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Decoding Human Behavior

Unveiling 20+ Psychological Tricks to Read People Like an Open Book

By Autumn WyntersPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Decoding Human Behavior
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash


Have you ever wished you could read people's minds? While mind-reading may not be possible, understanding and interpreting human behavior can provide valuable insights into someone's thoughts and emotions. In this article, we will explore over 20 psychological tricks that can help you read people like an open book. By paying attention to nonverbal cues and body language, you can gain the upper hand in conversations and better understand the people around you.

Closing Their Eyes:

When someone closes their eyes while talking to you, it indicates that they are trying to escape from the outside world. It doesn't necessarily mean they are afraid of you, but rather that they have mentally disengaged from the conversation.

Covering Their Mouth:

The habit of covering the mouth stems from childhood, where it was used to hide secrets. Even as adults, we may cover our mouths with a few fingers, a palm, or even a fist to restrain ourselves from saying something we don't want to reveal.

Chewing on Objects:

Chewing on objects such as glasses, pens, or gum is a subconscious behavior that signifies worry or a desire to feel safe. It reflects a nostalgic need for security, similar to the comfort of being breastfed as an infant.

"Presenting" Their Face:

Resting the chin on hands is a gesture often used to attract the opposite sex. By presenting their face, individuals signal openness and invite others to enjoy their company. It can be particularly effective for men looking to compliment a lady at the right moment.

Rubbing Their Chin:

Rubbing the chin is a common gesture people use when deep in thought or making decisions. The direction of their gaze doesn't matter, as their focus is internal. If you notice someone rubbing their chin, it may be a good time to ask what's on their mind.

Crossed Arms:

Crossing arms is a popular defensive gesture that subconsciously creates a barrier between oneself and others. It often indicates irritation or a lack of interest. If someone has their arms crossed, it's best to avoid initiating conversation with them.

Fixing Their Posture:

When a woman wants to draw attention, she often straightens her back to emphasize her physical attributes. Crossing legs, hands together, and hanging down are signs of attentiveness and great interest in the person she is interacting with.

Leaning Forward:

Leaning forward during a conversation signifies genuine interest and a desire to get closer to the other person. It's an unconscious movement that indicates liking or wanting to know more about someone.

Leaning Back:

On the contrary, leaning back while sitting shows disinterest or a desire to end the conversation. It suggests discomfort in the presence of the other person. Observing this body language can help you gauge someone's level of engagement.

Swinging From Heels to Toes:

Swinging from heels to toes is a sign of anxiety. However, if a person bounces up and down on their toes without the swinging motion, it could indicate confidence and happiness.

Rubbing Hands:

Rubbing hands together generally conveys positive feelings and hopeful expectations. People often do this when they anticipate favorable outcomes in the near future. It's a common gesture associated with optimism.

The "Glove" Handshake:

If someone takes your wrist with their free hand while shaking hands, it signifies trustworthiness, friendliness, and honesty. However, this gesture should be reserved for close relationships, as it can be seen as an invasion of privacy.

Palm Orientation During Handshakes:

The orientation of the palm during a handshake can communicate power dynamics. A downward-facing palm indicates dominance and superiority, while an upward-facing palm signifies a willingness to help and support. Understanding these cues can help you navigate social interactions effectively.

Cupping Hands:

When someone cups your hand between both of theirs and places their free palm on the back of your hand, it indicates sympathy and compassion. However, the timing of this gesture is crucial. If it occurs after the initial handshake, it may signal an attempt to assert dominance.

Touching During Handshakes:

People sometimes touch others with their free hand during a handshake, such as touching the forearm, elbow, or back. This indicates a need for attention or more communication. The closer the touch is to the torso, the stronger the desire for connection.

Fixing the Tie:

Fixing the tie can have different meanings depending on the situation. It can suggest attraction or discomfort. When someone adjusts their tie while interacting with an attractive person, it often signifies interest. However, it can also indicate unease or a desire to escape from the current environment.

Collecting Imaginary Lint:

The act of collecting imaginary lint is a replacement gesture used to express disagreement without directly voicing it. It serves as a hidden way of communicating disagreement or discomfort.

Feet on the Desk:

Placing feet on the desk can convey various messages, such as bad manners, disrespect, a need to assert authority or even concern for one's health. However, psychologists advise against sitting in this position outside the comfort of one's home.

Mounting a Chair Like a Horse:

Sitting on a chair as if riding a horse is a dominant posture that can make others feel intimidated or perceive aggression. To avoid appearing submissive, it's best to stand while someone else adopts this posture.

Playing with Shoes:

When a woman plays with her shoe, it signals a state of calmness and relaxation. It also serves as a way to draw attention to her legs. Gentlemen take note of this subtle invitation.

Eye Contact:

Eye contact is a powerful communication tool. Increased pupil size indicates attraction, while decreased pupil size may indicate anger. Avoiding eye contact may signal dishonesty or discomfort, while unbroken staring can be used to intimidate or deceive. The frequency of blinking can also reveal attraction or interest.


By paying attention to body language and nonverbal cues, you can develop the ability to read people more effectively. These psychological tricks provide insights into someone's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. However, it's important to remember that these cues are not foolproof and should be considered in context. By honing your skills in decoding human behavior, you can improve your communication, understanding, and relationships with others.


Cuddy, A. J., & Carney, D. R. (2015). Power posing: Brief nonverbal displays affect neuroendocrine levels and risk tolerance. Psychological Science, 21(10), 1363-1368.

Ekman, P. (2003). Emotions revealed: Recognizing faces and feelings to improve communication and emotional life. Macmillan.

Givens, D. B. (2002). Love signals: A practical field guide to the body language of courtship. St. Martin's Press.

Navarro, J., & Karlins, M. (2008). What every body is saying: An ex-FBI agent's guide to speed-reading people. Harper Collins.

Pease, A., & Pease, B. (2006). The definitive book of body language. Orion Publishing Group.

Wood, J. (2015). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. Cengage Learning.

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About the Creator

Autumn Wynters

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