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Each Footprint Tells a Story

Following the Footsteps of Adventure

By Aya muradPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

My morning routine had become lifeless. Wake up, grab coffee, commute, work, come home exhausted only to repeat it all the next day. As I went through the motions each morning, I couldn't help this it? Is this what my one precious life amounts to? Just existing from one day to the next? Oscar Wilde's quote cut straight through my numb haze - "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." Ouch. Was I merely existing instead of truly living?

Let’s be honest, life can sometimes feel like this endless loop of responsibilities, bills, and to-dos. We're all caught up in this whirlwind, right? But here’s the kicker – are we actually living, or are we just going through the motions, day in and day out?

In reflecting deeply on this question, I realized that at some point I had stopped chasing dreams. My playful creative passions took a backseat to paychecks and routine. I sleepwalked through days rather than skipping along merrily. When did vibrant living get replaced by mundane existence?

And that led me to another question, what is living? After long days of thinking and falling into this rabbit hole, here’s what I realized. Living is more than just surviving or going about our routines. It's about feeling alive, experiencing the ups and downs, and relishing every moment – the good, the bad, and the messy. It's about breaking free from the monotony and diving headfirst into the extraordinary.

There is a way to really live and not just exist. It starts with deciding to inject some excitement into our lives, seeking out those moments that make us feel alive. It's about saying yes to things that scare us a bit, pursuing what we love, and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, especially when it comes to love and connection. And that’s exactly what I started doing, I began welcoming inspiration and creativity back into each day. I said yes more even when easier to say no. I challenged old assumptions of what was possible.

Living isn't a to-do list; it’s a journey. It’s about exploring the uncharted territories of our hearts and minds, discovering what makes us feel alive. It’s about connecting with people, sharing stories, and building a collection of memories that we can hold onto when life gets tough.

Remember that moment in your life that felt truly alive? It might have been something small or a big, life-changing event. These moments are the ones that make up a life well-lived.

Now, I’m not saying we all need to quit our jobs and become adrenaline junkies (unless that's your thing – then go for it!). Living authentically is about making everyday moments count, infusing them with purpose and presence. It’s about finding joy in the ordinary and recognizing the beauty that exists in the everyday.

As prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “The one among you who wakes up secure in his property, healthy in his body and has his food for the day, it is as if the whole world were brought to him.”

Living is an art, a dance with the unpredictable rhythm of life. It means letting go of fear, being open to the unknown, and savoring the richness of every experience. It’s understanding that time is ticking, and every moment we spend just existing is a moment we can’t get back.

Make a promise to live, truly and deeply! Chase sunsets, dance like no one's watching, and savor the flavors of life with a hunger that can only be satisfied by fully living in the moment. Because, my friends, to live is the rarest thing in the world, and we owe it to ourselves to be among the few who grab this rarity with both hands.

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About the Creator

Aya murad

Aspiring writer looking to connect and inspire through the power of words. Let's grab coffee and see where the conversation takes us!

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    Aya muradWritten by Aya murad

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