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Fresh Breath -VS- Bad Breath!

"Many times, we find ourselves having conversations with people who have bad breath. Here's how you can offer them a mint or gum in a polite and respectful way, without offending them."

By Royalty WilliamsPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Offering a mint to someone who has bad breath can be a tricky situation. While bad breath, or halitosis, is a common problem that affects many people, it can be uncomfortable to bring up the issue with someone directly. However, offering a mint can be a discreet way to help alleviate the problem without causing embarrassment.

Before offering a mint to someone, it's important to approach the situation delicately. Remember, bad breath can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor dental hygiene, certain foods or drinks, and medical conditions. Therefore, it's important not to make assumptions about the cause of someone's bad breath or to make them feel self-conscious about it.

One approach is to simply offer the mint to the person as if it's a gesture of kindness. For example, you might say something like, "Would you like a mint? I have an extra one and I thought you might like it." By framing it in this way, you're not directly calling attention to the person's bad breath, but rather offering a small gift that might be appreciated.

If you're close to the person and feel comfortable bringing up the issue directly, you could approach the situation by expressing concern for their health. For example, you might say something like, "I've noticed that you've been experiencing bad breath lately. Have you talked to your dentist about it?" By framing the issue in terms of their health, you're not making the person feel self-conscious or embarrassed, but rather showing that you care about their well-being.

It's worth noting that if bad breath is a persistent problem for someone, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. In this case, it's important to encourage the person to see a healthcare professional to address the issue.

In summary, offering a mint to someone who has bad breath can be a kind and discreet way to help alleviate the problem. By approaching the situation delicately and without judgment, you can show concern for the person's well-being without causing embarrassment. It's also important to keep in mind that offering a mint is not a long-term solution to bad breath. While it can help mask the problem temporarily, it's important to address the root cause of the issue.

If the person's bad breath is caused by poor dental hygiene, encourage them to brush and floss regularly and to visit their dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings. If the cause of the bad breath is related to their diet, encourage them to cut back on certain foods or drinks that might be contributing to the problem. In some cases, bad breath may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. If you suspect that this might be the case, encourage the person to speak with their doctor or dentist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

When having a conversation with someone who has bad breath, it's important to be subtle in your approach, offer a solution, and be empathetic. Avoid judging the person or making assumptions about the cause of their bad breath. Also, try to avoid embarrassing the person, especially in public settings. Finally, it's helpful to keep a toothbrush with you, mints and gum for our own mouths especially when at work or at a restaurant where you may have eaten foods that can cause temporary bad breath. Remember that bad breath can be a sensitive topic, so approach the situation with kindness and understanding and we have to always have to do a self check for our breath to. "What are your favorite breath mints, gum, and toothpaste? I personally enjoy the regular white and red peppermints, as well as the Extra Peppermint Flavored "blue pack" gum. For toothpaste, the Colgate Max Fresh Knockout Gel Toothpaste Mint Fusion is my absolute favorite."

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About the Creator

Royalty Williams

"Meet Royalty! She appreciates intellectual topics and a good read, as they are like a feast for her imagination. She's a free style Poet and writer that values and respects other people's opinions, even if they differ from hers.

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