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How To Be Friends With An Ex Girlfriend You Still Love (I Want To Be Friends With My Ex But I Still Love Her)

Isn't it frustrating that you have to spend your time trying to figure out how to be friends with an ex girlfriend you still love, when it seems like everyone else is walking around happy and in perfect little relationships. If you're saying I want to be friends with my ex but I still love her this article will explain just what to do?

By Lyra NoahPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How To Be Friends With An Ex Girlfriend You Still Love (I Want To Be Friends With My Ex But I Still Love Her)
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Are you asking, 'Can I remain as friends with my ex'? You know what? For people who ask this question, almost 90% of them really want to be more than friends. In other words, if you are wondering whether you can still be friends with your ex, chances are, what you really want is to get back together with your ex.

You are simply using 'being friends' as an excuse to keep in close proximity with your ex. You hope that eventually, your ex is going to come back to you. Now, it is really important to be honest with yourself regarding this issue.

Do you really just want to remain as friends? Nothing more? Being honest with yourself is good for you. By knowing what you want, you will know what action you can take. The truth is, there are better ways to get back together with your ex than to stay as friends.

In fact, there is always the danger of falling into the 'friend zone', a zone that is hard to come out. This seems to be especially true for guys. When a guy fall into a friend zone with his ex girlfriend, it is probably quite hard to make the girl like him as a romantic partner again.

So, to answer the question, 'Can I remain as friends with my ex'? The short answer is yes. However, if the purpose of remaining as friends is to get your ex back, then there are better way for you to do so than to just remain as friends.

Basics of How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

How to get your girlfriend back is something that you need to consider seriously if you still love her like old times. Getting your girlfriend back is easy if you analyze what went wrong and take steps to correct the situation. What you need to take are some sincere steps that will convince your ex girlfriend of you sincerity and honest intentions without actually being too overbearing.

First and foremost thing is to have confidence in your abilities. Think about this for a while. Is this an ego trip or was this breakup really for the best? To get your girlfriend back requires you to understand both yourself and her. Sometimes subconsciously, we do things for our own good. So may be you did the right thing. Did you break up the relationship because she was not really the right one for you?

If after analyzing all of this, the answer is that you really want her back, it might be possible if you have the right approach. Be honest with yourself about why the breakup occurred. You do not have to tell anyone else about it, just for you know. How to get your girlfriend back and see that the relationship flourishes again, both of you will have to really want it and work hard at it. Let me assure you that although women might seem strange in their way of thinking; that very strangeness might swing the tide in your favor. She in her heart might want to get together too. There is usually always some hope.

There are many reasons for a relationship to deteriorate, and some are worse than others are. Sometimes one party is too obstinate or domineering, and no one wants to be an absolute doormat for someone else. Sometimes the problem is lack of trust in the other party. If you are guilty of steeping out with somebody else and have guilty feelings, do not try to take it out on her. This is the worse move you can ever make in your life, particularly if she ever finds out about it and she probably will. She might be the last to know because she trusted you and never suspected anything but there are always plenty of informers.

True love is always forgiving and unselfish and it has a natural effect for the better. For an example, I had a choice of a puppy out of a litter but my selection was a beautiful dog. One homely black puppy kept crawling into my lap with great persistence and I kept putting him back. However, he was the one I finally took home. On the way home, all he did was vomit all over the car and me. If someone had said, I will give you a million dollars for that puppy now I would not have taken it. How did he then manage to persuade me to take him? By showing love and devotion to me that had no equal, which made me forget his misdemeanors? That says it all. The puppy in his own way has given you lessons on how to establish the best relationship - by being persistence - which will make your girlfriend forgive your bad behavior in the past.

So now we have it, is this true love? Is your love unselfish and forgiving or self centered? Are you patient and understanding? People are not perfect; both sides will have a lot of forgiving to do during a long-standing relationship for it to last a lifetime. This is something you must learn to accept, she is not perfect and neither are you. You have to accept each other as you are.

We can all change for the better to some extent; it takes a while and you need a strong desire to accomplish this. Sometimes an undesirable segment of our personally is something that we carry forward from our parents or it becomes a habit that needs to be broken. If you both work together mutually to reestablish your relationship it will draw you both closer together.

Often a person's own fears can seriously damage their relationships. It might be your fears or hers. Maybe she thinks she is not attractive enough to hold you or any number of things. So consider all these issues seriously, see where both of you went wrong and how you can rectify your shortcomings. Knowing your shortcoming and rectifying then is the foundation on which the whole idea of how to get your girlfriend back stands. The more solid the foundation is, the better are your chances of getting your girlfriend back.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!


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    LNWritten by Lyra Noah

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