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Exis & Satchel, soulmates

A dream date of chocolate and wine with a familiar intimacy

By Melissa IngoldsbyPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 15 min read
Exis & Satchel, soulmates
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

This story could not have ever been written without the interesting and dynamic characters of Ashton, whom I adore and I love very much! Satchel, Exis and Sloan are all the property (including backstory, features, personality, etc) of Ashton. If you liked this, you should check out more of his works, art and as such—the only thing I take credit for is the writing below. Thank you, and hope you enjoy!



The endless rush of tension flows into his shoulders. He cannot think clearly, he cannot breathe.

The song in the streets of Venice haunted his memories. It was something intangible to Exis, how music could lift him up with one stanza, and with another, tear him down.

The strangely wild Hungarian dance twisted his guts inside, and he tried to forget about the lingering malaise his early years brought him.

A man of science and logic, he found that the thoughts about the people closest to him were more like seeing things over a haze of kaleidoscope like insanity— he wanted to make sense of the nonsensical shapes and colors, but like his senses, he felt like his own sense of reality was skewed by the overflow of slowly turning natural affection and trust.

Yet, he told himself often, ‘I do not trust, so I will be safe,’ almost like a mantra in his mind—-trying to let go of that double edged sword between his heart and lungs.

He wasn’t just old—-he felt ancient.

The years are thrown at him like slides of endless stories and sounds, violent, loud, a cacophonous burst of dangerous sounds that felt like blows... the unearthly soundtrack of his life only screeching to a halt when he’s with...

By eniko kis on Unsplash

A memory of warmth hit his chest.

A stray cat.

A gentle nudge—-and something close.

Not something.


His boyfriend. His everything. Satchel.

Exis sighed, putting the memory away for now(it irritated him to feel so much in such a small period of time), looking at the large stack of medical and science journals. What exactly was his purpose?

He placed his long white hair in a messy bun, thinking of the evening ahead.

The week had been busy with his best friend Sloan and his very troublesome and inquisitive young son Leo. Getting into trouble, getting them out of trouble, saving them... having them save him—-unintentionally(Metaphorically, of course, would be his rebuttal).

They lived together through a development that caused Sloan and his son to be in semi-hiding. They were unfortunately wanted for charges of treason, of which were never actually confirmed—yet they were still wanted and they still had a warrant on their names out for arrest. Exis worried for them—-and in seeking out a way to feel less lonely, he invited them to stay upstairs at his home. His room and work area was downstairs.

Today was supposed to be a day of quiet solitude and quiet study, as Sloan was taking Leo to see Doge’s Palace, and a few other castles for fun(with a fair amount of evading authorities whenever spotted).

He took it upon himself to find the time to research the Fibonacci sequence in detail (out of curiosity) but he couldn’t concentrate. He kept asking himself what his purpose was—-and why it suddenly mattered to him.

“Damn you, Leo Pisano! You just had to come up with this stupidity—causing my brain to bleed out.” He frowned, furrowing his brow.

“Huh? What’d ya say about me?!”

The familiar squeak made him roll his eyes.

"Nothing, I am sure," Sloan said, as he walked in after his son.

"Sorry, I am not open today---come back again at never O clock, please!" Exis said in a grumble.

"Are you ever open, though, Exis?" Leo said, getting obnoxiously close to Exis' face. "I mean that in the emotional sense!"

Exis scoffed. "Sloan, I have never killed a kid before... but..."

Sloan and Exis looked at each other, and the former smiled kindly, laughing at his friend's familiar scowl.

“So... why did you damn me? You said damn Leo! I heard you!” Leo said. “If you don’t tell me... I’ll sing a very repetitive song with a catchy hook!”

Sloan sighed, placing his hand over his face. “Oh, my God.... Leo, leave it be!” He went over and picked up his son, but Leo grabbed unto Exis’ arm. “I’m sure he was talking about another Leo!” Sloan whispered to Leo. Leo nodded, but didn’t look appeased.

“Nooo! We can’t leave...” Leo cried dramatically.

Exis gave them both a death glare. “Don’t... touch me...”

Leo immediately let go of the white haired demon.

Sloan held unto Leo carefully, taking several steps away from Exis and his work desk.

“Okay, El, just bear with me for a moment,” Sloan said softly, “we just wanted to thank you for the other day. We wanted to go out to dinner tonight with you.”

“Can’t,” Exis muttered with a shrug that felt more dutiful than social. “I got plans with someone.”

“I’m gonna sing...” Leo said angrily. “Go out with us!”

“Why don’t you just go ahead and leave... I’m losing what’s left of my patience here,” Exis said in a soft drawl. The softness scared Sloan, and backed away even more—-near the door.

