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Fighting Racism With More Racism, Is Not The Answer

You’d think it’d be obvious but here we are.

By Li-Li 📓Published 4 months ago 5 min read

The worst kinds of racists are the ones who don’t think they’re racist. This disgusting display of an “I’m better than you” and self-righteous attitude, is gross and shameful. I’m pretty sure the majority of people know this is not ok, it’s just that these other voices seem to be more prominent. You know what I'm talking about. We have a generation of youth being raised on TikTok and other garbage social media, poisoning their minds — so just because some people have a platform with millions of followers, doesn’t mean they’re right about anything, they’re just the loudest.

People are bold little racists lately. As I continue to separate myself from the upside-down logic of the hypocritical left, it’s more apparent how spiritually lost and straight up angry these people are. The definition of racism (until it is changed to fit a certain narrative) is literally “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.”

First off, why does the illogical left continuously want to talk about race so much? They seem to obsessively want to remind people that we should “stick to our own” and call out the fact that your skin color is really the only thing that matters about you. “Don’t forget, it’s the most important thing about you. More important than your characteristics and accomplishments.” It’s all about your race, as if that’s something anyone can control — and it’s boring.

Talk about the things that make you a valuable member to society -- your goals and dreams, and share experiences about the things in your life or your family’s life, apart from race.

You cannot justify racism by saying ignorant things like “the oppressed cannot be the oppressor”. What? So, because you’ve been hurt, you’re simply not capable of hurting others? Make it make sense! The truth is simple, and the more these people try to explain their ideologies, the more it falls apart.

It shouldn’t be a complex concept, and in fact, it isn’t. There’s no such thing as reverse racism, it’s just called racism.

It seems like people these days need something to be angry about, and they're so empty that they yearn to stand for something bigger than themselves... the thing is that they're not educated on what they are trying to stand for. They start to make something an issue when it wasn’t really an issue to begin with. Now, I’m not saying that racism doesn’t exist, of course it does, I've experienced it and I know others that have as well — I’m more so questioning why it’s ok when it’s against white people. This dangerous mentality of singling out a group of people because of their skin color and characteristics is scarily bringing us down the same path that we used to learn about in school. If speech is supressed, and history is obfiscated from the public, how do we participate in open discussions and learn from the past? In school we used to ask “how could so many of the Germans follow Hitler? How could they be massively deceived into thinking that singling out Jews and killing them just because they were Jews?” It seems we’re seeing the beginnings of it all now. It’s this hive-mindset that poisonously cultivates the worst of humanity.

Censoring thoughts different than yours suppresses debate. When you suppress debate, you suppress discovery. When you suppress discovery, you suppress growth. This cripples a society. We need to push to have open conversations, and do so with civility — not by throwing personal insults at one another, or screaming and attacking others. There is nothing new under the sun, and we need to find our way back to the truth again. We’ve strayed so far away, and wonder why we’re at the point we’re at, failing to make the connection. We need to start speaking out and continue to stand up in the face of evil and lies. We need to call this stuff out for what it is or face the inevitable crumbling of society. It starts subtly by changing speech, then suppressing it, until we live in a true 1984 dystopian society where free speech is just suppressed altogether. (Side note, it’s also not hate speech just because it’s something you disagree with. The very fact that you can freely disagree with someone shows that we are not oppressed in this country.)

Lincoln said a nation divided against itself cannot stand. Fighting racism with more racism and just calling it something else, or saying it’s justified, is not the answer.

How does this help accomplish anything except make for more division, hatred, and hardened hearts?

There are some people who truly want segregation it seems! One of the beautiful things about this country is that it’s a melting pot of different cultures, ideas, and expressions. We share these things, not keep them to ourselves. (Although some people can’t seem to tell the difference between true racism and someone genuinely interested and appreciative of other cultures.) There is power and strength in diversity, but there’s also an important balance in finding commonalities with one another for the overall betterment of society and future generations.

We have a generation becoming the future, and right now, it’s looking pretty bleak. We’ve never learned to discern, and be wise enough to be able to see who’s actually worth listening to and looking up to. We have so many people — not just our younger generations — who are hungry for the truth. I hope that we can do better. We must do better. People are searching for answers and truth, but filling their hearts and minds with all sorts of things that only lead to more destruction and ultimate emptiness, when they need something they can hold on to and be grounded upon … but maybe we’re not ready to have that deeper conversation just yet. ~

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About the Creator

Li-Li 📓

Just a modest woman living in a modern world, writing about what I know while embracing life’s simple pleasures, & finding solace in the rhythm of words and the unconditional love of my dog.

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