claimed to post this mother and her child.

However I commented that the couple were Nigerians, which you could tell from their names, they also lived in the UK and mom was a social media influencer. Mom didn't want her child to be made fun of so she created dolls that looked like her and promoted positive images of people born with albinism.

Screenshot from Facebook Commets

I had to make a comment, I explained to the man making the comment that in Nigeria and other parts of Africa that people born with albinism are treated poorly. Some even killed for their body parts, he didn't reply but others did.

This was something that the person who controled that social media page left out, it would've been very helpful and informative.

However this is often an issue when Black Americans don't realize that some Africans don't want to be called Black, even though living in Ghana and Kenya Black was all I heard from them. Which always lead me to believe that Africans are hyper focused on skin color. Even in Kenyan news outlets they call white people Mzungu and no it is not mean foreigners some of the people are not in Kenya it means white person.

This is an example of Ghanaians proclaiming this girl who is possibly Lebanese isn't a Ghanaian because of her skin color.

Here are some of the comments, I didn't feel like posting them all, there were many of them and it makes my head spin. Living in Ghana if you are too dark you are called "darky and blacky" if you are too light they call you obroni and other names, them Yevu - dirty, tricky dog meaning white person. 

Screenshot from Facebook

I often asked a million times what skin color do you have to be in Ghana and Africa where you can be left alone. Ghanaians made my life Hell from being stopped by Ghana police and immigration for bribery money, to beiing insulted, refused services and even kicked out of a Bolt car.

Screenshot from Facebook Comments

I've also written about Ghana police and immigration always stopping me because of my skin being light, they didn't think I was Black. Some times they even forced those who I was with to pay a bribe for no reason but my skin color, they never stated that a law had been broken.

Below is a photo of an African, Ghanaian making fun of the biracial Ghanaian and Asian child. The sad part is this is just a child and God knows how many bullies bother him everyday, yet this grown adult decided to say that this child looks Asian.

This is because Ghanaians think Ghana is a country for only Black people. Sadly a white woman DM'ed me on Facebook and she said she knows her children since they are mixed race will never be seen as Ghanaian because of their skin color.

Not one person in Gbana is trying to change their hatred and their mindset that Ghana is a nation and to be Ghanaian is a nationality. The same as American and German.

Africa has a race, colorism and Anti-Blackness issue and it will never change because Africans think that they're perfect.

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Collage of comments from Facebook

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights.

©️TB Obwoge 2024 All Rights Reserved


About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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    IwriteMywrongsWritten by IwriteMywrongs

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