“Why is raven like a writing desk, Exis?” Leo said, jumping down from his attentive father’s arms.

Exis looked at him curiously, but sighed and said snarkily, “Why is what like a what?! What the hell do you let your kid read?”

Sloan looked exhausted, shrugging helplessly. He said nothing.

“What is lalala, blah blah blah .... I don’t know what you mean. It’s a riddle. Ever heard of it?”

“I’d much rather hear that annoying song instead of this insipid chatter!” Exis opened up one of his books. It was on a study of Quantum psychics.

Leo took this as his cue and started repeating in song, “Laaaady-bug, Buttter-fly and BUMBLEBEE!” Over and and over, and it didn’t take long for Exis to push his best friend and his little troll of a son out of his office.

“Lovely chat, we must do this again soon. We’ll have tea. Thank you. Good bye. Good morning. Ta-ta!” Exis said quickly with a forced grin.

“Hey, we live here!” Leo shouted. Sloan sighed again.

“I got a key...” He said to Leo. “We’ll come back!”

The door however slammed shut.

Leo looked up at his father. Sloan looked at his son.

There was a moment of silence.

Leo smiled deviously.

“Well, that went about as well as I thought it would,” Sloan sighed, taking Leo’s hand and walked off.

Back in the dusty and silent study, Exis felt like he was starting to have a bit of panic attack.

Not because of his friends, but because he felt that the thoughts of before were building up. They were sending him off the precipice of madness... into a new hellhole of his own making.

The weight of his existence felt like an endless dream, choppy and full of static, and he tried to remember if during the last several centuries if he had ever been happy.

“Happiness is a paradox that only allows the blind to think they see the truth. It’s a veil that keeps them more blinded than ever!” He said sarcastically to himself. But did he believe it?

Somehow thinking of Satchel and how much it meant to him that they saw each other tonight—no, every night, felt like there was already a deeper meaning to his life.

‘How can something so simple, so human... have so much meaning?” He thought. He scribbled some notes down, journaling a bit.

Are my years wasted? Can a raven be like a writing desk?

Can things ever feel normal for me... only with Satchel... or with my friends. I think I must find a even better ... more interesting purpose. Something exciting? Is the sky only blue because of water or because I cannot lift the dreariness from my soul? I really think I might be crazy. Only in the last century though. These people drive me nuts.

He stopped writing.

His panic subsided. He closed his eyes and had an instant picture of his beloved Satchel in his mind.

And he grinned like a maniac, his cheeks warm, and his heart fluttering.

And he laughed nervously, thinking of tonight. He had a song playing in his mind thinking of Satchel. It felt like something soft, sweet and a bit sad.

They have been together for years, longer than anyone else in his life in a romantic sense.

He made Exis feel safe. As a cat who lived with him for a hundred years—-Satchel was a loyal companion and friend. But Satchel in his original human form—-there was no proper way to describe how pivotal this relationship was for Exis—it was something unbreakable. Their bond was unique and something very wholesome.

Wholesome was not always the description for Exis. But with Satchel, it was.

That was the most important part to him, as simple as it was—-and it was the best feeling in the world. To trust someone so much that a simple look acknowledged everything that Exis tried to hide away from everyone—but it didn’t scare him. It made him feel seen.

No judgment, no fear.

And Exis loved the intimacy he shared with his boyfriend.

A simple whisper of a touch sent him off the edge—-and no one could touch him—-not quite like Satchel could anyway.

He knew his heart melted every time they kissed—-

It was fucking magic, and they both knew it.

Those calm and intense eyes bore right through his soul—-and turned him on so easily. That sneaky smile Satchel had—-it drove Exis away into a fantasy land—-to a land of trouble.

Trouble they both were more than happy to get into.

And... Exis knew it was meant to be.

He’s tall, after all!” Exis remarked to Sloan of Satchel’s stature, giggling a bit garishly to himself. Sloan had looked unimpressed and sighed. “A tall, very dashing gentleman at first! Then a very adorable black cat who stayed by my side... until poof! He’s even more gorgeous—-tall and bright.” His eyes fluttered. Sloan wanted to puke.

“That’s not what makes a soul mate. You do know that, right? And you repeated the fact that he was tall well enough!” Sloan countered. “I know you like cats, but really?” He looked at Exis questioningly.

Exis cheekily smiled. “Yes, but he was a very expressive cat. The fact that he changed into that handsome stud of a man that we all know now... is just a bonus!”

Words didn’t need to be said between them, however. Words could not possibly describe what they had, anyway.

