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Fat Bear Week

Fans worldwide were already looking forward to Fat Bear Week 2023

By Ramoon MalPublished 8 months ago 2 min read

It was that time of year again - Fat Bear Week had arrived in Katmai National Park in Alaska. All around Brooks Camp, bears were packing on the pounds in preparation for winter hibernation. And it was time for wildlife observers and fans from around the world to start voting for the fattest of the fat.

The competition was fierce this year. Returning champion Otis looked bigger than ever as he waded in Brooks River, snatching up salmon with ease. But a new massive bear had emerged - Walker, a younger male who had discovered the bountiful fishing grounds and was making up for lost time. Both bears tipped the scales well over 1,000 pounds by the start of voting week.

Ranger Sarah was busy setting up webcams to broadcast the action live from the camp. "People love following the daily antics of these bears as they prepare for winter," she said. "It's fascinating to watch how much they can eat in a single day. No wonder they get so huge!"

The first round of voting kicked off on Monday morning. Otis immediately took an early lead, with fans commenting on his signature belly rub technique in the river. But newcomer Walker was giving him a run for his money, with his enormous size and appetite captivating viewers. By evening, the vote was neck and neck.

On Tuesday, a surprise challenger emerged - Grazer, a female bear who was feeding almost non-stop on nearby berry patches. Her massive girth was evident even from a distance. Fans began commenting "Go Grazer!" appreciating her dedication to packing on the pounds. Meanwhile, Otis and Walker continued their salmon slugfest in the river, with both looking increasingly rotund.

Midweek saw a shift as Walker asserted his dominance, chasing off smaller bears from the best fishing spots. Fans were impressed by his strength and leadership. But Grazer's grazing techniques were endearing her to many as well. By Thursday, the top three were in a statistical tie. Ranger Sarah said it was anyone's game.

The final days of voting saw some drama unfold. Otis began showing signs of fatigue after his long reign, while Walker sustained his feeding frenzy. And on Friday, Grazer was seen rolling in the grass, looking like a furry blimp as she groomed herself. The footage went viral, cementing her place among the top contenders.

When the final votes were tallied on Monday evening, it was indeed a stunning upset. Grazer took the championship, with fans commenting on her "gorgeous girth." Walker placed second in his impressive debut. And Otis, though no longer the reigning champ, was still a favorite as he continued packing on pounds for winter.

Ranger Sarah was thrilled with the engagement on Fat Bear Week this year. "It shows people really care about these amazing animals and their success survival strategies," she said. "Even the losers are winners - they've all fattened up to incredible sizes to make it through hibernation. Now the real contest begins as they wait out the winter in their dens. But next fall, the competition will be on again!"

Fans worldwide were already looking forward to Fat Bear Week 2023. After all, nothing brings people together like celebrating incredibly chunky carnivores. In Katmai National Park, the bears would continue thriving, with a little help from their adoring online audience.


About the Creator

Ramoon Mal

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    I’d love to see a fat bear. Sounds fun!

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