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Ex Boyfriend Brags About New Girlfriend (When Your Ex Shows Off His New Girlfriend)

Alright, so you're saying ex boyfriend brags about new girlfriend, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. You're feeling like your world is falling apart. You're wondering how you're ever going to be able to live without him again. You're even wondering what you should do when your ex shows off his new girlfriend.

By Lyra NoahPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

He was yours, you still have feelings for him, and you're asking yourself how can I win my ex boyfriend back from that girl? For some strange reason she has him now but if you believe the two of you should be together then it can still be possible. You do need to play it smart though and be dignified if you're going to win him back.

Being nasty doesn't work.

That girl may want to play nasty as she'll almost certainly want to keep him for herself. Being nasty in return is probably the biggest mistake you can make as all that will happen is you'll create a running fight and lets face it; you're above all that as you're more mature. What you need to be doing is show him this mature side of you and that you're all woman, she's just a girl.

Your first instinct is to fight back - don't!

Most peoples first instinct is to stand and fight, after all, she's the one that caused you so much hurt and pain. However, you need to rise above these negative feelings and take control of your emotions. This will just show everyone, and especially your ex, that you're the mature one and show up the other girl for the immature person she undoubtedly is. Rather than resorting to bad language and bitchiness, show your positive side instead. If you look to be in a much better light than she is it will again emphasise the difference between you and that you're the much better choice. Be the better person and you'll stand a far better chance of having your ex boyfriend back with you where he belongs.

Make him see sense.

If you find out that the other girl is treating him badly then one good course of action is to talk to his friends as they may all be thinking the same thing. If it carries on then you may be able to enlist their help and hopefully make him see sense. When you talk to his friends, try and find out what you can all do together to try and rescue him from the situation. It may be that secretly he wants help but feels too proud to admit it. The secret here is to have all his friends on your side and all work together.

He deserves better.

If it seems as though the other girl has your ex boyfriend under some sort of spell find out what it is that she has over him. You need to try and help him see that he deserves better. Also, let his friends know that he deserves better as they may well secretly share that opinion and agree with you. If it seems that she has him obsessed with her she might well be forcing him to spend too much time with her at the expense of his friends, and you as well. His friends may want to see him back with them and if you're on their side then they'll be on yours.

Convince his friends you're better for him.

If you're able to convince his immediate friends that he's better with you then you'll have a lot smaller struggle going on. They'll see that by helping you get what you want they get their friend back as well. There will end up being so many people against him that his relationship with the other girl will most probably fail. The real secret here is to be the power behind the scenes and let others do the actual work out in the open. This way, if the other girl catches on to what's going on you can make it look like it's just her jealous nature trying to make it look like you're the one causing problems.

Friends need friends.

The overall objective is to win your ex boyfriend back and to do that you need to have as many people on your side as you can. If you start off looking at it as though it's only you against the two of them you're going to struggle. By getting as many people as possible, such as all his friends, on your side then it will end up being those two against the whole world. Once the relationship with the other girl falters, you'll find it so much easier to win back your ex boyfriend.

You may be hurt and angry but the idea is to win back your ex boyfriend.

Win Back Lost Love in Five Steps

The break up was rough, and more than likely, you're looking for ways to get past it and resolve your issues so that you can get back together. This article has five steps outlined to give you some guidance so that you can win back lost love.

Emotions run very strong during and just after a break up, so to win back lost love, hold off on any action, right at first. Let things cool down, let some of the anger melt away. When communication is again possible, then you'll be able to implement these five steps and hopefully win back lost love.

1. Communication is important, but the need to prove oneself right is useless at this point. When you get together to talk, be proactive and listen to what your ex says. It may be somewhat hurtful and your inclination might be to defend yourself, but don't. Your ex needs to vent and he need you to hear it. Don't try to "fix" any problems they bring up, at least not at that moment, because listening is all they need just then.

2. When the time comes that the two of you can rationally discuss the problems that existed in your relationship, then honesty will be vital. If you are at fault for the break up, admit it. If you were the one betrayed, do not get into the blame game. Just admit your pain and move on. The key to this conversation is to discover what the problems were in the relationship and attempt to find ways to repair broken trust.

3. While you don't technically have any more responsibility for your ex, you can still be there for them. Reestablishing a friendship with the ex will go a long ways towards reminding the ex what was good about your relationship and that might be the ticket to win back lost love. If there's something you can do for your ex, like fixing a flat tire, or moving furniture or helping them move, then volunteer your services.

4. Be super supportive. If your ex is hoping to get a promotion at work, or has a big presentation to give, or some other nerve-wracking activity they must perform, be encouraging. If communication with the ex is available, send them a text just before the special event and wish them well. Remind them of what you already know about their talents and abilities, and that they are sure to ace the event. Just knowing someone supports them is often helpful, and will be appreciated.

5. However, do not sit by the phone, hoping they will call you back or make any gestures that they want to be with you. Get on with your life. Go out and have some fun with your friends. If there's a new activity you want to try, get on it. Now's the time to focus on you and your needs and wants. When your ex sees that you can still have a good time and now wallow in misery over the break up, it will remind them of several things about you-that you are fun-loving and mature-and this will make them miss you even more. This is a great way to win back lost love.

Thus, it is possible to win back lost love, but you have to understand that if things don't change, the relationship will fail again. So, to win back lost love, prepare to do some hard work and you will be successful.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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    LNWritten by Lyra Noah

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