The fact that they had kindred spirits even as they were different—-one a somewhat magical being that has been alive for centuries—-the other, a shapeshifter who was human. For now(he had a hundred years before he turned back into a cat).

They lived and breathed poetry, artful in their embrace—-their gaze painting ardent fantasies over their partner’s bodies—-something that may or may not occur. But the thought is captured as they link their stony and passionate gazes together—-something tantamount to fore play.

He realized by looking outside it was getting late. The sun was setting.

Satchel would be over soon.

He made soup for their dinner with fresh bread from a bakery he had purchased earlier that day. Acquacotta was the best he could do—-as tired as he was. He would’ve made something more complex if it weren’t for that. He had saved some for Derrick (Sloan’s first name) and his son.

It literally meant, “cooked water,” in Italian. He felt a bit like cooked water.

He added some salt, fresh parsley and chopped tomato to the concoction. He frowned and got out some red wine, hoping to make it more of a robust meal as the soup was generally regarded as a peasant dish.

“Ellie, my dear, what’s that smell?”

At that moment, Exis was tasting the hot soup and almost spit it out.

“Ah, Satchel!” Exis said, trying to regain composure from the hot soup spraying a bit on his arm.

“You got something good cooking!” Satchel said in more of a astonished observation than a question. He went over to Exis, and before placing his arm around the other’s waist, he asked.

“Ellie, you okay today? You want a little loving?”

Exis sighed shortly. “Sloan and his little terror came by today.” He motioned for Satchel to come closer, and he did, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend’s waist. “I couldn’t concentrate—-not because of them. The other day I read up on this very interesting theory about placements of mathematical equations in nature. I wanted to implement that coding in another way. I just... ugh, something in my brain won’t let me work in peace.”

Satchel put his fingers over his mouth, inhaling sharply. “Life isn’t always a mathematical equation, darling.” The heavy British accent cut through his steel nerves, and made me want to melt like jelly on a hot fire place.

“But something about life is, Satch.”

“Hmm. Why don’t we have dinner and we can go over it together.” Satchel looked at the wine. “And have some wine?” Satchel looked at him funny and in disbelief.

Exis looked at him overtly seriously and then turned around to laugh in a snicker. Satchel was impressed with himself and spoke again.

“Even you don’t believe that life is only about science and math. That wine over there proves it!”

Exis growled. “Shush, baby. Just shut up, please. I am in no mood for your little games,” but moved in closer toward the taller man, almost purring.

“You purr just like that cat I found. The one I gave you, remember?” Satchel said lovingly.

Exis nodded, looking over at the gray and white stray lying on the blanket nearby that became a permanent fixture in his home. The cat (who was named Hera after the Greek goddess) was a wonderful reminder to Exis that no one else knew him quite like Satchel did.

“Well, I’d say I purr more like you. Like when you were my beautiful black cat. I was just thinkin’ about that today, how you lived with me as that cute cat and how things have changed... yet stayed the same.”

Satchel rolled his eyes, but smiled endearingly. “Things have changed. I’m your lover now! And, you were definitely my best owner. Others weren’t so nice. I know I fell for you way before I turned back into my human form. You were so sweet.” He chuckled fondly toward Exis. “I had to find you a replacement cat. Since you love them so much.”

“Yes, thank you. So, wanna eat?” Exis asked as he looked down, changing the subject. The complimentary way Satchel kept going on about him made him overly self conscious, and a bit nervous—but good overall. Too good.

Satchel leaned forward, making Exis blush bright red.

“I’ll eat you. Skip right to dessert.”

Exis looked down and then at the other. “I think you brought me something.” He looked down at Satchel’s pants.

Satchel blushed now, looking embarrassed.

“No! I don’t mean that!” Exis said in a flustered tone. “I meant... hahaha, I meant I smell chocolate.”

“Oh!” Satchel said in a sigh. “Yes. I brought you dark chocolate cake. Very good quality. Your sense of smell is scarily accurate.” He brought out a small box from his pocket.

“Your prevailing sense of romantic ideals are a bit outdated. But, I’ll partake in this ritual with you. You feed me and I’ll feed you! Also... never mind. I feel a bit hazy.” Exis said in a deep breath.

Satchel kissed his cheek. “Pour some wine for us. Then we’ll try the chocolate. And don’t forget to breathe.”

“Okay.” Exis did take a deep breath.

“Here, I’ll help you.” Satchel got out two glasses and opened the wine. He poured a little in each glass.

“I’d like more, Satch.”

Satchel looked at him amused, and obliged the request.

“So... to us!” He handed Exis his glass. They gently tipped the glasses together in a clink.

“Well, that’s a brilliant toast, there, baby!” Exis said cheekily.

“Don’t try me, Ellie. I’ll grind your toast into ash!”

Exis said nothing, his lips pursed, eyes wide—-his heart leap in his chest. Satchel had a way to make Exis feel dizzy and amorous in a single breath.

Then, all of a sudden, Satchel put down his glass, took Exis by the hand. He put the other glass down on the kitchen table.

“How about we elevate that toast to something else instead, my love?” Satchel whispered softly.

“Hmm, maybe. Maybe not. I’d love to have that chocolate cake either way.” He nuzzled himself in the crook of Satchel’s neck.

“Nope, you aren’t behaving...” Satchel teased. “Behave, my little kitten.”

Exis leaned out of the embrace, looking a little nonplussed at him. “What?! I’m not a kitten! Never call me that again... it makes me feel small.”

Satchel laughed, giving him the box of chocolates. “I’m sorry! Take this as a token of my appreciation. You aren’t small.”

“Damn right!” Exis said haughtily, then opening the box he tried a bit of the chocolate.

The aftertaste of the Merlot—-the blackberries and cherry flavors on his tongue melted with the richness of the dark chocolate cake were perfect. He almost died right there—metaphorically speaking.

“Does it make you remember who you were?” Satchel said mystically. “The look on your face looked like you had reached enlightment.”

Exis laughed nervously. “I’m..uh, ummm... no. I just wanted to say... let’s do it! Sexy time!”

Satchel shook his head and laughed.“Don’t we need to eat dinner, first? Typically that’s how dates are supposed to go.”

“Yes, but you already gave me dessert before dinner. Everything is all backwards! But... you are right. I’ll serve you.” Exis said, a bit uncharacteristically to Satchel’s perspective. Well, to everyone’s perspective, actually. Exis wasn’t that accommodating—in general.

He went over to Exis and gently massaged his shoulder. Exis jumped a bit in surprise.

“What’re you doing?” Exis asked.

“Pampering you. You are something like in one of your math books, Ellie,” Satchel whispered, massaging Exis’ shoulders deeper. “You evade me and seek me out like a pattern. That Fibonacci pattern.”

Exis let out a low moan, sinking in the feeling of total relief and pleasure from Satchel’s ministrations.

“First, you seemed to avoid all human contact. That’s zero.” Satchel said and Exis chuckled.

“True,” Exis agreed, putting down the ladle in the soup pot.

“Then, I try to get your attention. That’s one. And then you try—-one again. You evade me two times, come back to me again three more. Then we go at it with an uneven five. We aren’t in synch.”

Exis nodded, sighing into the massage.

“And... still uneven, unlucky thirteen,” Satchel frowned. Exis looked at him with disbelief.

“I know, you don’t believe in luck, Exis... but... I do.” Satchel sighed.

“These numbers aren’t about us.”

Satchel smiled. “Aren’t they?” He whispered in Exis’ ear.

Exis was silent for a while, and then said, “Romance is a theory in of itself. It cannot be proved or disproved. It is only felt. And persevered and preserved by the two main players. Like you and I. Our relationship is as real as the pattern of seeds in a flower—or a tree. It’s all there. It’s all real.”

Satchel stopped massaging for a minute.

“Why’d you stop?” Exis whined.

“Because I got to tell you something...” Satchel started and moved to face him.

“Yes?” Exis asked.

Suddenly, he grabbed Exis by the collar of his vest and slammed their mouths together in a deep kiss.

“Whoa! What was that about?” Exis said, holding Satchel’s hand tightly.

“I’m in love with you, Ellie,” Satchel said carefully. “I... I love you so much. I love how you have always trusted me. And how I trust you.”

“You mushy bastard!” Exis said with a glowing smile.

And then he did something he never let anyone do, especially his family— and his good friends—-he hugged Satchel. Tightly and with an unspoken feeling that they both shared.

“I love you too. Weirdo.” Exis said back.

And they shared another glass or two of wine, having a perfect dream date—-one that lasted all night and the next day. One they’ve had before, and will continue again and again.

Exis got his focus back and they collaborated on a new theory—-based on the math of the Fibonacci sequence and some of Exis’ writing. They also wrote a funny limerick—about cats and silly hats(this was their main focus!)

It started healing the little cracks in his broken heart, and that was a permanent construction.


About the Creator

Melissa Ingoldsby

I am a published author on Patheos,

I am Bexley by Resurgence Novels

The Half Paper Moon on Golden Storyline Books for Kindle.

My novella The Job and Atonement will be published this year by JMS Books

Carnivorous published by Eukalypto

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    Melissa IngoldsbyWritten by Melissa Ingoldsby

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